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newsOver the past few years, law firms and lawyers have grappled with a rapidly changing business landscape, thanks in large part to the COVID-19 pandemic. Along with new ways of working, the industry has seen the emergence of new practice areas. For legal networks, this has meant guiding their clients through uncertainty.

COVID-19 has changed many things — from the way we work, to the kind of work and skills prized by employers. While the legal industry was already undergoing rapid change prior to the pandemic, new practice areas are speeding ahead, requiring a strategy adjustment along the way.

Adam Cooke, executive director at legal network Multilaw, says there have been a range of developments contrib-uting to emerging practice areas globally over the past couple of years.

“We are seeing growth in the following practice areas for our firms: blockchain, NFTs and the metaverse, crypto litigation, cybersecurity, data privacy, cannabis law and ESG,” he says.

As a result, legal networks have introduced a variety of initiatives span-ning these focuses in order to ensure clients are supported amongst these evolving areas.

Multilaw, Cooke says, has devised a thought leadership content strategy for 2022 which aims provide member law firms and their clients with insights in order to ensure they are well placed to meet these new trends head on.

A variety of formats are used, including “webinars, toolkits, reports, roadmaps, videos, articles, Q&As, check-lists, blogs, podcasts,” Cooke says.

Among these recent topics and resources include material that asks the big questions — from “blockchain and NFTs are smart, but can they revo-lutionise the fashion industry?” and “Cybersecurity – Best practices for global organisations: a horizon-scan of looming cyber-attack and national secu-rity issues,” to an examination of privacy rights in the Metaverse.

For member firms, the network has announced the launch of a range of tools and resources, including an ESG toolkit, which offers best practice guidance on implementing proactive and measurable ESG strategies.

Firms can also access a report on how to attract and retain the next generation of lawyers, a checklist to help support transforming D&I intentions into reality, with “guidance to on how to deliver effec-tive D&I initiatives internally, as well as be able to consult clients on policies” and a Digital Transformation Roadmap “recommending which technologies should be invested in, their wider bene-fits and impact, as well as how to lay a strong foundation for digital practices,” says Cooke, noting that “networks are increasingly being expected to serve as knowledge hubs for the firms they serve around the world.”

While many markets are showing promising signs of pandemic recovery, the impacts linger.

“Echoes of the COVID-19 pandemic continue to ring loud and clear across all regions and industries. For law firms, the aftershock has hit twice: first in dealing with the direct effects of changing lock-down restrictions, hybrid working, and widespread uncertainty. And secondly, managing the indirect impacts these unknowns have had on clients and their legal requirements,” Cooke says.

He points to a recent member survey on what law firm priorities are as coun-tries emerge from the pandemic.

“The top responses were: to focus on talent acquisition and retention, prioritise improving workforce planning, improve the use of and investment in legal tech-nology, to embrace sustainability best practice [and] to commit to inclusion and diversity,” Cooke says.

Taking these needs on board, the network responded with a deep-dive report to help guide leaders through the “new normal.”

“Multilaw responded by producing a 35 page report titled ‘Navigating 2022: The priorities, challenges, and strategies of leading law firms across the globe’ which seeks to act as a handbook for the leaders of our firms who find themselves in a new world post-pandemic,” Cooke says.

While law firms have certainly changed, so too has the role of GCs and the work of in-house teams — another area requiring a response from law firm networks.

“The role of the GC has become increasingly important as a result of the pandemic. As issues such hybrid working, workforce retention and ESG come to the fore GCs are increasingly finding themselves acting as strategic advisors within their organisations, often with a seat on the board, in addition to their traditional legal duties,” Cooke says.

As 2022 well and truly kicks off, for law firm networks, it will be another year of adjustment and supportive offerings — and new strategic goals.

Cooke notes an Africa expansion is something the law firm network is working on, along with “strong sustaina-bility and D&I initiatives” that will “assist in setting an example for our firms to follow... also, a focus on technology and digitalisation which will help us serve our members more effectively.”




法律事務所専門ネットワーク・サービス「マルチロー(Multilaw)」のアダム・ク ック事務局長は新たな分野に、過去2年間で世界的に成長が見られると言う。


結果として、進化し続ける一連の分野でもクライアントを支援するため、同ネ ットワークは、これらの焦点に対処するため、さまざまな取り組みを導入しいる。


このセミナーには、「ウェビナーやツ ールキット、レポートやロードマップ、動画、記事、Q&A、チェックリスト、ブログ、ポ ッドキャスト」等、さまざまな形式が利用されているという。

これらの媒体で提供する話題やリソ ースの中には、大きな問いを投げかけるものがある。例えば「ブロックチェーンやNFTはスマートだが、ファッション業界にも革命をもたらすことができるのか」とか、「グローバルに操業している組織のためのベストプラクティスとして、サイバーセキュリティーへの対応策としての、迫り来るサイバー攻撃と国家安全保障問題のホリゾンタル・スキャニング(将来、社会に大きな影響をもたらす可能性のある変化の兆候をいち早く捉えるために、利用可能な情報を体系的・継続的に収集・分析し、潜在的なリスクや可能性を把握する活動)」からメタバースにおけるプライバシー権の検討まで、さまざまな課題にはどのように取り組むべきなのか、といった問いだ。

会員法律事務所向けには、同ネットワークは、ESG戦略を予防的かつ測定可能な形で導入するためのベスト・プラクテ ィスを紹介するESGツールキットなど、一連のツールやリソースの立ち上げを発表してきた。

また、会員法律事務所は、次世代法律家を惹きつけて雇用を維持する方法についてのレポートや、ダイバーシティ&インクルージョン(D&I)の目的を現実に落とし込むのに役立つチェックリスト、「効果的なD&Iの取り組みを事務所内で実施するためのガイダンスおよびクライアントのポリシーの助言」にアクセスでき、また、デジタルトランスフォーメーション(DX)のロードマップでは、「投 資すべきテクノロジー、その幅広いメリットと効果、そしてデジタルプラクティスの強力な基盤を構築する方法を推奨しています」と、クック事務局長は述べる。その背景として、同事務局長は、「世界中のクライアントは、ネ ットワークがナレッジハブとして機能することをますます期待している」ことを挙げる。






「私共は、『2022年の指針(Navigating 2022)』と題する35ページのレポートを作成することで応じました。アフターコロナの新しい世界に対応している世界中の大手法律事務所の優先事項、課題、戦略について、事務所経営陣のハンドブックとしての役目を果たすことを目指しています」と、同事務局長は述べる。






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