
In April 2022, the Tokyo Stock Exchange (the “TSE”) will change its current existing market segments to “Standard”, “Prime” and “Growth” markets. In conjunction with this market system restructuring, the TSE made, in June 2021, corresponding revisions to the Corporate Governance Code (the “CG Code”). As such, inevitably, officers and employees, including in-house lawyers, in listed companies and companies aiming to make an IPO on the TSE need to understand these revisions and handle their corporate governance issues taking such revisions into consideration.

The CG Code provides a practical framework to support appropriate decision-making by management for increasing corporate value in the medium-to-long-term and serves as a common foundation for constructive dialogue with investors. The CG Code adopts a principle-based approach based on which each listed company shall substantially interpret and apply the CG Code based on its own circumstances without being limited by the text of the CG Code itself.

The main topics of the revisions to the CG Code are as follows:

  1. Enhancing board independence
    • For Prime Market listed companies, increase in the number of independent directors from at least two to at least one-third of the board (where necessary, a majority of the board members should be elected as independent directors)      
    • Establish a nomination committee and a remuneration committee (for Prime Market listed companies, a majority of the committee members should be independent directors in principle)
    • Identify skills that the board members should have in light of the company’s business strategies, and disclose a skills matrix, etc., with respect to the board members
    • Enlist independent directors having managerial experiences at other companies
  2. Ensuring diversity
    • Construct a board of an appropriate size and in a manner to achieve diversity, including gender, international experience, work experience and age
    • Disclose, in a promotion to core human resources, a policy, voluntary measurable targets and progress for ensuring diversity, such as promotion of women, foreign nationals and midcareer hires to middle managerial positions
    • Disclose policies for human resource development and internal environment development to ensure diversity and the status of implementation
  3. Attention to sustainability and ESG
    • Recognize that dealing with sustainability issues, such as global environmental issues, human rights, fair and appropriate treatment of the workforce, fair and reasonable transactions with suppliers, and crisis management for natural disasters, are important management issues that can lead to earning opportunities as well as risk mitigation, and consistently address these issues positively and proactively
    • Develop a fundamental policy and disclose initiatives on sustainability
    • Enhance the quality and quantity of climate-related disclosure based on TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures) recommendations or equivalent international frameworks in Prime Market listed companies
  4. Others
    • Appoint independent directors to make up at least one-third (a majority, in cases of Prime Market listed companies) of the board or establish an independent special committee at companies that have a controlling shareholder, thereby making it possible to deal with conflicts of interest between the controlling shareholder and minority shareholders
    • For Prime Market listed companies, make electronic voting platforms available at least to institutional investors, and disclose and provide necessary information in their disclosure documents in English

In particular, the Prime Market is expected to become an attractive market not only domestically but also internationally, with top-tier companies gathering as leading investment targets in Japan. It is, therefore, important for companies that aim to be listed on the Prime Market to pursue their initiatives to achieve higher levels of corporate governance so they are ready and prepared when such time comes.



CGコードは、中長期的な企業価値増大に向けた経営者による的確な意思決定を支える実務的な枠組みを示したものであり、投資家との建設的な対話における共通基盤となるものである。CGコードでは、プリンシプルベース・アプローチ(原則主義)が採用され、各上場会社がCGコ ードの形式的な文言・記載にとらわれず、自社の状況を踏まえて実質的に解釈・適用するものとされている。


  1. 取締役会の機能発揮
    • プライム市場上場会社においては、選任が必要な独立社外取締役が現行の2名以上から取締役会の3分の1以上に増加(必要と考える場合は過半数の独立社外取締役を選任)
    • 指名委員会・報酬委員会を設置(プライム市場上場会社においては、各委員会の構成員の過半数を独立社外取締役とすることを基本とする)
    • 経営戦略に照らして取締役が備えるべきスキル等を特定し、取締役のスキル・マトリックス等を開示
    • 独立社外取締役には、他社での経営経験者を含める
  2. 多様性(ダイバーシティ)の確保
    • 適正規模と多様性(ジェンダーや国際性、職歴、年齢等)を両立させる形で取締役会を構成
    • 女性・外国人・中途採用者の管理職への登用等、中核人材の登用等における多様性の確保についての考え方、自主的かつ測定可能な目標、その進捗状況を開示
    • 多様性の確保に向けた人材育成方針と社内環境整備方針をその実施状況と併せて開示
  3. サステナビリティ・ESGへの取組み
    • 地球環境問題、人権、従業員の公正・適切な処遇、取引先との公正・適正な取引、自然災害への危機管理等、サステナビリティを巡る課題への対応が、リスクの減少のみならず収益機会にもつながる重要な経営課題であると認識した上で、これらの課題に積極的・能動的に取り組むよう検討を深める
    • 自社のサステナビリティについての基本的な方針を作成し、その取組みを開示
    • プライム市場上場会社においては、TCFD(Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclo sure s)またはそれと同等の国際的な枠組みに基づく気候変動に関する開示の質と量の充実を進める
  4. その他
    • 支配株主を有する会社は、取締役会において独立社外取締役を少なくとも3分の1以上(プライム市場上場会社においては過半数)選任するか、または支配株主と少数株主との利益相反について審議・検討を行う、独立性を有する特別委員会を設置
    • プライム市場上場会社においては、少なくとも機関投資家向けに議決権電子行使プラットフォームを利用可能とし、また、開示書類のうち必要とされる情報について、英語で開示・提供


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