1 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS – APRIL 2024 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM COVER STORY 18 ALB Employer of Choice 2024 Law firms were already grappling with the challenge of keeping their members, particularly the younger generation, engaged, motivated, and committed. However, the advent of a groundbreaking new technology, in the form of generative artificial intelligence (Gen AI), has added another significant variable. Firms say that while it will be important to integrate Gen AI in a safe and impactful manner, effective talent retention is rooted in a humancentric approach that prioritises care, understanding, and communication. By Sarah Wong FEATURES 14 Arrested development When Indonesia established a carbon trading mechanism last year, the move was welcomed across the board. However, a lack of strong implementing regulations, regulatory uncertainty, and insufficient business incentives have combined to ensure slow-going for the country’s carbon trading market. 16 Different strokes As the transformative era of Gen AI continues to redefine creativity, it is also igniting debates on copyright laws and ethical boundaries. And as legal battles over intellectual property intensify, courts in different jurisdictions are taking unique approaches to the larger questions surrounding ownership of art and content created by this new technology. 28 Final frontier Government-led efforts to improve regulatory and financial barriers in India’s space sector are rapidly creating an important new market for the country’s law firms, which are looking at increased work for their M&A, private capital investment, project finance, intellectual property and technology lawyers. 30 Bright spot With China sputtering out of global investors’ sights, buyout firms sitting atop a record amount of unused capital increasingly turned to Southeast Asia. Lawyers in Indonesia and Malaysia share what they have seen in the local private equity markets and the factors driving the growth in investor interest. 32 One country, one law The codification of contract and civil principles under the Civil Transaction Law is a historic first for Saudi Arabia. Lawyers in the country believe the law will create a sophisticated and internationalised legal market, as more global capital pours in. 36 Rein in the robots When it comes to generative artificial intelligence (Gen AI), China is leading the world in both regulation formulation and judicial practice. Experts share with ALB the latest moves by Chinese regulators and courts. BRI EFS 3 The Briefing 4 Forum 7 Q&A 8 Explainer 9 Deals 10 Appointments CONTENTS 30 Bright spot Image: Olivier Le Moal/