21 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS – APRIL 2024 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM empowering our exceptional team, we can continue to deliver exceptional results and exceed the expectations of our clients and stakeholders,” says Dato’ Azmi Mohd Ali, senior partner at Azmi & Associates. Apart from easing the burden of grunt work on lawyers, AI has also been directly incorporated into some law firms’ talent development strategy altogether in order to nurture a new generation of tech-savvy lawyers. Azmi & Associates has provided comprehensive training and upskilling opportunities to team members to leverage AI tools effectively in their daily work. “Through targeted training programs, workshops, and seminars, we empower our team members to enhance their digital literacy, adapt to emerging technologies, and leverage innovative solutions to deliver exceptional client service,” says Dato’ Azmi. “By fostering a culture of innovation and embracing AI as a strategic asset, we empower our talent to harness the full potential of technology while preserving the human touch and expertise TILLEKE & GIBBINS COVER STORY