14 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 APRIL 2024 COVER STORY 网络与数据安全领域法律规则不断细化,监管政策日益趋严,引发相关法律服务需求不断增加。如今, 数据保护也成为了企业合规内控管理中的重要一环。ALB年关注网络安全和数据保护领域的优秀律师, 十五位上榜者不仅拥有过硬的法律专业素养,也具备敏锐的全球视野,为客户在不断变化的数字商业时 代提供综合性法律解决方案。 排名:亚洲法律杂志 作者:吴卓言 In the wake of increasingly stringent regulations and granular rules, the demand for legal services specializing in data and cybersecurity has surged exponentially. In today’s digital landscape, data protection has emerged as a critical cornerstone of corporate governance and robust internal controls. ALB proudly presents a curated list of the Top 15 Cybersecurity and Data Protection Lawyers, recognizing their exceptional professional acumen, global vision, and an illustrious track record of delivering comprehensive, cutting-edge solutions to clients navigating the ever-evolving digital business realm. RANKING BY ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS, TEXT BY CHARLIE WU With the advancement of technologies like big data and AI, the digital economy has been on the fast track as a major economic pillar of China and even the world. An important factor of production with its potential and value proven in socio-economic development, data provides a key impetus to quality development. China’s 14th Five-Year Plan for the Development of the Digital Economy proposed the goal of building China into a digital economic power with significant international competitiveness and influence by 2025. Economic development drives legal system building. The laws and regulations in the field of cybersecurity and data protection are evolving with the times. In 2023, rules in all aspects from personal information protection, and cross-border flow of data, to AI, cybersecurity and data protection were refined and improved. The inauguration of the National Data Administration last October also suggests an important step for the country toward establishing a sound data-based system. The unprecedented AI boom last year raises concerns about its compliance in the legal community and regulatory policies are being introduced. The Provisions on the Administration of Deep Synthesis of Internet Information Services and The Interim Measures for the Administration of Generative Artificial Intelligence Services came into force, imposing a certain level of compliance obligations on service providers in terms of data model training, product evaluation and filing, content management, and protection of user rights and interests. Against the backdrop, ALB has launched a list of outstanding lawyers specializing in cybersecurity and data protection for the second year in a row. Hailing from diverse industries including Internet, finance, energy, pharmaceuticals, logistics, etc., the lawyers on the list talked with ALB about their career paths, recent hot topics, and how to differentiate themselves in the increasingly competitive market. BE THERE AND DO IT Gong Lin, a Partner of Grandway Law Offices with 20 years of experience, oversees the organization’s compliance business in cybersecurity and data protection. While serving clients from sectors like finance, e-commerce, culture and tourism, health care, and automobile, she felt keenly that cybersecurity and