17 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA COVER STORY businesses. New rules may lead to varying compliance costs and even adverse effects on existing business models and application scenarios. Lawyers must deal with such issues as how to cope with new and updated regulations, how to provide region-specific solutions with clear priorities, and how to build compliance awareness of cybersecurity and data protection among clients.” Gong highlights the perfect definition of data security in the Data Security Law. “Data security means that necessary measures are taken to ensure the state of effective protection and lawful utilization of data and have the capability to safeguard the continuing state of security.” She believes that effective protection hinges on the use of targeted technologies, legal utilization means legal services tailored for cybersecurity and data protection, and continuous security requires a focus on compliance management. So a combination of technology, law, and management is the recipe for success in cybersecurity and data protection cases. “Lawyers in this field should have a good command of relevant laws and regulations. On top of that, we need to understand applicable technological means (e.g., privacy computing, de-identification, anonymization) and corresponding legal effects, as well as effective management measures and proof methods, including common management systems and data management capability maturity models. Only with dedication and interdisciplinary learning and practice can we help businesses conclude cybersecurity and data protection projects from more dimensions with confidence.” Yuan Lizhi shares the source of confidence in this market. “To stay ahead in fierce competition, we must stay tuned and gain insights into international situations, industrial development, and market trends, quickly understand new areas and issues, and deliver sound legal services faster than expected. In this way, we can attract high-quality clients.” LOOKING AHEAD Digital development will catalyze social and economic development, which mandates a better regulatory system for data protection. The balance between security and development is now a challenge facing all sectors. How will the ranked lawyers keep “riding the waves”? How are they contemplating their career aspirations? Luo aspires to make data flow and utilization safer and more cost-effective together with peers. “We are one of the first teams in China to focus on data compliance. We have been witnessing, with the momentum of exploration and innovation, the development of cybersecurity and data protection in China. We hope to benefit more enterprises with the experience we have accumulated along the way.”