21 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA BROUGHT TO YOU BY DACHENG LAW OFFICES 戴健民 Jianmin (Ken) Dai 合伙人 Partner Ken Dai, a partner of Dacheng Law Offices, is listed on the 2024 ALB China Top 15 Cybersecurity & Data Protection Lawyers for his quality services on data compliance. He talks with ALB about his professional achievements and insights. ALB: Congratulations Ken! What have you achieved last year? Ken Dai, partner of Dacheng Law Offices: We have completed cases on cross-border data transfer, cybersecurity investigation, and building up data compliance policies, which required us to consider both the impact on business and the increasingly detailed regulation, thus striking a balance between leniency and strictness. We have also advised companies on AIGC compliance. ALB: You are one of the first batch of lawyers practicing data protection and cybersecurity in China. What trends have you observed recently and how do you respond to these trends and challenges? Ken Dai: Since I started practicing data protection & privacy, and cybersecurity in 2012, I have been witnessing the rapid development of the field. Firstly, as more lawyers turn to practice data compliance, the market grows more competitive. Secondly, laws and regulations are changing rapidly. Lawyers need to get familiar with not only the Cybersecurity Law, Data Security Law, and Personal Information Protection Law, but specific regulations in the relevant industries. Thirdly, lawyers need to anticipate possible risks and provide flexible legal advice. Lastly, a wave of Chinese enterprises going global fuels global cases led by Chinese practitioners. ALB: How do you help clients build a sound data compliance system against increasingly stringent regulation? Ken Dai: Lawyers need to communicate thoroughly with their management to align the knowledge and expectations of the case. A one-sizefits-all approach may not work, and real situations should be considered. Coordination with global headquarters is necessary. Many EU and U.S. companies follow the GDPR or CCRA system, and whether the established systems work in China is the crux of the matter. ALB: You are also one of the first batch of lawyers focusing on antitrust law in China, is your experience an advantage in the provision of data compliance services? Ken Dai: First of all, data is an important factor of production and a strategic resource for businesses whose competitiveness is inseparable from data. Many business models and patterns in the future will revolve around data, so antitrust is naturally closely related to data. Secondly, antitrust lawyers can quickly grasp the business model and core competitiveness of an industry or enterprise. Data compliance is often based on real business scenarios and models. Likewise, antitrust law is based on the business models. I have been practicing antitrust law since 2007, making me one of China’s pioneer antitrust lawyers and I am also among the first generation of data compliance lawyers. If a case involves both data and antitrust issues, we are in a better situation. In 2017, for example, my team handled the first case on data security and the abuse of dominant market position after the Cybersecurity Law came into force. It is the intersection of data security and antitrust. ALB: What have you learned in delivering a full range of data compliance services at home and abroad for twelve years? Ken Dai: It is important to understand our clients. We need to clarify their business scenarios and models, and data mapping within the organization, to understand how their departments relate to data. We also need to assist clients in looking at data from different dimensions like strategy, risk control and compliance, thus better satisfying their needs. 耕耘数据合规十二载,助力企业数字化转型 ——专访 2024 ALB China 十五佳网络安全和数据保护律师: 大成律师事务所合伙人戴健民律师 Twelve Years of Devotion, a Data Compliance Veteran Guides Businesses in Digitalization — Interview with 2024 ALB China Top 15 Cybersecurity & Data Protection Lawyers Winner: Jianmin Dai, partner of Dacheng Law Offices 大成律师事务所合伙人戴健民律师凭借着多年来深耕数据合规的优质法律服 务与客户的认可,上榜2024 ALB China 十五佳网络安全和数据保护律师榜单。 他与ALB聊了聊自己的亮眼成绩与专业心得。 ALB:戴律师,恭喜您上榜2024 ALB China 十五佳网络安全和数据保护律 师!过去一年,您取得了哪些亮眼的成绩? 戴健民律师,大成律师事务所合伙人:过去一年,我们完成了数据出境、网络 安全调查、数据合规体系搭建等项目,这要求律师既要考虑到给业务带来的 影响,也考虑到越发细致的监管颗粒度,需把握宽严之间的平衡。此外,协助 企业进行生成式人工智能(AIGC)的合规也是我们完成的项目之一。 ALB:作为最早一批在中国网络安全与数据保护领域进行实践的律师之一, 就您观察该领域近年来有哪些新的发展趋势,然后面对这些趋势和挑战,您 又有何应对之道? 戴健民律师:自2012年开始从事数据保护与网络安全法律实务以来,我一直 见证该领域在中国的快速发展。针对目前的市场发展,在我看来,数据合规律 师的增多必然带来了更为激烈的市场竞争;其次,法律法规发展迅速,律师不 仅需要熟悉《网络安全法》《数据安全法》《个人信息保护法》,还需要关注相 关行业的具体规定;第三,律师在协助客户做好合规的同时也需具备预判性, 为客户提出具有弹性的法律意见;最后,随着中国企业的强势出海,中国律师 作为牵头律师去主导全球数据合规项目也成为了新的趋势。 ALB:面对日益趋严的监管环境,您如何助力企业搭建并完善数据合规体系, 填补自身管理空白? 戴健民律师:首先,律师需要与企业管理层充分沟通,拉齐数据合规项目的认 知与预期。其次,搭建企业数据合规体系并不能一味一刀切,需要结合企业自 身情况开展。此外,在中国建立数据合规体系需做好与全球总部之间的协调, 很多欧盟、美国公司本身具有基于GDPR或CCPA的数据合规体系,这些已经 搭建好的体系能否在中国适用也往往是项目的关键。 ALB:除了数据保护这个领域之外,您也是中国第一代的反垄断法的律师,其 实是一个非常独特的履历,就您的经验而言这样的经历在为客户提供数据合 规法律服务的时候,是否有特定的优势? 戴健民律师:第一,数据作为重要生产要素与企业战略资源,本身就与企业 竞争力息息相关。且未来很多的经营模式甚至新的商业模式都将围绕数据开 展,所以反垄断也天然地与数据紧密相关。 第二,反垄断律师具备快速了解和把握一个行业和企业经营模式与核心 竞争力的能力。数据合规往往需要基于各种类型的商业场景,而反垄断法也 同样基于企业的业务模式展开。 我从2007年开始做反垄断业务,是中国第一代反垄断律师,也是第一代 数据合规律师。如遇数据与反垄断交叉项目,我们就具有天然优势。例如,我 于2017年带领团队处理了中国《网络安全法》生效以后的第一起数据安全与 滥用市场支配地位的案件,该案便涉及到了数据安全和反垄断的交叉。 ALB:耕耘数据合规十二载,在为客户提供境内外全方位的数据合规法律服 务方面,您有何经验心得? 戴健民律师:做数据合规一定要懂客户,需要厘清企业的商业场景和业务模 式,再结合数据要素在企业内部运转的逻辑,从而理解数据与业务部门的连 接。与此同时,律师也需要协助客户从战略、风控、合规等不同维度看数据,更 好地识别客户的真实需求,从而助力商业运营。