22 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 APRIL 2024 Since the introduction of Gen AI tools like ChatGPT in late 2022, the way humans interact with the new technology has progressed from simple questions and answers to using these tools for formal writing, creating images, and even generating videos. The commercial potential of Gen AI is also becoming increasingly evident. As people marvel at the capabilities of Gen AI, they are also starting to ask more questions about these intelligent tools. In 2023, dubbed the “First Year of Gen AI,” many have begun to scrutinize it from an intellectual property perspective. Regarding why the “attack” on Gen AI initially focused on intellectual property, He Wei, a partner at Wanhuida Intellectual Property, explains that it’s largely due to the technical characteristics of the large language model (LLM) that underpins it. “An LLM undergoes INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY When it comes to generative artificial intelligence (Gen AI), China is leading the world in both regulation formulation and judicial practice. In response to the many Gen AI-related intellectual property issues that are being hotly debated around the world, experts share with ALB the latest moves by Chinese regulators and courts. 在生成式人工智能(Gen AI)领域,中国无论在规则制定或司法实践领域都走在 世界前列。针对全球热议的诸多Gen AI相关知识产权问题,该领域专家分享了 中国监管者和法院的最新回应。 BY HU YANGXIAOXIAO 作者:胡阳潇潇 REIN IN THE ROBOTS 规制人工智能