29 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA EMPLOYER OF CHOICE After more than two months of survey, ALB unveils its 2024 ALB China Employer of Choice list. This year, over 3,000 law firm employees answered a series of questions in detail, such as those concerning career prospects, opportunities for partner promotion, job satisfaction, etc. Upon rigorous review, ALB presents 20 firms with extremely competitive talent resources. Compared to previous years, there are five new entrants this year, and 15 winners are Chinese firms while the remaining five are international firms with offices in mainland China. STRATEGY FIRST Generally speaking, faced with external difficulties at different levels in the past year, all firms interviewed admit that the pressure on talent and recruitment was particularly intense. According to Paul Zhou, director of the National Executive Committee of SGLA Law Firm, 2023 being the first year of the post-pandemic recovery phase, firms have, on the one hand, all turned to upscaling as the main direction to respond to market changes and continuously improve competitiveness and influence. As a result, the competitive pressure in terms of business development and talent attraction is far greater than before. “On the other hand, the number of lawyers newly entering practice has been growing at an extraordinary speed over the past two years. Although this has brought more talent to the industry, it has also affected industry per capita revenue generation. In addition, there has been a general decline in fresh domestic university graduates in prioritizing lawyering as their career choice.” With the industry as a whole suffering setbacks, top employers have developed robust systems and strategies based on their own situations to cope with uncertainty. Zhou says that unlike the “1+N” model adopted by many large national firms, SGLA is the first ever attempt on the Chinese legal services industry to adopt the “N+1” model to establish a national large firm. That is, many regional firms, after a long period of cooperation, have jointly transformed their business and created a national brand with Shanghai as its headquarters based on a high degree of consensus in terms of business philosophy, management structure, professional standards, strategic planning, etc. “Based on this unique model, our brand is currently in the phase of relatively rapid growth, attracting attention within the industry. In particular, some young lawyers who are facing key bottlenecks in their career have been attracted to SGLA by the rapid development and vitality of our brand and our support for young lawyers.” Zhou says that SGLA has no historical baggage and is more willing to help young lawyers raise their professional competency and guide them to participate in firm management and 跃动 新篇 功承瀛泰律师事务所秉持“海纳、精进、创新、协同、 传承”的理念,坚持长期主义,为客户持续创造价值。 功承瀛泰主要合伙人和律师均毕业于国内外一流法学院, 熟练运用多种语言提供法律服务。通过与英国夏礼文 (HFW)联营优势,积累了丰富的涉外法律服务经验。 功承瀛泰在航运与航空、保险与再保险、企业破产与重 组、银行金融、证券与资本市场、争议解决与国际仲裁 等传统业务领域持续深耕。在数据合规、医疗健康与生 命科学、财富传承等法律服务领域深耕细作。 功承瀛泰长期热心公益,打造了多个公益品牌和法学实 践教育品牌,彰显了律师坚定的社会担当。 截至目前,功承瀛泰在北京、上海、深圳、长春、广州、青 岛等地设立立立家办公室,新加坡等地分所正在筹建中, 为境内外客户提供一站式综合性法律服务。