38 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 APRIL 2024 ALB TIANTAI TOP 15 BUSINESS SUPPORT IN-HOUSE TEAMS AWARD CEREMONY 2024 On March 22, 2024, the ALB Tiantai Top 15 Business Support In-House Teams Award Ceremony 2024 was successfully held at the Four Seasons Hotel in Beijing. Representatives of the honored teams gathered in Beijing to witness this unforgettable moment of recognition. The ceremony began with opening remarks by Amantha Chia, head of legal media group at Thomson Reuters, and Chen Cong, director of Tiantai Law Firm. Chia highlighted the evolution of corporate in-house teams from “gatekeepers” to “strategic partners,” now deeply involved in business operations and essential to corporate decision-making. Chen welcomed all attendees and congratulated the winning teams, noting their contribution to company growth amidst complex business environments and looking forward to future opportunities and challenges, encouraging collaboration between external lawyers and corporate in-house teams to create more value. Following the speeches, a panel discussion titled “Showcasing Responsibility and Value: The Proactive Role of Legal Professionals” was hosted by Li Fang, senior partner at Tiantai Law Firm. Guests included Lin Huan, Deputy Director of Risk Control and Compliance Department at TBEA Co., Liu Ke, Chief Legal Officer at POIZON Legal Department, Lu Xin, Head of Legal at Joyvio Group, and senior partners from Tiantai Law Firm, Ma Xiang and Zhou Lianfu, engaging in a lively discussion on the topic. The highlight of the evening was the awards ceremony, where representatives ALB JOINED HANDS WITH TIANTAI ON INAUGURAL BUSINESS SUPPORT IN-HOUSE TEAMS AWARD CEREMONY ALB携手天驰君泰,成功举办十五佳商业 贡献力法务团队颁奖典礼 Chen Cong, director of Tiantai Law Firm 陈聪律师,天驰君泰律师事务所主任 From left: Li Fang, Ma Xiang, Zhou Lianfu 左起:李芳律师、马翔律师、周连福律师 Amantha Chia, Head of Legal Media Group, AEM, Thomson Reuters 谢京庭, 法律传媒集团高级总监, 汤森路透 From left: Lin Huan, Liu Ke, Lu Xin 左起:林欢女士、刘克先生、陆昕女士