39 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA ALB TIANTAI TOP 15 BUSINESS SUPPORT IN-HOUSE TEAMS AWARD CEREMONY 2024 From left: Li Xiaolin; Representative of Legal Department of Hisense Real Estate 左起:李孝霖律师;青岛海信房地产股份有限公司法务团 队代表 From left: Li Xiaolin; Representative of Legal Team, Hylink Digital Solutions 左起:李孝霖律师;华扬联众数字技术股份有限公司法务 团队代表 From left: Chen Cong; Representative of Legal & Compliance Department, Austar Lifesciences 左起:陈聪律师;奥星集团法律合规部代表 From left: Representative of Legal & Compliance Department, Kookmin Bank China; Ma Xiang 左起:国民银行(中国)有限公司法律合规部代表;马翔律师 From left: Chen Cong; Representative of Legal & Commercial Dept. Buhler GCR 左起:陈聪律师;布勒大中华区法务商务部代表 From left: Representative of Legal Department, NIO; Ma Xiang 左起:蔚来集团法务部代表;马翔律师 From left: Li Xiaolin; Representative of Legal Department, Harbin Electric International Company 左起:天驰君泰律师事务所高级合伙人李孝霖律师;哈尔滨电 气国际工程有限责任公司法律合规部代表 From left: Chen Cong; Representative of Legal & Intellectual Property, Advanced Micro-Fabrication Equipment Inc. China 左起:天驰君泰律师事务所主任陈聪律师;中微半导体设备(上 海)股份有限公司法务与知识产权部代表 From left: Representative of Legal Team, Joyvio Group; Ma Xiang 左起:佳沃集团有限公司法务团队代表;天驰君泰律师事务 所高级合伙人马翔律师 of the Top 15 Business Support In-House Teams were honored and gave acceptance speeches. Chen Cong, director of Tiantai Law Firm, told ALB, “I’m delighted to meet the various in-house teams at today’s event and to have gleaned so much valuable information from their presentations. Traditionally, corporate in-house teams have been evaluated based on case win rates and transaction completion rates, but we believe the business value they provide is also an excellent metric for assessment.” “From our observation, corporate in-house teams are not only legal professionals but also have a deep understanding of the company’s business logic. The business value they create for the company is not just reflected in risk prevention but also in providing a solid business structure and facilitating transactions. Moreover, the role and significance of corporate in-house teams in the company’s decision-making process have been increasingly recognized, playing an ever more critical role in terms of business contribution.” “We look forward to seeing greater achievements from everyone in the future and hope that Tiantai Law Firm can become a good partner for all.” After the awards ceremony, the winning legal teams and their peers gathered together for a dinner and in-depth exchanges. ALB extends its congratulations to all the teams once again, wishing each in-house team continues to explore and achieve greater business contributions under the guidance of their professional legal spirit, keep moving forward, and reach new heights.