亚洲法律杂志 - 中国版 CHINA APRIL 2024 SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT 总法名人榜


1 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA – GENERAL COUNSEL PROFILES 2024 LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA HEAD OF LEGAL MEDIA BUSINESS, ASIA & EMERGING MARKETS Amantha Chia 谢京庭 MANAGING EDITOR Ranajit Dam 邓文杰 CHINA EDITOR Hu Yangxiaoxiao 胡阳潇潇 DESIGNER Chi Wen 迟稳 TRAFFIC/CIRCULATION MANAGER Rozidah Jambari PUBLISHING COORDINATOR Tracy Yang 杨紫薇 SALES MANAGERS Yvonne Cheung 张裕裕 China Key Accounts (852) 2847 2003 Steven Zhao 赵树群 China Key Accounts (86) 010 5669 2021 Steffi Yang 杨绮繁 South and West China (86) 010 5669 2041 Hiroshi Kaneko Japan (81) 3 4520 1192 Jonathan Yap Indonesia, Singapore (65) 9832 8945 Krupa Dalal India, Middle East, Singapore (91) 22 6189 7087 Romulus Tham Southeast Asia (65) 6870 3035 Simon Wan Hong Kong (852) 3462 7730 Welcome to the special supplement of GC Profiles, curated for the seventh consecutive year by Asian Legal Business (ALB)! This supplement aims to showcase the pivotal role of General Counsel in core decision-making within various enterprises, their wisdom in leading in-house teams to tackle business challenges, and their increasing importance in risk management and strategic advancement. This year's edition introduces you to 30 influential GCs within the industry. Not only have they achieved exceptional accomplishments in their professional fields, but they have also contributed valuable strength to the development of legal practice. Moreover, the edition includes an exclusive survey report on in-house teams, analyzing current trends and challenges in the legal industry, and providing profound insights. ALB hopes that through the supplement, a platform will be established for in-depth exchanges between GCs and their external legal partners, facilitating the sharing of information and cooperation among industry colleagues. This initiative aims to spark more collaborative opportunities, collectively pushing the legal industry forward. 欢迎您翻阅这本由《亚洲法律杂志》(ALB)连续第七年精心策划的《总法名人榜》 特刊!本特刊旨在展现中国总法律顾问在各企业核心决策中的关键作用、领导 法务团队应对商业挑战的智慧,及其在风险防控和战略推进中愈发体现的重 要性。 今年的特刊将为您介绍30位在行业内具有显著影响力的总法律顾问。他们不仅 在专业领域做出卓越成就,更为法律实践的发展贡献了宝贵力量。此外,本特刊 还收录了一篇法务团队独家调研报告,分析当前法律行业的趋势与挑战,提供 了行业内的深刻见解。 ALB希望通过《总法名人榜》,搭建一个让总法律顾问与外部律师伙伴展开深入 交流的平台,促进业界同仁的信息共享与合作,激发更多合作机会,共同推动法 律行业向前发展。 FROM THE EDITOR 编辑的话

2 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA – GENERAL COUNSEL PROFILES 2024 APRIL 2024 4 Syngenta Group China 先正达集团中国 Cao Haiyang 曹海洋 16 G7 Connect Inc. G7易流集团 Li Yadi 李雅迪 5 TCL Technology Group Corporation TCL科技集团股份有限公司 Lily Chen 陈晓亚 17 Lingong Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd. 临工重机股份有限公司 Leo Li 李阳 6 EVE Energy Co., Ltd. 惠州亿纬锂能股份有限公司 Aaron Chen 陈卓瑛 18 Beijing Calorie Information Technology Co., Ltd. 北京卡路里信息技术有限公司 Amy Liang 梁敏 7 Kuang-Chi Technologies Co. Ltd. 光启技术股份有限公司 Joanna Chu 褚密 19 Huizhou Desay SV Automotive Co., Ltd. 惠州市德赛西威汽车电子股份有限公司 David Lin 林贤伟 8 Vaillant Group (China) Heating, Cooling and Environmental Technology Co., Ltd 威能(中国)供热制冷环境技术有限公司 Tracy Guo 郭易玥 20 Micro Connect 滴灌通 Annie Ling 凌涛涛 10 China National Aviation Logistics Co. 中国航油集团物流公司 Hong Yuwen 洪育文 22 SATP Holding Inc. 慧算账 Luo Yuan 罗媛 11 Kanyun Holding Group 看云控股集团 Jia Zheng 贾峥 23 CHT · SHENGQU GAMES 世纪华通 ·盛趣游戏 Ma Haoguang 马浩广 12 IBM (China) Company Limited 国际商业机器(中国)有限公司 Jin Hao 金浩 24 Shanghai Junzheng Network Technology Co., Ltd. 上海哈啰普惠科技有限公司 Peng Rong 彭容 14 I-Mab 天境生物 Richard Li 李程 25 Shanghai M&G Stationery INC. 晨光文具 Rocky Pan 潘高翔 15 HIVE BOX NETWORK TECHNOLOGY LIMITED 丰巢网络技术有限公司 Li Qiongjia 李琼嘉 26 Link Asset Management Limited 领展资产管理有限公司 Julia Shen 沈晔 CONTENTS 目录

3 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA – GENERAL COUNSEL PROFILES 2024 LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA 28 Align Technology, Inc. 爱齐科技公司 Ning Sun 孙宁 34 Foxconn Industrial Internet Co.,Ltd. 富士康工业互联网股份有限公司 Chenyang Xie 解辰阳 29 Zhejiang Orient Financial Holdings Group Co., Ltd. 浙江东方金融控股集团股份有限公司 Tong Chao 童超 35 Du Xiaoman Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. 度小满科技(北京)有限公司 Xing Jing 邢璟 30 Tianqi Lithium Corporation 天齐锂业股份有限公司 Eve Wan 万宜 36 China Tea Co., Ltd. Under COFCO Corporation 中国茶叶股份有限公司 Zhang Xiaofeng 张小凤 31 Insilico Medicine 英矽智能 Joanna Wang 王君 38 CanSino Biologics Inc. 康希诺生物股份公司 Christy Zhou 周媛 32 Owens Corning (China) Investment Co., Ltd. 欧文斯科宁(中国)投资有限公司 Lyn WU 邬琳玲 39 SF Group 顺丰集团 Hawk Chow 邹晨昊 CONTENTS 目录 5 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA

4 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA – GENERAL COUNSEL PROFILES 2024 APRIL 2024 Cao Haiyang 曹海洋 Syngenta Group China Leadership Team Member, General Counsel, Chief Compliance Officer Number of Years as General Counsel: 8 years Number of people in the legal team: 60+ 先正达集团中国 管理团队成员、总法律顾问、首席合规官 担任总法律顾问时长:8 年 管理法务团队人数:60+ Cao Haiyang has previously held legal leadership positions in the international business divisions and overseas investment companies of China National Nuclear Corporation, State Power Investment Corporation, and China Energy Engineering Group. He possesses rich experience in international business, overseas investment, and project management. Currenlty, Cao is the General Counsel and Chief Legal Officer at Syngenta Group China, responsible for legal management, compliance management, corporate governance, and intellectual property management. In 2023, the Legal and Compliance Department was awarded the Syngenta Group China's 2023 Quality Improvement and Efficiency Enhancement Special Award and the ALB China Top 15 New Technology In-House Team Award. Cao has been recognized as the Most Influential General Counsel in Greater China (Chambers and Partners), one of China’s Top 15 General Counsels (Asia Legal Business), and one of the Top Ten Outstanding Young Legal Professionals (China Legal Education & Career Seminar Series). He has also been awarded the Energy, Natural Resources, and Agriculture In-House Counsel Award of the year and the Winner in Mergers & Acquisitions, International Compliance & Sanctions, and Intellectual Property categories by China Business Law Journal. Cao also serves as an arbitrator in several domestic arbitration institutions, a member of the Double Carbon Committee of the Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, and a director of the Zhejiang University Alumni Association in Beijing. Business partner testimonial Under the leadership of Cao Haiyang, the Legal and Compliance Department of Syngenta Group China has closely aligned with the group's strategic objectives, providing solid legal support and professional assistance for the group's major projects and operational activities. Effectively managing legal compliance risks, enhancing the company's intellectual property value, and safeguarding the implementation of corporate strategies and business growth. —A company business partner How to become an outstanding GC? An outstanding general counsel needs to have solid professional knowledge, a deep understanding of the industry, flexible business thinking, and diligent professionalism. 曹海洋曾先后就职于中国核工业集团、国家电力投资 集团和中国能源建设集团的国际业务事业部和海外投资公 司,曾担任国际业务项目经理、法律事务部门负责人、法务 副总裁、总法律顾问和首席合规官等职务,拥有丰富的国 际业务、海外投资和项目管理经验。 曹海洋目前负责先正达集团中国的法务管理、合规管 理、公司治理和知识产权管理。2023年,法律合规部获评先 正达集团中国2023年提质增效专项奖和ALB中国十五佳 新科技公司法务团队奖项。 曹海洋曾被评为大中华区最具影响力总法律顾问(钱 伯斯)、中国十五佳总法律顾问(ALB)、十大杰出青年法律 人(CLECSS)、能源、自然资源和农业行业年度卓越法务奖 获得者(《商法》),投资并购、国际合规和知识产权领域年 度卓越法务奖获得者(《商法》)。曹海洋同时兼任国内多家 仲裁机构仲裁员、中国环境科学院双碳专委会委员、北京 浙江大学校友会理事等职务。 业务伙伴评价 在曹海洋总法律顾问的带领下,先正达集团中国法律 合规部紧密围绕集团战略目标,为集团重大项目和生产经 营提供了坚实的法律保障和专业支持,有效地管控了公司 法律合规风险,提升了公司知识产权价值,为公司战略实 施和业务增长保驾护航。 ——公司业务合作伙伴评价 对于优秀总法所具备特质的理解 1. 扎实的专业知识 2. 深厚的行业背景 3. 灵活的商业思维 4. 勤勉的职业精神 Syngenta Group is a global leader in agricultural technology, wholly owned by Sinochem Holdings Corporation Ltd. The Syngenta Group boasts over 250 years of experience in research and innovation, operates in more than 100 countries and regions around the world, and employs more than 59,000 people. In 2023, its revenue exceeded 230 billion RMB. Syngenta Group China is a leader in China's modern agricultural service industry, driving the progress of agricultural science and technology in China and supporting the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas. In China, Syngenta Group China's seeds, crop protection, crop nutrition, and modern agricultural services all occupy leading positions in the market. The company has more than 200 subsidiaries in China, including 4 listed companies, and employs more than 19,000 people. In 2023, its revenue exceeded 69 billion RMB. 先正达集团是全球领先的农业科技企业,由中国中化 控股有限责任公司全资控股。先正达集团拥有超过250年 的科研与创新经验,在全球100多个国家和地区开展业务, 全球员工5.9万余人,2023年营业收入超过2300亿元。 先正达中国是中国现代农业服务业的领导者,推动中 国农业科技进步和助力乡村全面振兴。先正达中国种子、 植物保护、作物营养、现代农业服务业务在中国均处于市 场领先地位,在国内有200余家子公司,包括4家上市公司, 员工1.9万余人,2023年营业收入超过690亿元。

5 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA – GENERAL COUNSEL PROFILES 2024 LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA Lily Chen 陈晓亚 TCL Technology Group Corporation Head of Legal Department Number of Years as General Counsel: 3 years Number of people in the legal team: 12 TCL科技集团股份有限公司 法务部部长 担任总法律顾问时长:3 年 管理法务团队人数:12 Lily Chen has been dedicated to leading the Legal Department of TCL Technology Group Corporation in carrying out legal compliance work to support the company's strategic planning and implementation. She and her team have put forward the concept of building a "strategic legal" team, tapping into their profound understanding of the business to provide comprehensive strategic legal support to the organization. They integrate legal affairs with the company's strategic goals and business needs, contributing to the realization of the company's strategic initiatives and sustainable growth. Over the past year, Lily Chen and the legal team have provided support in major transactions, compliance, dispute resolution, and talent development, facilitating the company's investments and acquisitions while also assisting in consolidating and developing core strengths, risk management, and pursuing sustainable highquality development. She has also led the team to establish three major capability-sharing centers in compliance, international affairs, and investment and financing, tailored to the company's key business areas to enhance the company's legal professional capabilities and governance level of legal compliance. Lily Chen has been honored with the TCL "Annual Global Outstanding Manager Award" and also serves as a researcher at the Center for Multinational Sanctions and Export Controls of Beijing Foreign Studies University and as a researcher at the Institute of Customs and Forex Law of Renmin University. Business partner testimonial Under the leadership of Lily Chen, the Legal Department of TCL Technology Group Corporation has been fully engaged in various major investment and financing mergers and acquisitions transactions of the company. They closely collaborate with internal departments and external agencies. Leveraging the legal team's rich practical experience, business and strategic acumen, as well as a profound understanding of the industry and business landscape, they provide operational and effective recommendations from business, strategic, and legal perspectives. This facilitates transactions and effectively mitigates risks, delivering efficient and high-quality legal services. —Ma Yi, Assistant President and Special Assistant to the Chairman, Director of the Chairman's Office at TCL Technology Group Corporation How to become an outstanding GC? In terms of key capabilities, it requires outstanding strategic understanding, high-level professional skills, the ability to coordinate internal and external resources, execution capability, as well as excellent communication skills, risk assessment and control abilities. Moreover, an outstanding GC should also possess a global perspective, meticulous logical thinking, strong self-motivation, and team affinity. 陈晓亚女士一直致力于带领TCL科技集团股份有限公 司法务部开展各项支持公司战略规划实现的法务合规工 作。她和团队明确提出打造“战略法务”团队的理念,深入 挖掘自身对业务的深刻洞察能力,为组织提供全面的战略 法务支持,将法律事务与公司的战略目标和业务需求相结 合,为公司的战略落地和可持续增长做出贡献。 过去一年,陈晓亚女士及法务部在公司重大交易、合 规建设、争议解决以及法务人才培养等方面提供了充分支 持,助力公司围绕产业布局完成各项投资并购的同时,也 坚持协助公司巩固与发展核心优势,管控风险,追求可持 续的高质量发展 。 她还领导团队成立了合规、国际、投融资三大能力共享 中心,结合公司重点业务领域需求,推动提升公司法务专 业能力和法务合规治理水平。 陈晓亚女士曾获评TCL“年度全球杰出经理人奖”,同 时担任北京外国语大学跨国制裁与出口管制研究中心研究 员、中国人民大学海关与外汇法律研究所研究员。 业务伙伴评价 在陈晓亚女士的带领下,TCL科技集团股份有限公司 法务部全程参与公司各类重大投融资并购交易,与公司相 关部门以及外部服务机构紧密协作,并能基于法务团队丰 富的法律实践经验、商业与战略洞察能力,以及对行业及 业务现状深刻的理解,全方面地从商业、战略、法律等角 度提出具有操作性且有效的建议,促成交易并有效防范风 险,提供高效、高质量的法律服务。 ——马毅,TCL科技集团股份有限公司助理总裁兼董事 长特别助理、董事长办公室主任 对于优秀总法所具备特质的理解 · 在关键能力方面,具备卓越的战略理解力、高水平专业 能力、内外资源统筹协调能力、执行能力,还需具备优秀 的沟通力、风险预判及管控能力; · 在特质要求方面,全局观 、缜密的逻辑思维 、强烈的自 我驱动力以及团队亲和力。 TCL was founded in 1981 and has since expanded its global presence to encompass 46 R&D centers and 32 manufacturing facilities, operating in over 160 countries and regions. It has become a globally competitive intelligent technology conglomerate. In 2019, TCL completed asset restructuring, dividing into TCL Technology Group Corporation ("TCL Technology") and TCL Industrial Holdings ("TCL Industry"). TCL Technology focuses on semiconductor display and new energy photovoltaic industries, accelerating its transformation into a technology and capital-intensive high-tech industrial group. TCL创立于1981年,至今已在全球布局46个研发中 心、32个制造基地,业务遍及全球160多个国家和地区, 成为具有全球竞争力的智能科技产业集团。2019年,TCL 完成资产重组,拆分为TCL科技集团股份有限公司(简 称“TCL科技”)和TCL实业控股股份有限公司(简称“TCL实 业”)。TCL科技聚焦半导体显示、新能源光伏产业,加速向 技术、资本密集型的高科技产业集团转型。

6 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA – GENERAL COUNSEL PROFILES 2024 APRIL 2024 Aaron Chen 陈卓瑛 EVE Energy Co., Ltd. Vice President Number of Years as General Counsel: 12 years Number of people in the legal team: 51 惠州亿纬锂能股份有限公司 副总裁 担任总法律顾问时长:12 年 管理法务团队人数:51 履职以来,陈卓瑛带领惠州亿纬锂能股份有限公司法 务中心,从交易、知识产权、争议解决、合规、海外拓展等各 个层面,支持公司业务稳健发展。 过去一年,亿纬锂能与康明斯、戴姆勒卡车、佩卡签署 合资合同,共同投资28亿美元在美国成立合资公司,成为 中国首家在美国投资合资企业的锂电池企业。过程中,陈 卓瑛带领法务团队全程主导合同谈判,作为技术许可方, 提供和掌控技术许可合同文本,实现综合风险防控。 在陈卓瑛的领导下,法务中心积极应对、妥善解决了与 德国Varta AG公司长达四年的专利战。法务中心同步推进 IPR、诉讼抗辩、和解谈判三大战场,推动双方实现全球和 解,并达成商业合作。 此外,陈卓瑛与法务中心负责了亿纬锂能在马来西亚 直接投资建设工厂的全过程风控;顺应公司在欧盟区拓展 业务而招聘外籍驻地法务并任命数据隐私官;并预见性地 在UFLPA执法范围内提前布控风险,部署了供应链合规 项目。 业务伙伴评价 法务中心及其负责人陈卓瑛在公司拓展北美市场的过 程中,富有战略性眼光,精准把握了进击美国市场的机会, 促进公司形成向北美直接投资的重大决策。在具体谈判过 程中,法务中心在美国律师协助下,准确把握合资合作的 重要风险,制订妥善的风控措施,熟悉国际谈判技巧,有勇 有谋,最终促成合资项目顺利签约。 Since taking up his role, Aaron Chen has led the legal center of EVE Energy, providing comprehensive support in areas such a s transactions, intellectual property, dispute resolution, compliance, and overseas expansion, facilitating the company's stable growth. Over the past year, EVE Energy has established joint ventures in the United States with Cummins, Daimler Trucks, and PEKA through a collective investment of $2.8 billion, marking the first Chinese lithium battery company to form a joint venture in the US. Throughout this process, Chen and his legal team have led the n egotiations, offering and controlling the technical licensing agreements as the licensor, thus ensuring comprehensive risk control. Under Chen's leadership, the legal center has effectively managed and resolved a four-year patent dispute with Germany's Varta AG. The team simultaneously advanced on three fronts: IPR, litigation defense, and settlement negotiations, leading to a global settlement and commercial cooperation between both parties. Additionally, Chen and the legal center have overseen the full risk control process for EVE Energy's direct investment in building a factory in Malaysia, responded to the company's expansion into the EU by hiring foreign legal staff and appointing a data privacy officer, and managed risks within the UFLPA enforc ement scope by implementing a supply chain compliance project. Business partner testimonial During the company's expansion into the North American market, Aaron and the Legal Center displayed strategic foresight, seizing opportunities to enter the US market. In the negotiation process, with the assistance of US lawyers, the Legal Center accurately identified key risks of joint ventures, implemented effective risk control measures, and demonstrated proficiency in international negotiation tactics, combining courage and strategy to successfully finalize the joint venture agreement. —Gong Jun, North America Regional General Manager, EVE Energy How to become an outstanding GC? An excellent GC should possess both a high level of legal expertise and strong business acumen, always finding solutions to complex problems. They also need significant leadership and management skills for changes, along with the ability to think across legal systems and cultures, to effectively manage legal risks for large corporations. Established in 2001, EVE Energy Co., Ltd. was first listed on Shenzhen GEM in 2009. After 23 years of rapid development, EVE is now a global lithium battery company which possesses core technologies and solutions for consumer batteries, power batteries and energy storage batteries. (Stock code: 300014) ——龚骏,亿纬锂能北美区域总经理 对于优秀总法所具备特质的理解 优秀的总法应当兼具高度的法律专业水准和商业洞察 力,在应对复杂问题时总能够找到解决方案 ,同时还需要 具备很强的领导力和变革管理能力 ,以及跨法律体系 、跨 文化的思考能力 ,才能为大型企业管控好法律风险。 惠州亿纬锂能股份有限公司成立于2001年 ,于2009年 在深圳创业板首批上市 ,历经23年快速发展 ,已成为具有 全球竞争力的锂电池平台公司 ,同时拥有消费电池 、动力 电池、储能电池核心技术和全面解决方案 ,产品广泛应用 于物联网 、能源互联网领域 。(股票代码 :300014)

7 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA – GENERAL COUNSEL PROFILES 2024 LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA Joanna Chu 褚密 Kuang-Chi Technologies Co. Ltd. Legal Director Number of Years as General Counsel: 13 years Number of people in the legal team: 8 光启技术股份有限公司 法务总监 担任总法律顾问时长:13 年 管理法务团队人数:8 Joanna Chu joined Kuang-Chi shortly after its establishment, founding and expanding the Kuang-Chi Legal Center. Over 13 years, she led the Legal Center through the company's growth, from startup to owning two listed companies in Mainland China and Hong Kong SAR. She established legal frameworks, guided risk control during collaborations, led the company through listings in Hong Kong and Mainland China, major asset restructurings, and supported external investments, private fund management, talent development, construction of the headquarters building and production lines, and managed significant dispute resolutions both domestically and internationally. In the past two years, under Chu's leadership, the Legal Center assisted in major asset disposals, led negotiations for headquarters construction disputes, and worked with Hong Kong legal counsels on significant international disputes. In the face of various disputes, the center has assisted the company in completing litigation, counterlitigation, arbitration, and settlement processes, successfully resolving numerous conflicts and maximally safeguarding the company's interests. Meanwhile, the center has taken the lead and assisted in resolving labor dispatch disputes, extensively carried out recommendations for system management and promotion, collaborated with the audit department for routine and post-resignation audit discussions, improved legal document and ledger management, participated in drafting and reviewing the company's regulations, employee handbooks, and comprehensively controlled corporate risk. Additionally, the center has assisted in enforcing national laws and regulations and provided legal opinions on significant business decisions. Chu has been recognized with the "Chairman's Award" within the company and also serves as a member of the Shenzhen Law Society and Vice Chair of the Nanshan Branch of the Zhi Gong Party in Shenzhen. Business partner testimonial The legal team provides our department, responsible for investment, financing, and listed company operations, with professional and efficient legal compliance support. The team stands out not only for their expertise but also for their round-the-clock readiness. —Tan Shunyan, Kuang-Chi Board Office and Investment & Financing Department How to become an outstanding GC? An outstanding GC should possess solid legal expertise and skills; in-depth understanding of company operations, strong business acumen, and judgment; excellent communication and coordination skills, both internally and externally; effective team leadership with the ability to manage multiple priorities; and commitment to continuous learning and staying informed about the profession and industry. 褚密一手创立了光启法务中心并将其发展壮大。从初 创设立到拥有国内和香港两家上市公司,褚密带领的法务 中心一直为企业各个时期的发展引领助力和保驾护航。 从最初的整套法律合同模板的撰写定稿设立;到创立 初步法律风控体系;随后主导并经历企业香港上市;后续 又主导并经历国内上市,重大资产重组等重要资本运作; 同时主导支持公司的对外投资、私募基金管理、科技人员 储备和培养、总部大楼和生产线建设、生产产线的管理和 建设、国内外重大争议解决等诸多事宜。 过去两年,在褚密的带领下,光启法务中心协助公司 处置重大资产;对总部大楼合作建设纠纷主导谈判,与香 港律师团队一起处理了重大国际纠纷争议;在各类争议出 现时,以详实的证据和专业的能力,帮助公司完成诉讼、反 诉、仲裁、和解等各类流程,成功解决多项纠纷,最大程度 维护了公司利益;同时,法务中心主导、协助解决了劳务派 遣工纠纷,广泛开展制度管理建议及宣传,配合审计部门 进行日常审计谈话及离职后审计谈话,完善法律文书及台 账管理,参与起草、审核公司的规章制度、员工手册,全面 把控公司风险,协助企业高管执行国家法律、法规,对企业 重大经营决策提出法律意见。 褚密在公司内部曾获评“总裁奖”;她还同时担任深圳 法学会理事、深圳致公党南山支部副主委。 业务伙伴评价 法务团队为我部门负责的投融资及上市公司业务板块 提供专业高效的法律合规支持。法务团队不仅业务能力突 出,而且全天候待命,为公司保驾护航。 ——檀顺艳,光启董办及投融资部门 对于优秀总法所具备特质的理解 1. 过硬的法律专业知识和技能 2. 深入了解公司业务,良好的商业思维和判断力 3. 优秀的内外沟通和协调能力 4. 统筹兼顾的团队领导能力 5. 具备持续学习的能力,保持对专业、行业的关注 Kuang-Chi Technologies Co. Ltd., currently valued at 40 billion, is the only high-tech enterprise in China that has turned metamaterial technology into products and applied them on a large scale in the field of cutting-edge equipment manufacturing. Kuang-Chi has achieved groundbreaking research results in the design complexity of metamaterials, the manufacturing scale of microstructures, and the extremely complex manufacturing processes of aerospace structures, breaking international monopolies and accomplishing a significant leap from 0 to 1 in China's metamaterials industry. 光启技术股份有限公司,目前市值400多亿,作为国内 唯一一家将超材料技术形成产品并大规模应用于尖端装备 领域的高新科技企业,高端装备制造企业。光启在超材料 复杂度设计、微结构的制造尺寸以及极端复杂的航空结构 制造工艺上取得了颠覆性的研究成果,打破国际垄断,实 现了我国超材料“从0到1”的重大突破。

8 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA – GENERAL COUNSEL PROFILES 2024 APRIL 2024 Tracy Guo 郭易玥 Vaillant Group (China) Heating, Cooling and Environmental Technology Co., Ltd Head of Legal Number of Years as General Counsel: over 8 years Number of people in the legal team: 4 威能(中国)供热制冷环境技术有限公司 法务总监 担任总法律顾问时长:超过8年 管理法务团队人数:4 Tracy Guo, after obtaining her master's degree from the University of Essex, embarked on a remarkable career journey. With stints at multinational corporations including Unilever, Swarovski, Pernod Ricard, and LEGO, she swiftly rose to prominence as an exceptional leader within corporate in-house teams. In 2019, Tracy joined Vaillant Group China, where she spent four years building the legal compliance department into a formidable team of five members. Her leadership significantly supported the rapid growth of the group's Asian industrial and sales/ marketing units in China. As a core member of the Chinese management team, Tracy played a pivotal role in advising and strategizing for the group's overall development. Under Tracy's guidance, the legal compliance team facilitated key transactions for the group in China, including involvement in a RMB 1 billion yuan expansion project for the Asian manufacturing and R&D center. She also spearheaded the implementation of a sustainable trademark strategy to effectively manage the group's trademarks. As the first Chief Compliance Officer of the group in China, Tracy successfully implemented compliance policies and management systems, covering areas such as antitrust, anti-corruption, export controls, data protection, anti-money laundering, and whistleblower platforms. Moreover, she boldly explored and implemented various digital initiatives in the legal domain. Business partner testimonial Through her 4 years tenure, Tracy Guo developed to a fully trusted business partner. Her work and professional approach within the China organization as well as in Vaillant Group is well received and she has become the person to-go-to for legal advice and support. Her ability to challenge in a friendly but firm manner is striking the right chord and helped the company to avoid unnecessary risks. It is our pleasure to have her on our side. —Jeroen Sterel, Group Director Asia Pacific for Vaillant Group How to become an outstanding GC? 1. Holistic perspective: being able to listen, think, offer advice, and participate in decision-making from the standpoint of business decision-makers rather than solely as a lawyer. 2. Commitment to a learning culture and advocacy, consistently focusing on talent development, and proactively considering team structure. 3. High sensitivity to changes and developments in the professional field and industry, staying abreast of developments and embracing change. 在英国埃塞克斯大学取得硕士学位后,郭易玥先后供 职于联合利华、施华洛世奇、保乐力加、乐高等跨国企业, 快速成长为一名出色的企业法务团队管理者。 2019年郭易玥加入威能中国,履职四年来,她将威能 中国法律合规部门建设成为了一支拥有5位成员的团队, 强有力地支持了集团位于中国的亚洲工业单元和销售及市 场单元的快速发展,并作为中国管理团队的核心成员,为 集团发展献计献策。 郭易玥带领法律合规团队支持集团在中国的关键交 易,参与了投资高达10亿元人民币的亚洲制造及研发中心 扩建项目。在知识产权保护方面,她推进并实施了中国商 标策略,以可持续的机制有效管理集团商标。 作为集团在中国的首位合规官,郭易玥主导在中国成 功落地了合规政策及管理体系,其中包括反垄断、反腐败、 出口管制、数据保护、反洗钱及“吹哨人”平台等具体内容。 此外,她还大胆探索并实施了多项法律领域的数字化 企划。 业务伙伴评价 过去四年,Tracy成为了我们值得信赖的商业伙伴。她 的工作成绩和专业能力在威能中国乃至整个威能集团内部 获得了广泛认可,成为我们寻求法律咨询和支持的首选专 家。她总能够以友善却坚定的方式提出建议,帮助公司规 避不必要的风险。她是一位不可多得的伙伴。 ——Jeroen Sterel,威能集团亚太区集团总监 对于优秀总法所具备特质的理解 1. 全局观:能够站在企业决策者的角度而不仅仅是律师 的角度去聆听、去思考、提供意见、参与决策; 2. 对学习型文化的坚持和倡导,始终关注人才的培养,前 瞻性考虑团队布局; 3. 对专业领域和所在行业变化发展的高敏感度,紧跟发 展、拥抱变化。 The Vaillant Group is an internationally active family-owned business based in Remscheid. The global market leader in central heating units is celebrating its 150th anniversary this year. It offers its customers technologies for heating, cooling and hotwater supply that contribute to successfully shaping the energy transition in the buildings sector. The company distributes its products and services in over 60 countries and has around 30 million customers worldwide. 德国威能,总部位于德国北莱茵•威斯特法伦州雷姆 沙伊德市,拥有150年的发展历史,是欧洲供热/生活热水/ 通风及空调设备制造商。150年来,威能集团是供热、生活 热水领域的市场先行者,全球60多个国家拥有超过3千万 顾客。

9 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA – GENERAL COUNSEL PROFILES 2024 LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA 执业律师和专业人员 中国境内办公室 26 道可特律师事务所成立于����年,致力于为客户解决综合法律服务需求 和提供全产业链法律服务。 大亮点业务 高端商事争议解决 知识产权 房地产与建设工程 金融资本业务 行政与政府法律顾问 国际业务 700+ 9 20+ ��大专业领域 ��大行业领域 国家和地区优秀 战略合作律所 高度公司制一体化发展 跨境法律服务的中国优势 知名客户首选的综合法律服务专家 始终保持行业发展的前沿视角和专业提升 我们拥有700余位执业律师和专业人员,办公室分布在全国9个主要商业中心城市:北京、上海、深圳、天津、济南、太原、海口、武汉、成都。 不同业务部门、不同办公室的律师密切合作,将“是的,我们在一起”的价值理念,贯穿在对每一位客户的极致服务中。 过去二十余年,立足于本土市场,我们始终站在行业发展前沿,以视角和专业提供多元法律服务、解决复杂法律问题。同时,我们在全球增长型市场 和金融业务中心进行战略布局,协助客户承办了诸多具有里程碑意义的重大交易和案件,连续多年获得Chambers、ALB等国际法律媒体的推荐。 从中国企业到全球跨国公司,从国央企到政府机构,从传统行业到新兴产业,在高端商事争议解决、金融资本业务、知识产权、行政与政府法律 顾问、房地产与建设工程、国际业务等亮点领域,我们获得了客户的首选和青睐。 除本土律师外,我们还拥有在美国、英国、香港特别行政区等不同国家和地区的执业律师,多元法律背景的加持,使得我们在跨境交易和纠纷解 决中,助力客户从容应对挑战、规避风险。 凭借在跨境法律服务方面的专业实力,我们获得了市场的普遍认可。在具备中国境内元素的跨境交易中,我们的本土资源、见地更是独特优势。 总部地址: 网 址: 电 话: 邮 箱: 中国北京市朝阳区东三环中路5号财富金融中心56层 +86 10 8586 1018

10 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA – GENERAL COUNSEL PROFILES 2024 APRIL 2024 Hong Yuwen 洪育文 China National Aviation Logistics Co. General Deputy Manager & General Legal Counsel Number of Years as General Counsel: 12 years Number of people in the legal team: 23 中国航油集团物流公司 副总经理、总法律顾问 担任总法律顾问时长:12 年 管理法务团队人数:23 Hong Yuwen holds a LLM from Tulane University. He currently serves as the General Deputy General Manager and General Legal Counsel of China National Aviation Logistics, overseeing legal, compliance, risk control, and audit functions. He fully executes his duties by establishing mechanisms, leading the team, laying foundations, and managing risks, solving problems, and creating value with a legal mindset, significantly contributing to the legal works of the company. Under his leadership, the legal team has provided support for major company projects, aiding in reform and development, and has initiated the construction of a comprehensive compliance system, establishing a preliminary "three lines of defense" for compliance management. Hong has actively faced disputes to protect the company's legal rights and is dedicated to building the company's legal system and team. Hong was recognized as an Advanced Individual in Legal Education and Publicity in Shanghai from 2016 to 2020. He is also a member of the ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR and an expert in the Shanghai International Arbitration Expert Pool (first batch). Business partner testimonial Hong Yuwen is dedicated to excellence, willing to contribute, and effective in his accomplishments, greatly contributing to the company's legal work. —Ma Xiaohua, Chairman of China National Aviation Logistics Company 洪育文拥有美国杜兰大学的法学硕士学位。他目前担 任中国航油集团物流有限公司(“物流公司”)副总经理、 总法律顾问,分管法律、合规、风控、审计等工作。他围绕公 司中心工作,全面履行总法律顾问职责,建机制、带队伍、 打基础、防风险,用法治思维和法治方式破解难题、创造价 值,为法律工作做出了重大贡献。 履职以来,洪育文带领团队为公司重大项目提供法律 保障,助力公司改革发展;积极推动公司全面进行合规体 系建设,初步建立合规管理的“三道防线”;直面纠纷,全力 维护企业合法权益;他致力于构建公司的法治工作体制机 制,打造系统内法律队伍。 洪育文获评2016-2020年度上海市法治宣传教育先进 个人;他还是国际商会(ICC)仲裁和替代性争议解决委员 会委员,以及上海国际仲裁专家库(第一批)专家。 业务伙伴评价 洪育文工作精益求精、甘于奉献、善作善成,为公司法 律工作贡献良多。 ——马晓华,中国航油集团物流公司董事长 China National Aviation Logistics Co. was established on December 12, 2007, as a wholly-owned subsidiary of China National Aviation Fuel Group Limited, and is the country's largest aviation fuel logistics provider. The company is dedicated to building a professional logistics management team and a highly integrated distribution system for oil and chemical products, encompassing shipping, warehousing, pipeline transportation, and land transport. It strives to continuously develop a safe, unified, and efficient logistics supply chain. 中国航油集团物流有限公司组建于2007年12月12日, 是中国航空油料集团有限公司的全资子公司,是全国最大 的航油物流服务商。中国航油物流公司致力于打造专业化 物流管理团队和高度一体化的油品及化工品配送体系,构 建航运、仓储、管输、陆运四大业务模块,持续打造安全、统 一、高效的物流供应链。

11 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA – GENERAL COUNSEL PROFILES 2024 LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA Jia Zheng 贾峥 Kanyun Holding Group General Counsel Number of Years as General Counsel: 8 years Number of people in the legal team: 16 看云控股集团 总法律顾问 担任总法律顾问时长:8 年 管理法务团队人数:16 Since assuming his role, Jia Zheng has led the legal team at Kanyun Holding, dedicating their efforts to maintaining the company's leading edge in technological research and development. The legal team focuses on patents as a key strategy and is guided by the goal of technological innovation, establishing a comprehensive R&D support system. They plan for advanced or superior technological pathways through cutting-edge industry research, breaking down specific product technologies, and analyzing competitors' technologies to guide R&D directions. They implement technological solutions through patent mining and layout, enhancing the innovative awareness and patent skills of R&D personnel, and employing KPI assessments and incentive systems. Over the past year, under Jia's leadership, the legal team has facilitated the group's restructuring, achieved victory in the final judgment of a commercial defamation and unfair competition lawsuit, and collaborated with the finance, HR, GR, and PR departments to develop and execute strategies for personnel optimization. The legal team is professional, rational, and fearless in the face of adversity, calmly managing difficulties and crises to provide the company with a sense of security. They also possess a long-term perspective, fully understand business needs, and actively participate in and support business decisions, playing a crucial role in the company's growth and expansion. Business partner testimonial Professional, rational, and unafraid of challenges, the legal team calmly handles difficulties and crises, providing the company with a strong sense of security. With a long-term perspective, they fully understand business needs, actively engage in, and support business decisions, playing a crucial role in the company's growth and expansion. —Xu Decai, CFO of Kanyun Holding How to become an outstanding GC? 1. Obtain professional knowledge system: develop a comprehensive knowledge system to analyze business actions from multiple perspectives, offering effective decision support to handle uncertainties. 2. Structured strategic thinking: identify core issues, main contradictions, and fundamental needs, recognize risks thoroughly and broadly, and provide valuable solutions to business actions beyond just a legal viewpoint. 3. Effective management: create a system that fosters continuous improvement, making it a common goal for the team, and leverage individual strengths to enhance team capabilities. 履职以来,贾峥带领看云控股法务部,全力支持公司 在技术研发方面保持领先优势。法务团队以专利为抓手, 以实现技术创新为导向,建立起完整的研发支持体系,通过 行业前沿技术调研、具体产品技术点拆分、竞品技术分析 等方式规划能够实现领先或超越的技术路径,指引研发方 向;通过专利挖掘与布局、研发人员创新意识与专利技能 提升、KPI指标考评与激励制度等手段实现技术方案落地。 过去一年,在贾峥的带领下,看云控股法务部助力集团 进行重组、在商业诋毁不正当竞争诉讼案件终审中获胜, 并协调财务部/人力资源部/GR/PR等部门制定了人员优化 策略及具体执行方案。法务团队专业、理性、不畏难,冷静 地应对困难和危机,为公司提供了足够的安全感。同时也 具备长期主义视角,充分理解业务需求,深入参与并支持 业务决策,在公司发展壮大过程中发挥了至关重要的作用。 业务伙伴评价 专业、理性、不畏难,冷静应对困难和危机,为公司提供 了足够的安全感;有长期主义视角,充分理解业务需求,深 入参与并支持业务决策,在公司发展壮大过程中发挥了至 关重要的作用。 ——徐德才,看云控股CFO 对于优秀总法所具备特质的理解 1. 专业知识体系:建立尽可能涵盖更多不同专业的知识 体系,通过更多视角分析商业行为,为应对不确定性提 供更有效的决策支持; 2. 结构化战略思维:识别根本问题/主要矛盾/根本需求, 充分全面地识别风险,不局限于单一法律视角,提供对 商业行为有价值的解决方案。 3. 卓有成效的管理:建立让自己不断变强的系统,让变强 成为团队成员共同目标,识别个体长板形成团队能力。 Founded in 2012, Kanyun Holding operates in multiple sectors including edtech, new consumer products, corporate services, and digital publishing. It offers a range of online education products like Zebra, Xiao Yuan Oral Calculation, Feixiang Planet, Ape Programming, and Dolphin AI Learning. Leveraging core AI technology, it integrates applications deeply in key education scenarios with a cumulative R&D investment of nearly 10 billion yuan. It also owns the down jacket brand SKY PEOPLE, the coffee brand Grid Coffee, and the maternal and child care service brand "Moli." 看云控股创立于2012年,旗下业务涵盖教育科技、新 消费品、企业服务、数字出版等多个板块,拥有斑马、小猿 口算、飞象星球、猿编程、海豚AI学等多款在线教育产品。 依托人工智能核心技术,在教育重点场景进行深度融合 应用,累计研发投入近100亿元。同时拥有羽绒服品牌SKY PEOPLE, 咖啡品牌Grid Coffee,母婴护理服务品牌“茉莉 智慧”。

12 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA – GENERAL COUNSEL PROFILES 2024 APRIL 2024 Jin Hao 金浩 IBM (China) Company Limited Regional Counsel, Greater China Group Number of Years as General Counsel: 10 years Number of people in the legal team: 20 国际商业机器(中国)有限公司 大中华区总法律顾问 担任总法律顾问时长:10 年 管理法务团队人数:20 Jin Hao holds a Bachelor of Law from Peking University and a LLM from the University of Pennsylvania Law School, as well as an EMBA degree from the China Europe International Business School. He previously worked at a prominent British law firm and served as General Counsel for a high-end intelligent manufacturing enterprise, possessing both extensive legal knowledge and exceptional business and management acumen. Over the past three years at IBM, Jin has led a 20-member legal team in the Greater China region, providing comprehensive support for the company's business development and compliance in China's challenging business environment. Under Jin's leadership, the team has supported the company's business breakthroughs and provided assistance for various innovative business models. He engages in business strategy discussions, continuously contributing practical and creative solutions to the management team. Furthermore, Jin has established an efficient and reliable legal compliance system, laying the foundation for IBM's lawful operations and sustainable business expansion in China. He has established a specialized task force for data, privacy, and cybersecurity compliance and leverages external resources for ongoing monitoring of critical issues. In the areas of process and digitization, Jin has driven the digital development of corporate governance. He has also assisted IBM in creating an open, healthy, and inclusive work environment, as well as fostering a strong team culture. Business partner testimonial Jin Hao possesses highly professional legal knowledge and effective guidance skills. He is able to convey legal concepts clearly and accurately to relevant teams and demonstrates outstanding problem-solving abilities when implementing legal rules and addressing business challenges. —Guo Jiangwei, General Manager of IBM China Financial Industry Experienced and deeply knowledgeable about business-related legal regulations. He has excellent judgment in compliance, legal matters, regulations, etc., for foreign enterprises in China and provides sound guidance for important business transactions. —Hou Miao, General Manager of IBM Greater China Storage and POWER How to become an outstanding GC? 1. Vision and Leadership: Setting the overall development direction for the team and aiding team members in achieving personal growth. 2. Connectivity and Empowerment: Facilitating collaboration within the team and with other teams, removing obstacles. 3. Innovation and Efficiency: Continuously adjusting the scope and methods of legal support based on technological and business environment developments, optimizing processes to enhance efficiency. 金浩拥有北京大学法学学士和美国宾夕法尼亚大学的 法学硕士学位,并在中欧国际工商学院取得EMBA学位。他 曾任职于某英国“魔术圈”律所,并担任某高端智能制造企 业总法律顾问,既拥有深厚的法律知识,又具备出色的商 业及管理思维。 履职IBM近三年来,金浩在极具挑战性的商业环境中, 带领IBM大中华区一支20人的法务团队,为公司中国业务 发展、合规提供全方位支持。 金浩带领团队支持公司业务突破,为各项首创性业务 模式提供支持,他积极参与业务策略探讨,持续为管理层 贡献兼具实操性和创造性的解决方案。此外,金浩为公司 打造了高效可靠的法律合规系统,为IBM在中国的合法运 营及业务可持续拓展奠定了基础。他建设了数据,隐私,网 安合规专项事务行动组,并积极调用外部资源针对关键性 问题展开持续追踪。 在流程及数字化领域,金浩推动公司治理的数字化发 展;他还积极协助IBM打造开放健康和多元包容的工作环 境,以及强有力的团队文化。 业务伙伴评价 金浩律师具备非常专业的法律知识,以及有效的指导 能力。他能够清晰准确地向相关团队传达法律概念,并非 常善于在执行法律规则和应对业务挑战时展现卓越的问题 解决能力。 ——郭江蔚,IBM中国金融行业总经理 经验丰富,对营商的法律规定非常了解。对外企在华的合 规、法律、规定等方面有优秀的判断力。 ——侯淼,IBM 大中华区存储和POWER总经理 对于优秀总法所具备特质的理解 1. 格局与引领:确定团队整体发展方向,帮助团队成员实 现个人成长 2. 连接与赋能:促进团队内部以及与其他团队之间的协 作,扫除障碍 3. 创新与效率:根据科技以及商业环境的发展不断调整 法务支持的范围与方式,流程优化效率提升 IBM is a leading provider of global hybrid cloud and AI, and consulting expertise. We help clients in more than 175 countries capitalize on insights from their data, streamline business processes, reduce costs, and gain the competitive edge in their industries. IBM's breakthrough innovations in AI, quantum computing, industry-specific cloud solutions and consulting deliver open and flexible options to our clients. IBM是全球领先的混合云、人工智能及企业服务提供 商,帮助超过175个国家和地区的客户,从其拥有的数据中 获取商业洞察,简化业务流程,降低成本,并获得行业竞争 优势。IBM 在人工智能、量子计算、行业云解决方案和企业 服务方面的突破性创新为我们的客户提供了开放和灵活的 选择。 C M Y CM MY CY CMY K