10 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA – GENERAL COUNSEL PROFILES 2024 APRIL 2024 Hong Yuwen 洪育文 China National Aviation Logistics Co. General Deputy Manager & General Legal Counsel Number of Years as General Counsel: 12 years Number of people in the legal team: 23 中国航油集团物流公司 副总经理、总法律顾问 担任总法律顾问时长:12 年 管理法务团队人数:23 Hong Yuwen holds a LLM from Tulane University. He currently serves as the General Deputy General Manager and General Legal Counsel of China National Aviation Logistics, overseeing legal, compliance, risk control, and audit functions. He fully executes his duties by establishing mechanisms, leading the team, laying foundations, and managing risks, solving problems, and creating value with a legal mindset, significantly contributing to the legal works of the company. Under his leadership, the legal team has provided support for major company projects, aiding in reform and development, and has initiated the construction of a comprehensive compliance system, establishing a preliminary "three lines of defense" for compliance management. Hong has actively faced disputes to protect the company's legal rights and is dedicated to building the company's legal system and team. Hong was recognized as an Advanced Individual in Legal Education and Publicity in Shanghai from 2016 to 2020. He is also a member of the ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR and an expert in the Shanghai International Arbitration Expert Pool (first batch). Business partner testimonial Hong Yuwen is dedicated to excellence, willing to contribute, and effective in his accomplishments, greatly contributing to the company's legal work. —Ma Xiaohua, Chairman of China National Aviation Logistics Company 洪育文拥有美国杜兰大学的法学硕士学位。他目前担 任中国航油集团物流有限公司(“物流公司”)副总经理、 总法律顾问,分管法律、合规、风控、审计等工作。他围绕公 司中心工作,全面履行总法律顾问职责,建机制、带队伍、 打基础、防风险,用法治思维和法治方式破解难题、创造价 值,为法律工作做出了重大贡献。 履职以来,洪育文带领团队为公司重大项目提供法律 保障,助力公司改革发展;积极推动公司全面进行合规体 系建设,初步建立合规管理的“三道防线”;直面纠纷,全力 维护企业合法权益;他致力于构建公司的法治工作体制机 制,打造系统内法律队伍。 洪育文获评2016-2020年度上海市法治宣传教育先进 个人;他还是国际商会(ICC)仲裁和替代性争议解决委员 会委员,以及上海国际仲裁专家库(第一批)专家。 业务伙伴评价 洪育文工作精益求精、甘于奉献、善作善成,为公司法 律工作贡献良多。 ——马晓华,中国航油集团物流公司董事长 China National Aviation Logistics Co. was established on December 12, 2007, as a wholly-owned subsidiary of China National Aviation Fuel Group Limited, and is the country's largest aviation fuel logistics provider. The company is dedicated to building a professional logistics management team and a highly integrated distribution system for oil and chemical products, encompassing shipping, warehousing, pipeline transportation, and land transport. It strives to continuously develop a safe, unified, and efficient logistics supply chain. 中国航油集团物流有限公司组建于2007年12月12日, 是中国航空油料集团有限公司的全资子公司,是全国最大 的航油物流服务商。中国航油物流公司致力于打造专业化 物流管理团队和高度一体化的油品及化工品配送体系,构 建航运、仓储、管输、陆运四大业务模块,持续打造安全、统 一、高效的物流供应链。