14 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA – GENERAL COUNSEL PROFILES 2024 APRIL 2024 Richard Li 李程 I-Mab Chief Legal Officer Number of Years as General Counsel: Over 5 years Number of people in the legal team: 4 天境生物 首席法务官 担任总法律顾问时长:5 年+ 管理法务团队人数:4 Richard Li holds dual LLM degrees from Columbia Law School and Sun Yat-sen University Law School. Before commencing his in-house legal career, he had over a decade of experience in international law firms, leading the China life sciences transaction business. Since joining I-Mab, Li has demonstrated exceptional team management skills, a deep and broad understanding of the life sciences industry and business, as well as risk control and professional judgment capabilities. Over the past few years, he has led his team in assessing legal risks for potential collaboration projects for the BD team, supporting the post-execution of signed commercial/strategic cooperation projects, successfully winning an international commercial arbitration with Tracon, and assisting the commercialization team in obtaining drug GSP certification for a pharmaceutical sales subsidiary, thereby supporting the stable development of the business. He provides timely and accurate legal support for the company's major strategic decisions. Especially in today's era of changing international environments and regulatory policies, he quickly and efficiently predicts major legal risks that may arise from the company's commercial activities and promptly mobilizes internal and external legal resources to mitigate these risks. Li is a licensed attorney in the State of New York, has passed the Chinese judicial examination, and is a Certified Licensing Professional. Business partner testimonial Richard formed and led an outstanding and efficient legal team that offers pragmatic advice from a legal perspective during major strategic decision-making and implementation processes, anticipating legal risks and providing effective solutions. A notable example is the international commercial arbitration with Tracon. After joining the company, Richard quickly completed case assessments, advised the management to optimize litigation strategies and the external legal team, ultimately securing a significant victory by defending against claims exceeding 200 million USD and winning zero damages. —Diana Zhang, Board Secretary and VP of Strategy & Planning, I-Mab How to become an outstanding GC? An excellent GC should possess profound legal expertise, exceptional team management skills, and keen insights into the industry and business environment. Additionally, they should be able to effectively anticipate, identify, and address legal risks, providing precise legal support that aligns closely with business needs. 李程拥有美国哥伦比亚大学法学院、中山大学法学院 双硕士学位。开启公司法务执业前,他拥有十余年国际律 所的工作经验,领导律所的中国生命科学交易业务。 履职天境生物以来,李程表现出卓越的团队管理能力、 对生命科学行业及商业的广泛深入理解,及风险应对能力 与职业判断力。过去几年,他领导团队协助BD业务团队评 估潜在合作项目法律风险、支持已签订商业/战略合作项目 后期执行,成功赢得与Tracon的国际商事仲裁,并协助商 业化团队就医药销售子公司成功完成药品GSP认证等,支 持业务稳健发展。 他为公司重大战略决策提供及时准确的法律支持,尤 其在当今国际环境与监管政策多变的时代,迅速高效地预 判公司商业活动可能存在的重大法律风险,并及时调动内 外部法律资源化解风险。 李程是纽约州注册律师,通过了中国司法考试,并且是 注册许可交易专业人士。 业务伙伴评价 Richard组建并领导了一支优秀高效的法务团队,在 公司重大战略决策与实施过程中,从法律专业视角为公司 提供务实的建议,预判法律风险并给出行之有效的解决方 案。公司与Tracon之间的国际商事仲裁是一个非常典型的 例子。Richard加入公司后很快就完成了案件评估,向管理 层建议全面优化诉讼策略及外部律师团队,最终成功抵御 对方超过2亿美金损害赔偿并赢得0损害赔偿的重大胜利。 ——Diana Zhang, Board Secretary and VP of Strategy & Planning, I-Mab 对于优秀总法所具备特质的理解 优秀的总法应具备深厚的法律专业知识,卓越的团队 管理能力,以及对行业和商业环境的敏锐洞察力。同时,能 够有效预判、洞察和应对法律风险,提供贴近业务需求的 精准法律支持。 I-Mab is a global innovative biotech company exclusively focused on discovery, development and soon, commercialization of novel or highly differentiated biologics in the therapeutic areas of immuno-oncology and autoimmune diseases. Its mission is “Bringing Transformational Medicines to Patients Through Innovation”, and its values are Innovation, Integrity, Resilience. I-Mab now has 6 innovative assets, 2 near-BLA assets in China, and 300+ issued patents and patent applications. 天境生物是一家充满活力的国际创新生物科技公司, 聚焦肿瘤免疫和自体免疫领域创新或高度差异化生物药的 研发、生产和商业化。公司以“持续开发创新生物药,真正 改变患者生活”为使命,以“创新,诚信,坚韧”为价值观。目 前拥有6款临床阶段产品,2款近上市阶段产品,以及300+ 授权专利及专利申请。