16 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA – GENERAL COUNSEL PROFILES 2024 APRIL 2024 Li Yadi 李雅迪 G7 Connect Inc. General Counsel Number of Years as General Counsel: 6 years Number of people in the legal team: 11 G7易流集团 法律合规中心总经理 担任总法律顾问时长:6 年 管理法务团队人数:11 Since taking the role of GC at G7 Connect, Li Yadi has transformed the legal team into a pivotal force in the company's PE fundraising, investment acquisitions, and daily legal affairs. Li has steered her team through several major transactions for G7 Connect, such as the Series E funding round completed in early 2022 and the merger between G7 and Connect. In the contemporary context of data and cybersecurity, Li swiftly initiated and led the establishment of a data compliance management system within G7 Connect, tailored for the logistics tech industry. In terms of IP protection, the legal team under her leadership developed G7 Connect’s IP protection framework. Moreover, Li and her team have crafted compliance transaction strategies for the company's critical innovative ventures, such as online freight, tech insurance, and logistics SaaS, ensuring compliance stability for the company's strategic innovative initiatives. Facing disputes during business expansion, the legal team adeptly managed litigation cases, establishing a landmark case in the online freight sector and setting a guiding precedent for the year, continuously safeguarding the company's development. Business partner testimonial The Legal Affairs Department is one of the most crucial partners for the various business units within G7 Connect. Over the past year, the team has been closely monitoring the performance objectives of each business line on a weekly basis, actively participating alongside us in the front lines. Furthermore, the team proactively identifies potential risks and significant R&D assets that need protection. This year, the company's patent protection has reached a new peak. —Huang Cong, Vice President of G7 Connect How to become an outstanding GC? 1. Solid theoretical knowledge and legal technical skills form the foundation. 2. Strong learning capabilities and curiosity ensure continuous improvement: today's rapidly evolving legal environment in China presents higher challenges for legal professionals. 3. Exceptional business acumen is a catalyst: A GC must utilize their "tools" to generate commercial value for the company. From the business model of a particular operation to the development goals of the company and industry at large, the GC must have sufficient awareness and be able to quickly reach a consensus with business partners. 履职以来,李雅迪带领G7易流法律事务部成为了公司 私募融资、投资并购及日常法律事务的主要工作力量。 李雅迪带领团队支持了G7易流集团诸多重大交易,例如 2022年初交割的E轮融资项目,以及G7与易流的合并交易。 在新时代数据安全及网络安全的话题中,李雅迪作为 总法,第一时间带领法律事务部在G7易流集团内部启动、 引领、搭建并落地了适合物流科技行业的数据合规管理体 系;在知识产权保护方面,法律事务部则主导搭建了G7易 流集团的知识产权保护体系。 此外,李雅迪和团队还为公司设计了重要创新业务(网 络货运、科技保险、物流SaaS等)的合规交易方案,为公司 各项战略创新业务的平稳落地提供合规保障。面对业务发 展过程中的争议案件,法律事务部妥善处理诉讼事务,打 造网络货运行业第一案,并成为当年的指导案例,持续为 公司发展保驾护航。 业务伙伴评价 法律事务部是G7易流业务线各事业部的最重要合作 伙伴之一。在过去一年里,在攻守两端我司法律事务部都 会每周跟进业务线的业绩目标,在每次的关键战役中,法 律事务部的同事都会在一线与我们并肩作战。 同时,法律事务部会主动发现可能的风险和要保护的 重要研发资产,今年以来,公司的专利保护达到新高。 ——黄丛,G7易流副总裁 对于优秀总法所具备特质的理解 1. 扎实的理论功底和法律技术能力是一切的基础:法律 专业能力一方面需要靠扎实的理论功底提供基础,另 一方面需要巧妙地积累多维度的经验; 2. 超强的学习能力与好奇心是保持进步的保障:中国的 法制环境日新月异,对今天的法律工作者提出了更高 的挑战; 3. 出色的商业意识是助推剂:总法要使用手里的“工具” 为公司实现商业价值。小到某个业务的商业模式,大到 公司及行业的发展目标,总法都需要有足够的认知并 能迅速与商业伙伴达成共识。 G7 Connect is a logistics technology enterprise dedicated to enhancing industrial productivity through technological innovation, enabling all industry contributors to experience the positive transformations brought about by logistics digitalization. The company offers integrated software and hardware SaaS services that span the entire supply chain, catering to shippers and freight operators in the manufacturing and consumer logistics sectors. These services aim to elevate operational efficiency, reduce costs, and improve safety, thereby facilitating sustainable growth and commercial success. G7易流,是一家物流科技公司,致力于通过科技力量 提升产业生产效率,让所有产业贡献者感受物流数字化带 来的美好改变。面向生产制造与消费物流行业的货主及货 运经营者提供软硬一体、全链贯通的SaaS 服务,帮助他们 提升企业经营效率、降低成本、改善安全,从而获得持续的 增长和商业成功。