17 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA – GENERAL COUNSEL PROFILES 2024 LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA Leo Li 李阳 Lingong Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd. Chief Legal Officer Number of Years as General Counsel: 2 years Number of people in the legal team: 13 临工重机股份有限公司 总经理助理兼法务风控部负责人 担任总法律顾问时长:2 年 管理法务团队人数:13 Leo Li holds a Master's degree from Shandong University. His career has largely unfolded in Chinese enterprises "going global," initially serving in the legal department of a central state-owned enterprise, focusing on international engineering legal affairs. He later joined the automotive industry, working for Great Wall Motor and Lingong Heavy Machinery, witnessing the overseas expansion of Chinese manufacturing and gaining extensive experience in risk control and compliance management for Chinese enterprises abroad. Since joining Lingong Heavy Machinery, Li has initiated several projects significantly advancing the company's strategic development, enhancing risk control, and mitigating operational risks, positively impacting the company. Li assembled an efficient 13-member legal and compliance team, participating in various overseas expansion projects, including investments in a manufacturing plant in Mexico, and the company's Main Board IPO. In compliance, Li spearheaded the construction of the company's compliance management system, established systems for export control, sanctions compliance, and anti-fraud compliance. In 2023, Li was recognized as ALB China Top 15 General Counsel and led his team to win the Compliance and Risk Management In-House Team of the Year: East China. Business partner testimonial Leo Li has earned the recognition and trust of the company's senior leadership through his professional expertise and ethical conduct. He has also enhanced the cohesion and contribution of the legal, compliance, and risk control team with his excellent management approach. At the same time, he is committed to building a comprehensive compliance management system to address the increasingly compliance risks, especially in areas such as export controls and economic sanctions, intellectual property, anti-fraud and anti-corruption compliance, and overseas investments. Currently, Li is leading his team to safeguard the company's internationalization strategy. —Zhang Jinxiang, Deputy General Manager of Lingong Heavy Machinery How to become an outstanding GC? An outstanding General Counsel should deeply understand business dynamics and possess exceptional risk management skills, capable of finding solutions, not just providing legal opinions. They should also have a strong inner drive and inspire their team to continually improve their skills and enhance their business acumen. Furthermore, they should be competent managers, maintaining the team's cohesion and combativeness. 李阳拥有山东大学硕士学位。他的职业生涯大部分在 “出海”中资企业展开,最早供职于央企法务部,主要从事 国际工程类法律事务;后就职于制造业“出海”整车企业—— 长城汽车、临工重机,亲历中资制造业出海历程,并在海外 工作多年,熟悉中企海外经营的风控和合规管理工作。 加入临工重机以来,李阳启动了一系列对公司业务有 重大推动作用的项目,为赋能公司战略发展、提升公司风 控水平、规避公司经营中的风险,具有重大的积极影响。 李阳组建了一支由13人组成的高效法务合规团队,参 与了包括墨西哥制造工厂投资在内的公司多个海外布局项 目,以及临工重机主板IPO项目。合规领域,李阳牵头公司 合规管理体系建设,主导搭建了出口管制与经济制裁合规 风险应对体系,以及反舞弊合规体系建设。 2023年,李阳上榜“ALB十五佳总法律顾问”,并带领 团队荣获“ALB年度华东区域合规与风险管理公司法务组 大奖”。 业务伙伴评价 李阳以其专业能力和职业操守赢得了公司高层领导 的认可和信任,也通过优秀的管理方式增加了法务、合规、 风控团队的凝聚力和贡献力。与此同时,他始终致力于为 公司搭建完善的合规管理体系,以应对日趋严峻的合规风 险,尤其在出口管制与经济制裁、知识产权、反舞弊与反腐 败合规、海外投资等方面做出了重要贡献,目前李阳正带 领团队为公司国际化战略保驾护航。 ——张金祥,临工重机副总经理 对于优秀总法所具备特质的理解 优秀的总法,应当能深刻理解商业,具备出色的风险管 理能力,能在权衡中找到解决“方案”,而不仅是输出法律“ 意见”;同时,应具备强大的内驱力且能感染团队不断精进 业务能力和提升商业感知;应当是称职的管理者,能够保 持团队的凝聚力和战斗力。 An outstanding General Counsel should deeply understand business dynamics and possess exceptional risk management skills, capable of finding solutions, not just providing legal opinions. They should also have a strong inner drive and inspire their team to continually improve their skills and enhance their business acumen. Furthermore, they should be competent managers, maintaining the team's cohesion and combativeness. 临工重机以矿山机械、高空作业机械为核心业务领域, 公司目前是国家级高新技术企业、国家制造业单项冠军, 并荣登胡润2023全球独角兽榜单,连续多年荣获“中国高 空作业设备制造商5强”、“全球工程机械制造商100强”、“ 中国工程机械制造商30强”等多项殊荣。