18 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA – GENERAL COUNSEL PROFILES 2024 APRIL 2024 Amy Liang 梁敏 Beijing Calorie Information Technology Co., Ltd. Senior Legal Director Number of Years as General Counsel: 8 years Number of people in the legal team: 9 北京卡路里信息技术有限公司 高级法务总监 担任总法律顾问时长:8 年 管理法务团队人数:9 Since its establishment in 2018, the Legal Department of Keep, led by Amy Liang, has provided comprehensive legal services to the company in areas such as IPO, transactions, litigation, compliance, and intellectual property projects. Over the past year, under Liang's leadership, the legal team fully supported the company's successful listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Additionally, the team recovered over ten million yuan in outstanding debts, significantly mitigating financial losses for the company. Furthermore, to strengthen risk prevention and control, Liang spearheaded the compliance mapping project. This initiative involved mapping and pairing the risk control map related to compliance areas with the execution responsibilities of "compliance laws, rules, and standards." This detailed review, description, and categorization of potential risks identified specific control points and responsible persons, facilitating corrective actions. Additionally, she and her legal team have provided reliable legal support in areas such as combating illegal and gray market activities, data compliance, intellectual property strategies, and overseas business expansion, safeguarding the company's business development. Business partner testimonial As Keep’s general counsel, Amy is committed to building a professional, diversified and international legal team. With her professionalism, responsibility and insight, she is a role model for the legal team. —Zhang Xinyang, Managing Partner at Commerce & Finance Law Offices Liang and her legal team have professional and in-depth legal knowledge. Liang has a deep understanding of business needs and regulatory environment. —Meng Jie, Partner at Global Law Office How to become an outstanding GC? Being an outstanding GC requires a broad vision, with sufficient understanding and judgment of business to find the best balance between legal compliance and business development and gives strong support to the business. It also requires comprehensive professionalism and continuous learning ability to understand and give quick feedback and adjustments to the business. At the same time, as a qualified manager, he or she should be good at communication, coordination and organizational management, and also be able to understand the characteristics of team members, stimulate the enthusiasm of each team member and let each play the maximum value. Keep 法务部成立于2018年。履职以来,梁敏带领公司 法务部,在上市及一系列交易、诉讼、合规、知识产权等项 目中为公司提供全方位法律服务。 在过去一年里,梁敏带领法务部全程支持公司在港上 市项目,助力公司顺利上市。同时,法务部还为公司追回欠 款千万余元,为公司挽回了巨大的财务损失。 此外,在梁敏的带领下,法务部为加强风险防控,主导 开展了合规地图项目,将合规领域相关风险和风险节点控 制地图与“合规法律、规则和准则”的执行责任义务地图进 行映射和配对。对公司的潜在风险作出了详尽的梳理、描 述与分类,明确具体管控节点和相应的责任人,推进整改。 此外,她还与法务团队,通过打击黑灰产项目、数据合 规、知识产权布局、海外业务拓展等方面,为公司提供切实 可靠的法律支持,为公司业务的发展保驾护航。 业务伙伴评价 作为Keep总法律顾问,Amy致力于专业化、多元化、国 际化的法务队伍的建设。她的专业素养、责任心及洞见性, 是法务团队的榜样。 ——张新阳,通商律师事务所管理合伙人 梁敏女士及其法务团队具备专业、深厚的法律知识。对 于商业需求和监管环境,梁敏女士有着深刻的理解。 ——孟洁,环球律师事务所合伙人 对于优秀总法所具备特质的理解 优秀的总法需要有广阔的视野,要对商业有足够的理 解和敏锐的判断力,灵活的变通能力,在法律合规和业务 发展中找到最佳的平衡点,给予业务最强有力的支持,为 公司提供长期价值; 也需要全面的专业素养、卓越的分析能力和沟通技巧, 强大的心理素质及高度的职业道德和责任心,持续学习创 新能力 。 同时,作为管理者,要善于沟通协调和组织管理,也要 能了解团队成员的特点,激发团队每个人发挥最大的价值。 Keep (3650.HK) is a global sports technology company on a mission to "Get the World Moving," dedicated to promoting fitness for all. Embracing the brand ethos of "Self-discipline Sets Me Free," Keep encourages people to enjoy the joy of exercise anytime, anywhere, and explore the myriad possibilities life offers through physical activity. Launched in 2015, the Keep App provides a one-stop fitness solution catering to users' needs in nutrition, apparel, equipment, and training. Keep(3650.HK)是一家全球化的运动科技公司,以 「让世界动起来」为使命,全面助力全民健身,以“自律给 我自由”的品牌精神,鼓励人们随时随地享受运动的快乐,通 过运动探索人生的更多可能性。Keep App上线于2015年, 围绕用户的「吃、穿、用、练」需求,提供一站式运动解决方案。