19 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA – GENERAL COUNSEL PROFILES 2024 LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA David Lin 林贤伟 Huizhou Desay SV Automotive Co., Ltd. Legal and Compliance Director Number of Years as General Counsel: 4 years Number of people in the legal team: 12 惠州市德赛西威汽车电子股份有限公司 法律与合规总监 担任总法律顾问时长:4 年 管理法务团队人数:12 Since taking office, David Lin has led the 12-member legal team at Desay SV, providing comprehensive legal support for a range of significant transactions, litigation, intellectual property, and specialized research projects. As Desay SV's internationalization deepens, to meet the legal demands of new business models, the legal team was upgraded to the Legal and Compliance Module in 2024 under Lin's leadership. This module includes the Legal Department, Compliance Department, and Intellectual Property Department, which collaborate to advance the company's legal, compliance, and IP affairs. Over the past year, Lin and his team have actively participated in the company's export control and supply chain compliance, taken on data compliance and cybersecurity construction, been involved in setting up overseas subsidiaries and a second domestic manufacturing base, supported investment and financing activities, and comprehensively reviewed the company's litigation cases in recent years. Lin is a researcher at the China Lawyer College for Public Sector Lawyers and Corporate Lawyers of Renmin University and an Member of Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (UK), was named in 2023 as one of the first members of the ForeignRelated Legal Talent Pool by the Guangdong Provincial Committee for the Rule of Law. He also became a sixth-term director of the International Law Society under the Guangdong Law Society and a senior seminar instructor for the "Corporate Legal Affairs Talent" course at East China University of Political Science and Law. He has frequently participated as a guest in events such as the "Enterprise International Compliance Management Forum," "Global Automotive Intellectual Property Summit," and the "Greater Bay Area High-Quality Legal Forum for Technological Enterprises," where he has delivered speeches. His original articles on foreign-related law have been featured and recommended by the Wolters Kluwer Legal Database. Business partner testimonial The legal team led by Lin Xianwei not only addresses business needs from a legal perspective but also integrates commercial strategies to provide comprehensive solutions. Amid Desay SV's intensified focus on internationalization, Lin has led his team in supporting the company's overseas investments, offering robust support for the establishment of a factory in Mexico and negotiations for joint ventures in the Asia-Pacific region, safeguarding the company's interests and demands. Lin and the IP team has also contributed significantly to the company's global patent strategy. —Li Lele, Desay SV Executive Vice President, Head of Intelligent Driving Division How to become an outstanding GC? An outstanding GC needs to have a deep understanding of the company’s business model and the role of the legal team in the company. An outstanding GC needs to balance business and risk and have an open, flexible and pragmatic attitude. Finally, such a GC needs also to have holistic considerations of strategic undertakings, management skills and talent development. 履职以来,林贤伟带领德赛西威法务部的12位成员, 为公司的一系列重大交易、诉讼、知识产权、专项研究等项 目,提供全方位法律支持。随着德赛西威的国际化进程不 断深化,为了应对新业态下的法律需求,在林贤伟的带领 下,法务部2024年升级为法律与合规模块,包括法务部、合 规部、知识产权部,各部门在各司其职的基础上进行协同 合作,共同推进全公司的法律、合规、知识产权事务工作。 过去一年,林贤伟和团队积极参与公司的出口管制与 供应链合规工作;主动承担了公司数据合规工作以及网络 安全建设;积极参与公司海外子公司和国内第二制造基地 搭建工作;支持公司投融资事宜;并对公司近几年诉讼案 件进行了全面复盘。 林贤伟,中国人民大学律师学院两公中心研究员、英国 皇家特许仲裁员协会中级会员,2023年获评广东省省委依 法治省办首批涉外法治人才库成员、广东省法学会国际法 学会研究会第六届理事、华东政法大学“公司法务人才高 级研习班”授课导师。他还多次作为嘉宾,参与“企业国际 化合规经营论坛”“全球汽车知识产权峰会”“大湾区科技 企业高质量发展法律论坛”等活动并发表演讲。他撰写的 涉外法律原创文章被《威科先行法律信息库》收录并获编 辑推荐阅读。 业务伙伴评价 林贤伟带领的法务部对业务需求不只是从法律出发, 还会结合商业模式最大程度提供解决方案。针对德赛西威 加大国际化战略的背景下带领法务团队支持公司海外投 资,对公司在墨西哥设立工厂、亚太地区的合资企业谈判 提供有力支持。林贤伟所带领知识产权团队也对公司的全 球专利布局做出了贡献。 ——李乐乐,德赛西威执行副总裁、智能驾驶事业部负责人 对于优秀总法所具备特质的理解 1、深刻理解公司商业模式和法务部在企业价值链中的作用。 2、平衡商务与风险,秉持开放、灵活、务实的态度。 3、具备战略承接、管理技能、人才培养的立体思维。 Desay SV (SHE: 002920), one of the leading mobility technology companies, is committed to being a smart mobility solution provider in the fields of intelligent cabin, intelligent driving and connected services. We focus on the seamless integration of man, machine and lifestyle with a vision “to be the preferred partner in mobility transformation.” 德赛西威(股票代码:002920)是国际领先的移动出行 科技公司之一,致力于成为未来出行变革创领者。德赛西 威持续投入和专注于电子化和集成化的产品与技术,聚焦 智能座舱、智能驾驶和网联服务三大领域的整合,为全球 客户提供安全、舒适、高效的智慧出行解决方案。