20 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA – GENERAL COUNSEL PROFILES 2024 APRIL 2024 Annie Ling 凌涛涛 Micro Connect Partner, General Counsel Number of Years as General Counsel: 8 years Number of people in the legal team: 19 滴灌通 集团合伙人,总法律顾问 担任总法律顾问时长:8 年 管理法务团队人数:19 Annie Ling holds a Bachelor of Laws from Peking University and a LLM from New York University. With nearly 20 years of experience in legal and compliance roles, she has worked in large multinational law firms, listed financial conglomerates, and major bank asset management institutions. Her expertise spans diverse areas including domestic and international investments, capital markets, private equity funds, licensing compliance, regulatory controls, and more, accumulating extensive professional knowledge and practical experience. Since the establishment of Micro Connect in early 2021, Annie has been instrumental in building the group's legal compliance framework from scratch, as well as assembling the legal compliance team. Now, the team comprises 19 members from diverse backgrounds, who are based both domestically and internationally, forming a highly professional and versatile team that provides comprehensive support for the rapid development of Micro Connect's innovative business model. In terms of management, Annie has efficiently organized team optimization and structural upgrades in a timely manner. She has broken free from traditional legal work paradigms, creatively transforming legal work processes, and successfully implementing intelligent systems for legal work. Business partner testimonial I have collaborated closely with Annie and her team in the financing projects of Micro Connect involving equity, funds, banking, asset securitization, and more. Faced with various innovative financing structures, structured product designs, as well as routine and unexpected situations in projects, Annie consistently provides timely, efficient, and tailored legal compliance support, along with creative solutions, which propel the smooth progress of the projects. —Head of Corporate Development Department How to become an outstanding GC? Firstly, balance legal compliance risks with sound business acumen to make effective decisions. Secondly, demonstrate not only the ability to handle issues properly after they arise but also the foresight and vigilance to anticipate and prevent problems before they occur. Annie拥有北京大学法学学士和纽约大学法学硕士 学位。她从事律师和总法工作近20年,曾在大型跨国律师 事务所、上市金控集团、大型银行资管等机构履职,经验跨 越境内外多样化投融资、资本市场、私募基金、牌照合规、 监管内控等多个领域,积累了大量丰富的专业知识和实操 经验。 自滴灌通集团于2021年初创立以来,Annie由0到1搭 建集团法律合规框架、组建法律合规团队,如今由境内外 共19名成员组成了多元化背景、高度专业的复合型团队, 对滴灌通创新业务模式的快速发展提供了全方位支持。 在管理方面,Annie及时高效地组织团队优化、结构升 级;她打破传统法务工作思路的桎梏,创造性地改造了法 务工作流程,并实现了法务工作智能化系统的构建和实施。 业务伙伴评价 在滴灌通集团的股权、基金、银行、资产证券化等融资 项目中,我均与Annie及其所带领的团队深入合作,面对 各种创新融资架构、结构化产品设计,以及项目上的各种 常规及突发情况,Annie总能给予及时、高效、适配的法律 合规支持以及创造性的法律合规解决方案,助推项目顺利 进行。 ——公司发展部负责人 对于优秀总法所具备特质的理解 第一,以良好的商业意识平衡法律合规风险,做出有效 的决策; 第二,不仅能在问题发生后妥善处理,更要有见微知 著、防患于未然的能力和远见。 Micro Connect is an exchange group that leverages financial technology to connect global capital with micro and small businesses. Through its innovative revenue sharing investment and financing model, micro stores in the Food & Beverage, Retail, Services, and Culture & Sports and other sectors can access affordable mid-term and long-term capital on Micro Connect (Macao) Financial Assets Exchange (MCEX), the world’s first licensed exchange for daily revenue obligation (DRO). 滴灌通集团是一家运用金融科技连结全球资本与小 微 企业的交易所集团。通过创新的收入分成模式,跨越餐饮、 零 售、服务、文体等行业的小微门店得以在滴灌通澳门金融 资 产交易所(MCEX)挂牌,募集便捷、实惠的中长期资金。