22 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA – GENERAL COUNSEL PROFILES 2024 APRIL 2024 Luo Yuan 罗媛 SATP Holding Inc. General Counsel, Vice President Number of Years as General Counsel: 3 years Number of people in the legal team: 7 慧算账 总法律顾问、副总裁,联席公司秘书 担任总法律顾问时长:3 年 管理法务团队人数:7 Since assuming her position, Luo Yuan has been at the helm of the Legal Department at SATP Holding, assuming full responsibility for the legal compliance and commercialization of the company's legal services. Under her stewardship, the Legal Department has overseen the comprehensive digitization and ongoing optimization of various legal compliance processes, including contract review and approval, seals and licenses management, intellectual property management, conflict of interest management, group structure maintenance, and data privacy. In the past year, Ms. Luo, along with her team, has led the architectural design, regulatory approval, and transaction execution for a series of complex transactions, such as the crossborder restructuring of the company for red-chip status. They have also been responsible for the domestic and international legal aspects of SATP Holding's Hong Kong IPO project. Under Ms. Luo's direction, the Legal Department has initiated innovative endeavors, launching the "Huixiaolv" entrepreneurial project to offer efficient and convenient legal services to numerous SME clients. Luo Yuan has been distinguished with several accolades in the realms of restructuring, data privacy, cloud services and overseas capital market for the 2022-2024 period. The Legal Department was also recognized as one of the 2023 ALB China Top 15 In-House Teams. Business partner testimonial Ms. Luo Yuan exhibits a sharp business acumen, adept at crafting diverse transaction structures and navigating complex practicalities. She excellently aligns specific legal necessities with the underlying business strategies, striking a distinctive equilibrium between commercial objectives and compliance obligations. —Nan Li, Managing Partner at Tian Yuan Hong Kong Ms. Luo Yuan has meticulously assembled the legal team from the ground up, demonstrating the capacity to steer the overall strategic direction while tackling intricate technical hurdles. Her leadership has been instrumental in the successful completion of legal tasks across a multitude of projects. Her conduct reflects a high standard of professionalism, complemented by exceptional strategic foresight and robust management abilities. —Tian Li, Senior Vice President at SATP Holding How to become an outstanding GC? 1.A robust professional skill set, coupled with a genuine commitment and capacity for ongoing learning, serves as the cornerstone for the General Counsel (GC) to adeptly identify and mitigate legal compliance risks within the company amidst a complex business and regulatory landscape. 2.Superior communication and coordination abilities are crucial, allowing for the comprehension and reconciliation of the interests and expectations of both internal and external stakeholders. This, in turn, fosters a concurrent pursuit of protecting the company's business interests and ensuring compliance with legal requirements. 3. Additionally, integrity, diligence, and resilience are vital attributes. 履职以来,罗媛带领慧算账法务平台,全面负责 慧算账集团的法律合规及法律服务商业化事务。在她 的领导下,法务平台充分利用信息化技术为集团境内 外众多实体提供涵盖合同审核、印章资质管理、知识 产权保护、数据隐私及争议解决等全方位高效法律支 持。过去一年,法务平台牵头完成了慧算账集团的跨 境红筹重组并全面负责慧算账集团港股IPO项目的法 律条线工作。 慧算账法务平台锐意创新,推动“慧小律”创业项 目,为众多中小微企业客户提供高效便捷的法律服 务,推动法务平台从专业支持部门向支持部门+利润 创造中心转变。 罗媛及法务团队曾获多个权威媒体颁发的20222024年重整、数据隐私、云服务及境外资本市场领域优 秀法务奖项、以及2023年ALB十五佳公司法务团队称号。 业务伙伴评价 罗律师的商业嗅觉非常敏锐,通过对各类交易结 构的设计和对实操的把握,能够将具体法律要求构建 在底层商业逻辑之上,做到让业务与合规的双向奔 赴,这是十分难得的。 ——李竟弘,天元香港管理合伙人 罗媛女士从零到一搭建法务团队,在法务层面既 能把控整体方向,也能解决细节技术难题,圆满完成 各项目中的法务工作。她在工作中输出高度专业性的 同时也展现了优秀的大局观和管理能力。 ——田里,慧算账高级副总裁 对于优秀总法所具备特质的理解 1. 坚实的专业技能和终身学习的意愿及能力,这是 总法能为企业在复杂的商业及监管环境中有效 识别防范合规法律风险的根基; 2. 良好的沟通协调能力,能理解平衡公司内外部利 益相关方诉求利益,推动保障公司业务与合规的 双向奔赴; 3. 正直、勤勉以及坚韧的品格。 Founded in 2015, SATP Holding has emerged as China's preeminent provider of financial and tax services tailored for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The company prides itself on delivering a spectrum of comprehensive solutions that span accounting, invoicing, tax compliance, and integrated financial management. SATP Holding is committed to leveraging artificial intelligence to empower SMEs with a solution that not only ensures regulatory compliance but also enhances operational efficiency and delivers significant cost savings in business operations and performance analysis. 慧算账成立于2015年,是中国最大的中小微企 业财税解决方案提供商,为中小微企业提供全面的 财税解决方案,涵盖会计、发票、税务合规及综合财 务管理。慧算账致力于提供一套AI赋能的解决方案, 以帮助中小微企业在全面合规的同时,在业务经营、 业绩分析上大幅提升效率及节约成本。