23 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA – GENERAL COUNSEL PROFILES 2024 LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA Ma Haoguang 马浩广 CHT·SHENGQU GAMES CHT·SHENGQU GAMES Vice President & General Counsel; Vice Chairman of the CHT Data Security Committee Number of Years as General Counsel: 8 years Number of people in the legal team: 20 世纪华通·盛趣游戏 世纪华通·盛趣游戏副总裁兼总法律顾问;世纪华通数据安全委员会副主席 担任总法律顾问时长:8 年 管理法务团队人数:20 Ma Haoguang, a Master of Laws graduate from Peking University, joined CHT·SHENGQU GAMES in 2010 and has been serving as the General Counsel since 2016, overseeing all legal affairs for CHT and SHENGQU GAMES globally. Aligning with the company's strategy of globalization, quality, and new culture, Ma led the legal team in establishing an IP-centric protection system and a data security compliance management system. CHT and SHENGQU GAMES have passed the national intellectual property management system certification (GB/T294902013) and data security management capability certification (TLC 030-2021), earning titles like "National Intellectual Property Advantage Enterprise." The IP management team led by Ma has been awarded honors such as China's Outstanding Intellectual Property Management Team, China's Excellent Legal Team in Intellectual Property, Outstanding Legal Team in Intellectual Property (Litigation), and Outstanding Legal Team in the Online Game Industry. Furthermore, Ma undertakes social responsibilities, serving as the Director of the Intellectual Property Professional Committee of the Shanghai Online Game Association, Senior Researcher at the Shanghai Intellectual Property Academy, and Secretary-General of the New Entertainment Industry Research Academy at East China University of Political Science and Law. He actively promotes the study of law in the intellectual property and cultural creative industries, contributing to the compliant development of the industry. Business partner testimonial Mr. Ma Haoguang possesses outstanding leadership, profound legal expertise, and sharp business acumen. As a long-term and stable partner of CHT•SHENGQU GAMES, we have fully witnessed the remarkable achievements in the field of intellectual property by the legal team under Mr. Ma's leadership, characterized by their meticulous and pragmatic work style and high efficiency. —Zhu Xiaoqing, Managing Partner at Co-effort Law Firm How to become an outstanding GC? In Ma's view, the legal center must always bear the weight of the crown they wish to wear, regardless of time and place. The legal center should not only serve as a legal team that supports the company's strategy but also as a business team that empowers it. The work of the legal center should not only generate greater legal value but also create additional business value. Furthermore, an outstanding legal team, and by extension an outstanding GC, aims to set new standards and benchmarks in the industry by effectively balancing legal and business values through continuous and impactful practice and reflection. 马浩广,北京大学法律硕士毕业,2010年加入盛趣游 戏,2016年起担任盛趣游戏法务总监职务,全面负责世纪 华通及盛趣游戏全球法律事务。 契合公司全球化、精品化、新文化之战略布局,马浩广 带领法务团队为公司搭建了以IP为核心的知识产权战略保 护体系、数据安全合规管理等体系建设,世纪华通及盛趣 游戏先后通过国家知识产权管理体系认证(GB/T294902013)、数据安全管理能力认证( TLC 030-2021),获评“国 家知识产权优势企业”等荣誉称号。马浩广带领的知识产 权管理团队曾获得中国杰出知识产权管理团队、中国知识 产权优秀法务团队、知识产权 (诉讼)领域-优秀法务团队、 网络游戏行业优秀法务团队等荣誉称号。 同时,马浩广积极承担社会工作责任,担任上海网络游 戏行业协会知识产权专委会主任、上海知识产权研究所高 级研究员、华东政法大学新文娱产业研究院秘书长等,积 极推进知识产权文化创意产业法治研究,为产业的合规发 展贡献力量。 业务伙伴评价 马浩广先生具有卓越的领导力,深厚的法律功底,敏锐 的商业化思维。我们作为世纪华通•盛趣游戏长期稳定的 合作伙伴,充分见证世纪华通•盛趣游戏法务团队在马浩 广先生的领导下,凭借严谨务实的工作作风、高效的执行 力在知识产权领域取得了一系列令人瞩目的佳绩。 ——祝筱青,上海市协力律师事务所管理合伙人 对于优秀总法所具备特质的理解 无论何时何地,法务团队是欲戴王冠必承其重。法务中 心不仅要做一个服务公司战略的法律团队,还要做一个助 力公司战略的业务团队;法务工作不仅要创造更大的法务 价值,还要为公司创造更多的业务价值;并且在兼顾法务 价值和业务价值实现的同时,通过不断卓有成效地实践与 总结,为所在产业树新风立标杆,才是一个优秀法务团队、 更是一个优秀法总的终极目标。 CHT (stock code: 002602) was established in 2005 and successfully listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in July 2011. In 2019, it acquired Shengqu Games (formerly Shanda Games) for 29.8 billion yuan, becoming one of the leading listed companies in the A-share cultural and media sector. 世纪华通(证券代码:002602)成立于2005年,于2011 年7月在深圳证券交易所成功上市。2019年以298亿元完 成了对盛趣游戏(原盛大游戏)的并购,成为A股名列前茅 的文化传媒板块上市公司。