24 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA – GENERAL COUNSEL PROFILES 2024 APRIL 2024 Peng Rong 彭容 Shanghai Junzheng Network Technology Co., Ltd. Senior Director, Head of the Legal Department & Auditing and Against Corruption Department Number of Years as General Counsel: 5 years Number of people in the legal team: 16 上海哈啰普惠科技有限公司 资深总监,法务部负责人、廉正审计部负责人 担任总法律顾问时长:5 年 管理法务团队人数:16 Since taking office, Peng Rong has led the Legal Department of Shanghai Junzheng Network Technology to build a highly cohesive and combat-effective team with an ultimate, proactive, professional, and innovative talent concept. He continuously cultivates and enhances the team through the three-dimensional system of thinking, execution, and influence, with the vision of building an industry-leading legal team to drive all work to achieve remarkable results according to the highest standards: In compliance management, Peng has built an internal five-in-one compliance system based on innovative mechanized compliance. In dispute resolution, he aims for efficiency, effectiveness, economy, and prudence in handling disputes, achieving results beyond expectations in major trademark, patent, antitrust, and other cases. In contract management, Peng refines contract management requirements with the goal of empowering, reducing burden, increasing efficiency, and improving quality, establishing an efficient system tailored to the characteristics of Shanghai Junzheng's business. In IP management, he focuses on IP assetization and quantified evaluation to create an IP management system, forming a strong defense for the company. Throughout, the Legal Department has been one of the industry's most finely managed teams, with an ultimate focus on effectiveness. With a legal plus business perspective, they efficiently support the steady development of the company's businesses. Business partner testimonial Peng Rong has established a highly cohesive and combat-effective legal team with the spirit of ultimate, proactive, professional, and innovative. He has constructed a legal risk prevention and control system for various sectors of the company, enabling substantial business development, and led the team to achieve remarkable results in major cases and projects. —Chen Xiaodong, CFO of Shanghai Junzheng Technology Peng Rong is a comprehensive General Counsel talent with expertise in both professional and management aspects. —Yang Lei, CEO of Shanghai Junzheng Technology How to become an outstanding GC? 1. Business-centric awareness: base our solutions on aiding the steady development of the business, providing solutions that match the stages of business development. 2. Professional and innovative thinking: Risks and compliance issues faced by modern enterprises are forward-looking. We must use professional thinking to provide innovative solutions. 3. Ultimate and proactive attitude to temper an outstanding team. 4. People-centric management: Only by making the growth of the team the core can we cultivate cohesion within the team. 履职以来,彭容带领哈啰法务部,以极致、进取、专业、 创新的人才观搭建高凝聚力高战斗力的团队,并以思考 力、执行力、影响力三力体系不断培养提升团队,以建设行 业领先的法律事务综合管理团队为愿景推动各项工作按最 高标准取得瞩目成果: 在合规管理工作中,始终以创新性机制化合规为基础 搭建了公司内部的五位一体合规体系;在诉讼争议处理 中,以多快好省为目标妥善处理诉讼争议,在重大商标、专 利、反垄断及其他各项业务重大诉讼案件中均取得超出预 期的成果; 在合同管理中,以赋能减负提效增质为要求精细化合 同管理,建立起符合哈啰业务特色的高效合同管理系统; 在知识产权管理中,以知识产权资产化、量化评估为基点 打造知识产权管理体系,形成攻必克守必坚的哈啰知识产 权护城河。 一直以来,法务部以极致精细化的管理理念成为了行 业人效比最高的法务团队之一,以法律+商业视角,高效支 持了公司各项业务稳健发展。 业务伙伴评价 履职以来,彭容以极致、进取、专业、创新的精神搭建起 高战斗力高凝聚力法务团队,搭建起哈啰各板块法务风险 防控体系助力业务长足发展,并带领团队在重大案件重大 项目中取得卓著结果。 ——陈晓东,哈啰集团CFO 彭容是兼具专业与管理的综合性总法人才。 ——杨磊,哈啰集团CEO 对于优秀总法所具备特质的理解 1. 业务为先的意识:不能局限在以中后台视角对待风险, 必须以帮助业务稳健发展为基础,提供匹配业务发展阶 段的解决方案; 2. 专业创新的思维:现代企业面临的风险及合规问题有超 前性,必须用专业思维提供创新解法,为业务解决问题; 3. 极致进取的态势:极致的要求和进取的姿态才能淬炼 出卓越的团队; 4. 以人为本的管理:只有以团队的成长为核心,才能让团 队具备凝聚力。 Shanghai Junzheng is a leading domestic platform for local travel and lifestyle services in China, dedicated to leveraging the benefits of digital technology to provide people with convenient travel and better inclusive lifestyle services. Established in September 2016, the company is headquartered in Shanghai and primarily offers mobile travel services and emerging local services. 哈啰是国内专业的本地出行及生活服务平台,致力于 应用数字技术的红利,为人们提供更便捷的出行以及更好 的普惠生活服务。公司成立于2016年9月,总部位于上海, 目前主要提供移动出行服务及新兴本地服务。