26 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA – GENERAL COUNSEL PROFILES 2024 APRIL 2024 Julia Shen 沈晔 Link Asset Management Limited General Manager-Legal (MLC) Number of Years as General Counsel: 2.5 years Number of people in the legal team: 9 领展资产管理有限公司 总经理-法务(中国内地) 担任总法律顾问时长:2.5 年 管理法务团队人数:9 Since taking office, Julia Shen has led Link Asset Management's Mainland China legal team to provide strong legal support to Link's business in MLC, covering M&A deals, AE project, corporate compliance, data protection, daily operation, trademark management, labor issues, dispute resolutions, etc. Key accomplishments of the team under Shen's leadership in recent years include: 1) Providing legal services for various real estate M&A deals in MLC; 2) Establishing and developing the compliance system for Link's mainland subsidiaries, including establishing comprehensive compliance policies, providing regular compliance trainings, as well as preparing policies and documents relating to data protection and cross-border data transfer for various external and internal uses. 3) Supporting daily business operations, including the preparation of business-related SOPs to improve efficiency and mitigate risks, establishing the contract library to serve various business needs; 4) Registration and protection of trademarks; 5) Dispute resolutions in leasing, IP, labor areas, etc. Shen was personally nominated for the 2023 China Law Awards Woman Lawyer of the Year - In-House, and her team was nominated for the MNC In-House Team of the Year and was recognized as 2023 ALB China Top 15 In-House Teams. Business partner testimonial Shen, with her professional legal expertise, rigorous work attitude, and keen business acumen, has provided a solid legal foundation for the stable operation of Link’s business in MLC. In addition to accurately managing legal risks related to daily operations such as contract review, litigation, and staff training, her team is also proficient in providing professional advice in corporate strategic planning, M&A. Their expertise helps the company avoid risks and seize opportunities, making them a valuable partner for the business team. —Lilian W. Li, General Manager of Mainland China Asset Management Department, Link Asset Management Limited How to become an outstanding GC? 1. Strong business acumen, capable of assisting business departments and management in handling various operational issues. 2. Excellent team management skills, adept at leveraging team members’ strengths, fostering personnel succession planning, and charting well-defined career development paths for team members. 3. Demonstrates continuous learning ability in professional knowledge, management skills, and business expertise. 履职以来,沈晔带领领展资产管理有限公司中国内地 法务团队,为领展在内地的业务提供全方位的法律服务和 支持,涵盖并购交易、项目改造、公司合规建设、数据保护、 日常运营及管理、商标管理、劳动用工、争议解决等方面。 沈晔领导团队近年参与的重要工作包括:1)为领展内 地的多个收购业务提供法律服务;2)全面搭建领展内地子 公司的合规体系,包括制定完备的公司合规政策、定期提 供各类全员合规培训、完成个人信息保护及数据跨境传输 相关的内外部制度及文件;3)全面支持日常业务运营,包 括建立涵盖全业务领域的合同模板库,为提高业务效率及 减少风险起草各类SOP等;4)商标注册及保护;5)各类争 议解决。 沈晔个人入围2023 ALB China中国法律大奖年度公 司女性法务大奖,带领团队入围2023 ALB China中国法律 大奖年度跨国公司法务组大奖并获得2023 ALB China 十 五佳公司法务团队大奖。 业务伙伴评价 沈律师以专业的法律知识、严谨的工作态度和良好的 商业意识,为领展中国的稳健运营提供了坚实的法律保 障;她及其领导的团队除了精准把控日常运营相关的合同 审阅、诉讼、培训等事宜的法律风险同时,在企业战略规 划、收并购等重大事宜中,法务团队的专业意见既能帮助 公司规避风险,又能帮助公司把握机会,是业务团队良好 的合作伙伴。 ——李炜,领展资产管理有限公司中国内地资产管理部 总经理 对于优秀总法所具备特质的理解 1. 良好的业务敏锐度,能协助业务部门及管理层处理各 类实操问题; 2. 优秀的团队管理能力,善于发挥成员的特长,做好人员 梯队建设,为团队成员规划良好的职业发展途径; 3. 在专业知识、管理能力、业务知识方面拥有持续性的学 习能力。 Link Real Estate Investment Trust (HKEX: 823) is the only internally managed, the most liquid and the largest REIT in Asia in terms of market capitalisation. It is managed by Link Asset Management Limited, a leading real estate investor and asset manager in the world. Link has now transformed into a market leader with a diversified portfolio worth HK$238 billion*, including retail facilities, car parks, offices and logistics assets which span Hong Kong, Mainland China, Australia’s Sydney and Melbourne, Singapore and the UK’s London. (*As at 30 September 2023) 领展(HKEX: 823)是亚洲市值排名前列且流通量高的 房地产投资信托基金,由环球知名的房地产投资者及资产 管理人领展资产管理有限公司负责管理。时至今日,领展 已发展成为区域领先的房地产资产投资人及管理人,截至 2023年9月底​旗下多元物业组合价值2,380亿港元,涵盖零 售、停车场、办公室及物流物业,资产分布于香港、中国内 地,以至澳大利亚悉尼及墨尔本、新加坡和英国伦敦。