29 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA – GENERAL COUNSEL PROFILES 2024 LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA Tong Chao 童超 Zhejiang Orient Financial Holdings Group Co., Ltd. Chief Compliance Officer, General Manager of Legal and Compliance Dept. Number of people in the legal team: 35 浙江东方金融控股集团股份有限公司 合规管理负责人、法律合规部总经理 管理法务团队人数:35 Tong Chao serves as the Chief Compliance Officer and General Manager of Legal and Compliance Dept. at Zhejiang Orient Financial Holdings Group. As a state-owned listed financial control platform affiliated with Zhejiang International Business Group, the advancement of the group's legal governance and compliance management system within Zhejiang Orient presents both challenges and significance. Under Tong's leadership, the legal compliance team has closely aligned with the "14th Five-Year" strategic plan, tailoring it to the realities of the company. Focusing on "five key areas," including top-level design, organizational system improvement, systematization, guideline refinement, and operational mechanism strengthening, the team has comprehensively advanced the construction of the compliance management system. They have progressively established a collaborative and interlinked "1+N+X" compliance system and a "3+N+X" compliance guideline system, effectively reinforcing legal compliance risk prevention in critical areas, thus safeguarding the company's high-quality development with notable results. Tong emphasizes the professionalism, efficiency, and responsibility of the legal compliance team. As business partners, they provide timely and high-quality pragmatic and innovative legal compliance solutions for various financial and quasi-financial operations, considering the specific conditions and issues of trust, insurance, futures, financial leasing, private fund management, and wealth management sectors. Business partner testimonial The legal and compliance team is professional, efficient, and responsible, acting as a business partner capable of providing practical and innovative legal and compliance solutions for the final implementation of business operations, based on comprehensive identification and in-depth assessment of legal and compliance risks. —Tian Dayu, General Manager of the Investment Management Department at Zhejiang Orient How to become an outstanding GC? 1. Combines legal expertise with management and operational capabilities. 2. Strong business-oriented mindset and problem-solving skills. 3. Personal charm and leadership qualities. 童超是浙江东方金融控股集团股份有限公司合规管理 负责人、法律合规部总经理。作为浙江省国贸集团所属国 有上市金控平台,浙江东方系统推进集团法治、合规管理 体系建设,具有一定程度的挑战性和代表性。 在童超的带领下,金控集团法律合规团队紧紧围绕“十 四五”战略规划,结合金控平台实际,围绕“五个突出”,从 突出顶层设计、健全组织体系、完善制度体系、梳理指引体 系、强化运行机制等多个维度,全面推进合规管理体系建 设,逐步搭建了上下协同、左右联动的“1+N+X”合规制度 体系及“3+N+X”合规指引体系,切实强化重点领域法律合 规风险防范,为公司高质量发展保驾护航,取得明显成效。 童超强调法律合规团队的专业、高效、担当,作为业务 伙伴,结合信托、保险、期货、融资租赁、私募基金管理及财 富管理等业态的实际情况和问题,及时、高质量地为各项 金融、类金融业务落地提供务实、创新的法律合规解决方 案。 业务伙伴评价 法律合规团队专业、高效、担当,作为业务伙伴,能够在 全面识别、深入评估法律合规风险的基础上,为业务最终 落地提供务实、创新的法律合规解决方案。 ——田大瑜,浙江东方投资管理部总经理 对于优秀总法所具备特质的理解 1. 兼具法律专业能力与管理运营能力 2. 较强的业务导向思维与问题解决能力 3. 人格魅力与领导力 Zhejiang Orient Financial Holdings Group, a core enterprise under Zhejiang International Business Group, which is affiliated with the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Zhejiang Province, was established in 1988 and listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange in 1997. Following an asset restructuring in 2017, the company transformed into a holding group with a diverse portfolio of financial services, including trust, futures, insurance, financial leasing, fund investment and management, and wealth management, realizing a significant leap from a traditional foreign trade enterprise to a state-owned listed financial control platform in Zhejiang Province. 浙江东方金融控股集团股份有限公司系浙江省国资委 下属浙江省国际贸易集团有限公司旗下的核心企业,成立 于1988年,1997年在上海证券交易所上市。2017年完成资 产重组后,公司成为一家拥有信托、期货、保险、融资租赁、 基金投资与管理、财富管理等多项金融业务的控股集团, 实现了从传统外贸企业到浙江省省属国有上市金控平台的 跨越式发展。 担任合规管理负责人1.5年 担任法律合规部总经理2年 1.5 years as CCO 2 years as GM of Legal and Compliance Dept.