30 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA – GENERAL COUNSEL PROFILES 2024 APRIL 2024 Eve Wan 万宜 Tianqi Lithium Corporation Legal Director Number of Years as General Counsel: 6 years Number of people in the legal team: 10 天齐锂业股份有限公司 法务总监 担任总法律顾问时长:6 年 管理法务团队人数:10 Eve Wan holds a JD from Creighton University School of Law and a Bachelor's degree in Economics from Renmin University. Practicing in Chengdu, she stands out as one of the rare cross-border legal talents and a New York State licensed attorney in the western region. Wan has served numerous leading Sichuan enterprises, such as New Hope Group and Sichuan Languang Development, providing legal and business support for their international ventures under the "Go Global" and "Belt and Road" initiatives. She has been instrumental in building top-tier international legal teams, aiming to elevate the global presence of leading West China enterprises. In her nearly three years of service, Wan has achieved two significant milestones for Tianqi Lithium's legal affairs, both from scratch: firstly, establishing a new legal and risk control department, which now boasts ten members, and secondly, setting up a comprehensive legal management and risk compliance system, thereby systematically enhancing operational efficiency and mitigating risks. Moreover, she has led her team in supporting numerous investment, financing, and M&A projects for the company. To keep pace with the rapid development of the digital economy, Wan initiated the development of a digital risk control system, creating a new core competitive edge for the company. Additionally, over the past year, she has spearheaded numerous compliance culture training and promotional activities within the company, significantly improving management and operations. Business partner testimonial The Legal and Risk Control Department, under Eve’s leadership, has provided highly professional legal consultations and guidance on international legal affairs for our company, offering strong legal support for our foreign investments, shareholder transactions, and overseas dealings. On a personal level, Eve has also made significant contributions to the building of legal risk framework. —Zhao Peng, Procurement Director at Tianqi Lithium How to become an outstanding GC? 1. Strategic Thinking: As the brain trust and resource integrator of the company, adept at utilizing various strategies and tools to holistically address challenges, laying the groundwork for the company’s long-term development. 2. Global Perspective: A keen understanding of global economic trends, industry movements, and legal policy shifts is essential to navigate and safeguard the company while informing strategic objectives. 3. Leadership: Fostering a positive and dynamic team culture that enables members to fully utilize their capabilities, thereby empowering the enterprise effectively. 万宜拥有美国克雷顿大学法学院JD学位以及中国人 民大学经济学学士学位。她执业于成都,作为西部少有的 涉外领军人才和纽约州执业律师,曾为四川众多龙头企 业,如新希望、蓝光集团服务,为企业“走出去”“一带一路” 提供法律和商务上的支持,并打造国际化的一流法务团 队,致力于提高西部龙头企业的国际化水平。 履职近3年来,万宜为天齐锂业的法务工作实现了两 个“从0到1”:首先是从0到1成立了新的法务及风险控制 部,完成部门和国际化法务团队的组建,目前团队已拥有 10名成员;其次是从0到1搭建全面的法律管理体系和风险 合规体系,建立全面风险管理制度,系统性提高了业务效 率并防范风险。 此外,她带领团队支持了公司诸多投融资及并购项目。 为顺应当前数字经济快速发展,万宜带领团队主导启动了 数字化风控系统的搭建,为公司打造了新的核心竞争能力。 此外,她在过去一年还带领团队在公司内部开展众多 合规文化培训与宣传,为经营管理带来极大的提升。 业务伙伴评价 万宜领导的法务与风险控制部在我司的涉外法律业务 层面提供了非常专业的法律咨询以及法律意见指导,对我 司涉外投资合作、股东间交易、境外交易提供了非常强大 的法律保障。其个人在我司法律风险体系控制工作层面也 作出了很大贡献。 ——赵鹏,天齐锂业采购总监 对于优秀总法所具备特质的理解 1. 战略思维。作为公司的智囊团和资源整合者,能够善用 不同策略和工具整体解决问题,为公司长远发展布局。 2. 全球化视野。洞悉全球经济、行业动态和法律政策变 化,才能为公司保驾护航并反哺战略目标确定。 3. 领导力。营造健康向上的团队文化,让团队成员充分发 挥能力,为企业赋能到位。 Listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange (SZ.002466) and HKEX (9696.HK), Tianqi Lithium is a global new energy materials company, with lithium at its core. Tianqi Lithium has world leading positions in its major businesses of lithium resource investment, lithium concentrate extraction and the production of advanced lithium specialty compounds, with resource and production assets located in the pre-eminent lithium regions of Australia, Chile and China. 天齐锂业是以锂为核心的新能源材料企业,为深圳证 券交易所(SZ.002466)和香港联合交易所(9696.HK)两地 上市公司,公司业务涵盖锂产业链的关键阶段,包括硬岩 型锂矿资源的开发、锂精矿加工销售以及锂化工产品的生 产销售。公司战略性布局中国、澳大利亚和智利的锂资源。