31 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA – GENERAL COUNSEL PROFILES 2024 LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA Joanna Wang 王君 Insilico Medicine General Counsel, Board Secretary, VP Number of Years as General Counsel: Nearly 4 years Number of people in the legal team: 5 英矽智能 总法律顾问、董事会秘书、副总裁 担任总法律顾问时长:近 4 年 管理法务团队人数:5 Joanna Wang serves as the General Counsel for Insilico Medicine, overseeing all legal matters worldwide, including financing, mergers and acquisitions, commercial transactions, intellectual property, corporate policies, and business strategies. Under Wang's leadership, the legal team has facilitated the business development team in establishing various types of collaborations with global external clients, including pipeline drug development, drug discovery services and software solution services. This includes a drug R&D collaboration with Sanofi, potentially worth up to $1.2 billion targeting multiple objectives, and a drug licensing transaction for the ISM3091 project with the U.S.-listed company Exelixis, involving an upfront payment of $80 million. She and her team have also assisted the company in establishing subsidiaries in the UAE and Canada, providing legal support for the daily operations of subsidiaries in Greater China, UAE, Canada, the U.S., and others. Additionally, they have robustly supported Insilico Medicine in conducting various clinical trial projects in China, the U.S., Australia, and other locations. Under her leadership, the legal team has strategically developed numerous internal policies covering human genetic resources management, patent application and management, academic publications, anti-corruption, related transactions, and contract management, safeguarding the company's operations. In 2023, Wang was nominated for the ALB China Law Awards Female Lawyer of the Year; she also led her team in nominations for the Emerging Company In-House Team of the Year, the Innovative In-House Team of the Year, and the Healthcare and Pharmaceutical In-House Team of the Year awards. Additionally, she guided her team to be selected among the 2023 ALB China Top 15 New Technology In-House Teams. Business partner testimonial During the drug development, clinical development, and commercial collaboration processes at the company, the legal team provided professional advice, significantly enhancing the efficiency of business cooperation. —Liu Yichen, Director of the Clinical Operations Department at Insilico Medicine The legal team safeguards the intellectual property rights of Insilico Medicine. It has formulated patent applications, publication policies, and confidentiality measures for the AI and R&D teams, enhancing the IP protection awareness among R&D personnel and robustly protecting the company's proprietary IP rights. —Kong Qiuyun, Senior IP Counsel at Insilico Medicine How to become an outstanding GC? An outstanding GC not only needs to assist the company in managing legal risks but also must propose constructive solutions to issues arising in the company's development, based on a thorough understanding of the company's business. Moreover, the GC should continually enhance their grasp of the company's operations and the industry at large, especially aiding the company in gauging the situation, anticipating risks, and determining the direction of development within emerging industries. 王君为英矽智能总法律顾问,她负责英矽智能全球各 项法律事务,包括并购融资、商业交易、知识产权、公司政 策和商业策略等。 在王君的带领下,法务团队协助商务拓展部与全球外 部客户开展包括管线药物开发、药物发现服务及软件解决 方案服务等多种类型合作,并在后续的合作项目管理中向 其提供必要支持,其中包括英矽智能与赛诺菲达成的总价 值最高可达12亿美元的针对多个靶点的药物研发合作、英 矽智能与美国上市公司Exelixis就开发和商业化ISM3091 项目的8000万美元首付款的药物许可交易等。 她和法务部还帮助公司在阿联酋和加拿大设立了子公 司,在大中华区、阿联酋、加拿大、美国等子公司的日常运 营等各方面为公司提供法律支持。此外还有力支持了英矽 智能在中美澳等地开展多项临床试验项目。 在王君的带领下,法务部有针对性地制定了多项内部 政策,内容涵盖人类遗传资源管理、专利申请和管理、学术 发表、反腐败、关联交易、合同管理等多个方面,为公司运 营保驾护航。 王君在2023年提名ALB China中国法律大奖年度女性 律师大奖;她还带领团队提名年度新兴公司法务组、年度 最具创新力公司法务组,以及年度医疗健康和制药公司法 务组三项大奖,并带领法务团队入选2023 ALB China十五 佳新科技公司法务团队。 业务伙伴评价 法务部在英矽智能药品研发,临床开发和商业合作过 程中,给与了专业的法律意见,极大提高了商务合作的工 作效率 。 ——刘逸晨,英矽智能临床运营部总监 法务部为英矽智能的知识产权保驾护航。为AI团队和 R&D团队制定专利申请、文章发表、保密政策等,增强了研 发人员知识产权保护意识,强有力地保护了公司的自主知 识产权 。 ——孔秋云,英矽智能高级知识产权顾问 对于优秀总法所具备特质的理解 优秀的总法不仅需要帮助公司把控法律风险,更需要 基于对公司业务的了解对公司发展中的问题提出建设性的 解决方案。同时,总法也需要不断精进自身对公司业务和 行业的理解,特别是在新兴行业的发展中帮助公司审时度 势、预判风险和发展方向。 Insilico Medicine is a biopharmaceutical technology company driven by generative artificial intelligence, specializing in areas of unmet medical needs such as cancer, fibrosis, immunity, central nervous system disorders, and age-related diseases, aiming to accelerate the development of innovative drugs. 英矽智能是一家由生成式人工智能驱动的生物医药科 技公司。英矽智能聚焦癌症、纤维化、免疫、中枢神经系统 疾病、衰老相关疾病等未被满足医疗需求领域,推进并加 速创新药物研发。