32 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA – GENERAL COUNSEL PROFILES 2024 APRIL 2024 Lyn WU 邬琳玲 Owens Corning (China) Investment Co., Ltd. Vice President – Legal & Government Affairs - AP Number of Years as General Counsel: 20 years Number of people in the legal team: 10 欧文斯科宁(中国)投资有限公司 亚太区法务及政府事务全球副总裁 担任总法律顾问时长:20 年 管理法务团队人数:10 Lyn Wu is the Head of Legal & Government Affairs – AP at Owens Corning. She oversees not only legal services including corporate law, compliance, litigation management, and intellectual property protection but also corporate affairs including government relations, internal communications, and charitable initiatives. Under her leadership, the legal department serves not only as legal advisors but also as business partners, providing practical legal advice to the Asia Pacific management and offering creative solutions for key business projects. With a deep understanding of Chinese culture and social dynamics, she bridges the gap between global leadership and local stakeholders, effectively driving business development. Moreover, Lyn leads the legal department in its long-term commitment to intellectual property protection from various perspectives and provides support in ESG, inclusivity, and diversity. The department closely monitors the latest national legislation, updates company policies accordingly, strengthens training, and ensures the company's compliance and operations are safeguarded. Lyn graduated from the Law School of Wuhan University and the Law School of Columbia University in New York. She is licensed in New York State. She is an arbitrator with China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission and Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration. Business partner testimonial Lyn Wu, the leader of our legal team has built a strong personal connection with her team and has focused on inspiring the value-added by the team. Developing and coaching her team is also objective for her and she seeks advice from me on opportunities for further developing senior legal lawyers including more challenging assignments and providing a variety of exposure to OC senior leadership. —Paul Wei, Senior Vice President & Managing Director of Owens Corning Asia Pacific How to become an outstanding GC? First and foremost, strong leadership is essential, providing guidance for team member development, helping them capitalize on strengths, and complement weaknesses. Secondly, possessing visionary business acumen is crucial, becoming a relied-upon partner for business departments. Additionally, proficiency in business negotiation and excellent communication skills are necessary. Effective communication with management, other departments, and team members fosters teamwork and achieves business performance. 履职欧文斯科宁亚太区法律部以来,邬琳玲带领该部 门,不仅负责包括企业法律、合规、诉讼管理、知识产权保 护在内的法律服务,还负责政府关系、企业内部沟通在内 的公司事务,以及公司的慈善和公益活动。 在邬琳玲的领导下,法律部不仅是法律顾问,更是业务 伙伴,为亚太区管理层提供切实可行的法律意见,并就关 键业务项目的谈判提供创造性的解决方案。凭借对中国文 化和社会环境的了解,更架起了全球领导层与当地领导层 之间的桥梁,有效推进了业务发展。 此外,邬琳玲带领法律部从多角度长期致力于知识产 权保护,并负责在ESG、包容和多样性方面提供支持。法律 部紧密跟进国家最新立法,相应更新公司政策的制定和执 行,加强培训,为公司的合规经营保驾护航。 邬女士是武汉大学和美国哥伦比亚大学的法学硕士, 并为纽约州执业律师。邬女士受聘为华东政法大学知识产 权学院客座教授,此外还被中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会 上海分会(2016 年至今)和深圳国际仲裁院(2022 年至今) 聘为仲裁员。 业务伙伴评价 邬琳玲作为法律部的管理者,和团队成员建立了紧密 的连结,并不断激励团队提供更具价值的服务。她很关注 于培养和发展团队成员,我们常就此展开探讨,希望为法 律部资深律师提供更具挑战性的任务,也增强他们在领导 层之前的影响力。 ——Paul Wei,欧文斯科宁高级副总裁兼亚太区董事总经理 对于优秀总法所具备特质的理解 首先需要很强的领导力,能够对团队成员的发展提供 指导,帮助他们扬长避短、优势互补。其次,应具有高瞻远 瞩的商业思维,成为业务部门所倚重的合作伙伴。此外, 还需要商业谈判能力和卓越的沟通能力。做好和管理层、 其他部门以及团队成员的沟通,推进团队合作并取得商业 绩效。 Owens Corning is a global building and construction materials leader committed to building a sustainable future through material innovation. Regionally headquartered in Shanghai, Owens Corning employs over 3,700 people across China, India, Korea, Japan, and Singapore. Our three businesses, composites, insulation, and roofing are well connected with our customers and making a positive impact in the communities where we work and live. 欧文斯科宁公司成立于1938年,总部设在美国俄亥俄 州托莱多市,是屋面材料、保温材料和玻纤复合材料的全 球制造商和供应商。公司致力于通过材料创新来构建一个 可持续的未来。欧文斯科宁亚太区总部设于中国上海,在 中国、印度、韩国、日本和新加坡共拥有十多个生产基地和 一个研发中心,员工总数超过3000人。