34 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA – GENERAL COUNSEL PROFILES 2024 APRIL 2024 Chenyang Xie 解辰阳 Foxconn Industrial Internet Co.,Ltd. VP & Chief Legal Officer Number of Years as General Counsel: Over 12 years Number of people in the legal team: Approximately 80 富士康工业互联网股份有限公司 公司副总兼首席法务官 担任总法律顾问时长:12 年+ 管理法务团队人数:约 80 人 Dr. Chenyang Xie has provided solid legal support for Foxconn Industrial Internet since assuming office. In the area of global legal support and risk control compliance management, he has maintained keen insights, closely tracking changes in international regulations, industry standards, and regulatory policies of various countries. He has provided forward-looking compliance advice, laying a solid legal foundation for the company's globalization strategy. In the field of investment and financing, his team has been deeply involved in over 20 equity investments, both domestically and internationally, including greenfield investment projects. The total amount of equity investment projects exceeds 8 billion yuan. Additionally, Dr. Xie and his team have made outstanding achievements in improving the intellectual property system. Based on the company's strategic development needs, they have comprehensively laid out key technology areas such as high-end precision components, automation and robotics, industrial metaverse, and digital manufacturing, effectively reducing potential risks. Dr. Xie has been honored as the Global Best General Counsel by media selection and recognized as a China IP Outstanding Intellectual Property Manager, one of the first experts in the Enterprise Legal Construction Expert Pool by Legal Daily, and one of the most influential General Counsels in the Chambers Greater China region. Business partner testimonial The team led by Dr. Chenyang Xie has made outstanding contributions to the improvement of the company's intellectual property system. His team effectively assisted the company in building a forward-looking intellectual property layout strategy and established a top-notch intellectual property management system. Under the situation of strong data compliance supervision, the team led by Dr. Xie improved the company's internal regulations, strengthened the company's data information security management, and promoted the company's digital and intelligent development level. —Zongchang Liu, Vice President/Chief Data Officer of Fii How to become an outstanding GC? Professionalism: steady and solid business and efficient problem-solving skills. Management: decisive decision making and excellent leadership skills and the ability to manage teams with continuous innovation. Communication: agility in capturing key messages in communication and listening and the ability to adapt and adjust quickly to diverse cultures. Commercial: the ability to realize value for functional departments. Politics: forward-looking insight into the changing international environments and the ability to anticipate risks in international situations. 解辰阳博士履职以来,为富士康工业互联网股份有限 公司提供了坚实的法律保障。 在企业全球化法律支持与风控合规管理方面,始终保 持敏锐的洞察力,紧密跟踪国际法规、行业规定及各国监 管政策的变化,为公司提供前瞻性的合规建议,为公司的 全球化战略奠定坚实的法律基础。 在投融资领域,团队深度参与了Fii境内外逾20项股 权投资以及绿地投资项目。其中股权投资项目金额合计逾 80亿。 此外,解辰阳及其团队在完善知识产权体系方面取得 了突出成绩。依据公司战略发展需求,针对高端精密机构 件、自动化及机器人、工业元宇宙、数字化制造等关键技术 领域进行了全面布局,有效减少了知识产权管理过程中的 潜在风险。 解辰阳曾荣获媒体评选的全球最佳总法律顾问殊荣, 并被评为China IP中国杰出知识产权经理人、《法治日报》 企业法治建设专家库首批专家、钱伯斯大中华区最具影响 力总法律顾问。 业务伙伴评价 解辰阳博士带领的团队对公司知识产权体系完善做出 了卓越的贡献。其团队有效协助公司构建具有前瞻性的知 识产权布局战略,建立了顶尖的知识产权管理体系。在数 据合规强监管的形势下,解博士带领的团队健全公司内部 规章,加强公司数据信息化安全管理,促进了公司数字化、 智能化发展水平。 ——刘宗长,富士康工业互联网股份副总/董秘/首席数据官 对于优秀总法所具备特质的理解 深厚专业素养:扎实专业知识,高效解决问题。 出众管理才能:果断决策,卓越领导,持续创新。 娴熟沟通技巧:捕捉关键信息,适应文化环境。 敏锐商业洞察:发掘商业机会,推动职能部门价值变现。 开阔政治视野:对国际形势前瞻性洞察。 Foxconn Industrial Internet Co., Ltd. implements the strategy of "Data-Driven, Green Development" and adheres to the business strategy of "Deepening Presence in China, Global Layout." Its operations fully encompass the five major categories of the digital economy industry—cloud and edge computing, industrial internet, smart home, 5G and network communication equipment, smartphones, and smart wearable devices. It has now developed into a leading global digital economy enterprise, holding significant advantages in products, technology, and global market share. 富士康工业互联网股份有限公司贯彻“数据驱动·绿色 发展” 战略指引,坚持“深耕中国·布局全球”的经营策略, 业务实现对数字经济产业五大类——云及边缘计算、工业 互联网、智能家居、5G及网络通讯设备、智能手机及智能穿 戴设备的全覆盖,现已发展成为全球数字经济领军企业, 在产品、技术以及全球市占率方面极具优势。