35 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA – GENERAL COUNSEL PROFILES 2024 LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA Xing Jing 邢璟 Du Xiaoman Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. General Manager of Legal and Compliance Department Number of Years as General Counsel: 9 years Number of people in the legal team: 41 度小满科技(北京)有限公司 法律合规高级总监 担任总法律顾问时长:9 年 管理法务团队人数:41 Xing Jing leads the Legal and Compliance Department of Du Xiaoman Technology, providing comprehensive support for the stable development of the company. The department includes BP teams, with business BP teams vertically supporting six major business tracks: credit, wealth management, payments, insurance, personal finance technology, and supply chain finance; and functional BP teams horizontally managing eight major areas: labor administration, investment and financing, consumer protection, seal and license management, intellectual property, anti-money laundering, data compliance, and criminal case prevention. The business and functional BP teams form a matrix management model. Xing leads the department in helping the company provide credit support to SMEs to lower financing costs through financial technology, collaborating to create online credit and supply chain technology platforms, while also supporting payment and wealth management businesses, empowering high-quality compliant development of online finance. They aid in the launch of new AIGC businesses, supporting the company in maintaining a competitive edge in the technology field. Xing and his team also place special emphasis on protecting the company's technological innovations, providing comprehensive intellectual property legal protection for Du Xiaoman, strengthening data compliance construction, building a full life-cycle personal information protection and data compliance system, assisting the company in ESG governance, and comprehensively undertaking financial consumer protection and anti-fraud, anti-money laundering efforts, pushing the company to fulfill its social responsibilities. Business partner testimonial The Legal and Compliance Department of Du Xiaoman has always been a cornerstone for business development. Our legal colleagues are adept at crossdepartmental communication and coordination, and are willing to assist business departments in identifying risks while providing constructive solutions. —Zhu Baifan, CFO of Du Xiaoman Our team has worked with Xing Jing for many years. He not only possesses a comprehensive legal knowledge base, solid professional skills, and extensive practical experience, but also demonstrates strategic vision, business acumen, and a broad and inclusive perspective. —Gong Mulong, Head of the Financial Securities Department at KWM How to become an outstanding GC? An outstanding General Counsel can balance and achieve equilibrium among five types of relationships: 1) The relationship between breadth and depth; 2) The relationship between service and management; 3) The relationship between phenomena and essence; 4) The relationship between flexibility and principles; 5) The relationship between innovation and risk. 邢璟带领度小满法律合规部,为公司稳健发展提供全 面支持。部门下设BP团队,其中各业务BP团队纵向支持 信贷、理财、支付、保险、个人金科、供应链金融六大业务赛 道,各职能BP团队横向管理劳动行政、投融资、消保、印章 证照、知产、反洗钱、数据合规和刑事案防八大领域。业务 和职能BP团队形成矩阵化管理模式。 邢璟带领部门助力公司通过金融科技为小微企业降低 融资成本提供信贷支持,协力打造了线上信贷、供应链科 技平台,同时支持支付、财富业务,赋能线上金融高质量合 规发展。助力AIGC新业务开展,支持公司在科技领域保持 竞争优势 。 邢璟及团队还特别强调保护公司技术创新,为度小满 提供全方位知识产权法律保障, 加强数据合规建设,构建 全生命周期的个人信息保护与数据合规体系,助力公司开 展ESG治理,全面开展金融消保和反诈、反洗钱工作,推动 公司履行社会责任。 业务伙伴评价 度小满法律合规部一直以来为业务发展保驾护航,提 供全方位的法律支持。法律合规同事们善于跨部门沟通与 协调,乐于协助业务部门在发现风险的同时提供建设性的 解决方案。 ——朱白帆,度小满CFO 我们团队与邢璟合作多年,他不仅拥有全面的法律知 识储备、过硬的专业技能和丰富的实战经验,还有着良好 的战略眼光、商业思维和开阔包容的视野。 ——龚牧龙,金杜律师事务所金融证券部负责人 对于优秀总法所具备特质的理解 一位优秀的法总能够处理和实现五种关系的平衡: 广度与深度的关系; 服务与管理的关系; 现象与本质的关系; 灵活与原则的关系; 创新与风险的关系。 Du Xiaoman Technology was officially established on May 21 2018,, inheriting the technical genes of Baidu and exploring the application of AI in the financial field. It has successively developed six major business sectors: credit, wealth management, payment, insurance, personal finance technology, and supply chain finance technology. Du Xiaoman adheres to a customer-centric approach, leveraging technology to serve SMEs, and is committed to becoming the most dynamic and growth-oriented fintech company. 2018年5月21日,度小满正式成立,延承百度技术基 因,探索人工智能在金融领域的应用,先后布局信贷、财富 管理、支付、保险、个人金融科技和供应链金融科技六大业 务板块。度小满坚持客户至上,通过科技来服务小微,致力 于成为最具创新活力和增长潜力的金融科技公司。