36 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA – GENERAL COUNSEL PROFILES 2024 APRIL 2024 Zhang Xiaofeng 张小凤 China Tea Co., Ltd. Under COFCO Corporation Deputy General Manager, General Counsel, Chief Compliance Officer Number of Years as General Counsel: 9 years Number of people in the legla & compliance team: 20—30 中国茶叶股份有限公司 副总经理、总法律顾问、首席合规官 担任总法律顾问时长:9 年 管理法务合规团队人数:20—30 With 30 years of experience in legal and compliance work, Zhang Xiaofeng previously served as the Deputy Director of Legal and Compliance Department at COFCO Group. Zhang innovated the "Three Lines, Four Dimensions, Twelve Keys" compliance risk control model for Chinese enterprises going global, and authored the book "International Compliance: A Guide to Compliance Risk Prevention for Chinese Enterprises Going Global". She also pioneered the "Legal Health Check" management method and promoted its implementation at COFCO Group for over a decade. She led the completion of the China Tea mixed ownership reform and employee stock ownership project and published the book on this special project. Zhang built a professional legal compliance, rights protection, and capital markets team for China Tea from scratch. She excels at overcoming difficulties, leading several major cases and legal work for significant cross-border restructuring, financing, and other major projects. Zhang is a legal compliance governance strategist with a strong business mindset, an expert in major cases and projects, and a trainer in legal compliance. She is honored as a Special Expert of the State Council and one of the "Top Ten Outstanding Legal Counsels of Central Enterprises" by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council. She is also recognized as an Outstanding Chief Legal Officer in the Chambers Greater China Region and ALB China Top 15 General Counsel. Business partner testimonial Zhang Xiaofeng is an outstanding GC who effectively combines legal research with management practices and balances compliance oversight with business service. In various projects, she demonstrates excellent organizational control and orderly division of labor; she negotiates with solid reasoning and broad perspectives; she handles complex issues with precision, often proposing innovative solutions. —Jian Xia, Deputy General Manager of COFCCO Capital, General Counsel, and Chief Compliance Officer I had the opportunity to collaborate with Zhang Xiaofeng on a complex privatization deal. Zhang is highly professional, with a strong grasp of legal interpretation and its impact on projects. She addresses internal legal concerns and judgment calls with great accuracy. —Benita Yu, Partner at Slaughter and May How to become an outstanding GC? In addition to being loyal guardians of corporate interests, lifelong interdisciplinary learners, excellent communicators, and adept solvers of significant and complex issues, an outstanding GC should also have the sense of mission of career managers: to promote the optimization and transformation of organizations and industries, thereby providing more opportunities for others. 从事法务合规工作30年,曾任中粮集团法律合规部副 总监。张小凤创新中国企业走出去“三线四维十二键”合规 风险管控模型,出版专著《合规国际化:中国企业走出去合 规风险防控指南》;创新“法律体检”管理方法并推动在中 粮集团实施十多年;牵头完成中国茶叶混改与员工持股项 目并出版专著《资本联姻:混合所有制改革与员工持股全 解析》。 张小凤从无到有打造了中国茶叶专业、敬业的法律合 规团队、维权打假团队、资本市场团队。 张小凤善于攻坚克难,牵头若干重大案件和若干跨境 重组、融资等重大项目法律工作,推动重大案件和商业项 目圆满落地。 张小凤是富有商业思维的法律合规操盘手、重大案件 和项目专家、法律合规培训导师。 国务院特贴专家、国务院国资委“中央企业十佳优秀法 律顾问”。 钱伯斯最具影响力总法、ALB十五佳优秀法总。 业务伙伴评价 小凤总是一位将法学研究与管理实践充分结合、将合 规把关与业务服务平衡兼顾的优秀总法。在多个项目接触 中,小凤总在组织管理上全局把控、分工有序;谈判中有理 有据、思路开阔;疑难问题处理上把握精准,常常提出创新 性解决方案。 ——蹇侠,中粮资本副总经理、总法律顾问兼首席合规官 我与张小凤律师在一个复杂的港股私有化有机会合 作。张律师十分专业,对法律的解读及其对项目的影响有 很好的把握,她作为内部律师所关注的及需要作出判断的 也很到位。 ——余嘉宝,司力达律师楼资深合伙人 对于优秀总法所具备特质的理解 除了是企业利益的忠诚守卫者、终身的跨界学习者、优 秀的沟通者和高超的重大疑难问题解决者以外,还应当具 有职业经理人的使命感:促进组织和行业的优化和变革, 从而给更多的人带来机会。 Established in 1949, China Tea is a subsidiary of COFCO Group, specializing in the production and sale of tea. It ranks first in the "Top 100 Chinese Tea Brands 2023" by Asiabrand and first in the "Leading Tea Enterprises in Comprehensive Strength for 2023" by the China Tea Circulation Association. 中国茶叶成立于1949年,是中粮集团下属以茶叶 生产销售为主营业务的二级公司,位列亚洲品牌集团 (Asiabrand)“2023中国茶叶品牌100强”第一名和中国 茶叶流通协会“2023年度综合实力引领茶企”第一名。 张小凤新著书籍 New book authored by Zhang Xiaofeng