38 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA – GENERAL COUNSEL PROFILES 2024 APRIL 2024 Christy Zhou 周媛 CanSino Biologics Inc. Senior Director, Legal and Compliance Dept. & Internal Audit Dept. Number of Years as General Counsel: 3 years 康希诺生物股份公司 法务与合规部、内审部高级总监 担任总法律顾问时长:3 年 Christy Zhou holds a LLM from the United Kingdom. She has previously worked at Grandall Law Firm (Tianjin) and Herong Futures, accumulating extensive experience in finance, capital markets, transactions, and regulatory compliance. During her five-year tenure at CanSino, Zhou established a comprehensive legal compliance risk management system for the company from scratch, leading the Legal and Compliance Department and the Internal Audit Department to provide robust support in legal affairs, compliance, intellectual property rights, and internal control audits. Zhou has been responsible for legal and internal control-related work for the company's listing on the STAR Market Board, leading the team to establish a management system for legal affairs, compliance, intellectual property rights, and internal control audits that meets the requirements of "A+H" dual-listed companies, and obtained ISO 37301 and ISO 37001 compliance certifications for the company. She has also been involved in major business project negotiations, legal compliance due diligence, and agreement finalization, making significant contributions to the company's development. Additionally, as a supervisor of the company's employees, Zhou participates in corporate governance and strategic management activities, including management meetings, board of directors meetings, and supervisors' meetings, providing legal compliance support for the company's business development. Business partner testimonial Founded in China in 2009, CanSino Biologics Inc. (CanSinoBIO) is an industryleading biopharmaceutical company dedicated to providing global solutions for the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases through research & development, manufacturing and commercialization of innovative, high-quality and affordable vaccine products for human use. —A Business Partner How to become an outstanding GC? As a General Counsel of a company, the ability for continuous learning is an essential trait to address the ongoing changes in external legal regulations and the business development needs of the company. Additionally, entrepreneurial spirit and comprehensive judgment are necessary qualities to provide the best and most suitable legal opinions and solutions for the company. 周媛拥有英国法学硕士学位。她曾任职于国浩律师(天 津)事务所、和融期货,在金融、资本市场、交易、合规监管 等领域积累了深厚经验。 履职康希诺5年来,周媛完成了0-1公司法务合规风险 管理体系的建立,带领法务与合规部和内审部全员,为公 司法务、合规、知识产权、内控内审方面提供了强有力的 支持。 周媛曾负责公司科创板上市法律和内控相关工作, 带领团队搭建了符合“A+H”两地上市公司要求的法务、合 规、知识产权、内控内审的管理体系;获得了ISO37301和 ISO37001合规认证;她还曾负责公司重大商业项目洽谈、 法律合规尽调、协议落地等事宜,为公司阶段性发展做出 了重要贡献。 同时,作为公司职工监事,周媛会参与公司治理、战略 经营相关活动,包括管理层会议、董事会、监事会,为公司 经营发展提供法律合规保障。 业务伙伴评价 周媛的加入使得康希诺法律合规、知识产权和风险内 控管理有了质的飞跃,她完成了从“0到1”的突破,并且在 此基础上锐意进取,不断对自己、对部门、对所管理的工作 板块提出更高的要求,同时踏踏实实地去全力实现,为公 司和业务发展做出了杰出的贡献。为公司战略目标实现、 业务发展提供了有力的保障与支持。 ——一位商业伙伴 对于优秀总法所具备特质的理解 作为一家公司的法总,“持续的学习能力”是应对外部 法律监管持续变化和公司业务发展需求的必备特质;此 外,“企业家精神“和”综合判断能力“是法总为公司提出最 优、最适合法律意见、解决方案所必须的特质。 Founded in China in 2009, CanSino Biologics Inc. (CanSinoBIO) is an industry-leading biopharmaceutical company dedicated to providing global solutions for the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases through research & development, manufacturing and commercialization of innovative, high-quality and affordable vaccine products for human use. CanSinoBIO has been listed on the Main Board of Hong Kong Exchange and Clearing Limited (HKEx: 6185.HK) and on the Sci-Tech Innovation Board (STAR Market, SHSE: 688185) of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, making it the first "A+H" dual-listed vaccine company in the history of China's Science and Technology Innovation Board. 2009年,康希诺生物股份公司成立于中国,以在世界 范围内提供预防和治疗感染类疾病的解决方案为己任,专 注于创新、优质、可及的人用疫苗的研发、生产和商业化, 是行业领先的高科技生物制品企业。公司已登陆香港联 交所主板H股(股票代码6185.HK)和上海证券交易所科 创板A股(股票代码688185),是中国科创板开板以来首 支“A+H”疫苗股。