4 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA – GENERAL COUNSEL PROFILES 2024 APRIL 2024 Cao Haiyang 曹海洋 Syngenta Group China Leadership Team Member, General Counsel, Chief Compliance Officer Number of Years as General Counsel: 8 years Number of people in the legal team: 60+ 先正达集团中国 管理团队成员、总法律顾问、首席合规官 担任总法律顾问时长:8 年 管理法务团队人数:60+ Cao Haiyang has previously held legal leadership positions in the international business divisions and overseas investment companies of China National Nuclear Corporation, State Power Investment Corporation, and China Energy Engineering Group. He possesses rich experience in international business, overseas investment, and project management. Currenlty, Cao is the General Counsel and Chief Legal Officer at Syngenta Group China, responsible for legal management, compliance management, corporate governance, and intellectual property management. In 2023, the Legal and Compliance Department was awarded the Syngenta Group China's 2023 Quality Improvement and Efficiency Enhancement Special Award and the ALB China Top 15 New Technology In-House Team Award. Cao has been recognized as the Most Influential General Counsel in Greater China (Chambers and Partners), one of China’s Top 15 General Counsels (Asia Legal Business), and one of the Top Ten Outstanding Young Legal Professionals (China Legal Education & Career Seminar Series). He has also been awarded the Energy, Natural Resources, and Agriculture In-House Counsel Award of the year and the Winner in Mergers & Acquisitions, International Compliance & Sanctions, and Intellectual Property categories by China Business Law Journal. Cao also serves as an arbitrator in several domestic arbitration institutions, a member of the Double Carbon Committee of the Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, and a director of the Zhejiang University Alumni Association in Beijing. Business partner testimonial Under the leadership of Cao Haiyang, the Legal and Compliance Department of Syngenta Group China has closely aligned with the group's strategic objectives, providing solid legal support and professional assistance for the group's major projects and operational activities. Effectively managing legal compliance risks, enhancing the company's intellectual property value, and safeguarding the implementation of corporate strategies and business growth. —A company business partner How to become an outstanding GC? An outstanding general counsel needs to have solid professional knowledge, a deep understanding of the industry, flexible business thinking, and diligent professionalism. 曹海洋曾先后就职于中国核工业集团、国家电力投资 集团和中国能源建设集团的国际业务事业部和海外投资公 司,曾担任国际业务项目经理、法律事务部门负责人、法务 副总裁、总法律顾问和首席合规官等职务,拥有丰富的国 际业务、海外投资和项目管理经验。 曹海洋目前负责先正达集团中国的法务管理、合规管 理、公司治理和知识产权管理。2023年,法律合规部获评先 正达集团中国2023年提质增效专项奖和ALB中国十五佳 新科技公司法务团队奖项。 曹海洋曾被评为大中华区最具影响力总法律顾问(钱 伯斯)、中国十五佳总法律顾问(ALB)、十大杰出青年法律 人(CLECSS)、能源、自然资源和农业行业年度卓越法务奖 获得者(《商法》),投资并购、国际合规和知识产权领域年 度卓越法务奖获得者(《商法》)。曹海洋同时兼任国内多家 仲裁机构仲裁员、中国环境科学院双碳专委会委员、北京 浙江大学校友会理事等职务。 业务伙伴评价 在曹海洋总法律顾问的带领下,先正达集团中国法律 合规部紧密围绕集团战略目标,为集团重大项目和生产经 营提供了坚实的法律保障和专业支持,有效地管控了公司 法律合规风险,提升了公司知识产权价值,为公司战略实 施和业务增长保驾护航。 ——公司业务合作伙伴评价 对于优秀总法所具备特质的理解 1. 扎实的专业知识 2. 深厚的行业背景 3. 灵活的商业思维 4. 勤勉的职业精神 Syngenta Group is a global leader in agricultural technology, wholly owned by Sinochem Holdings Corporation Ltd. The Syngenta Group boasts over 250 years of experience in research and innovation, operates in more than 100 countries and regions around the world, and employs more than 59,000 people. In 2023, its revenue exceeded 230 billion RMB. Syngenta Group China is a leader in China's modern agricultural service industry, driving the progress of agricultural science and technology in China and supporting the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas. In China, Syngenta Group China's seeds, crop protection, crop nutrition, and modern agricultural services all occupy leading positions in the market. The company has more than 200 subsidiaries in China, including 4 listed companies, and employs more than 19,000 people. In 2023, its revenue exceeded 69 billion RMB. 先正达集团是全球领先的农业科技企业,由中国中化 控股有限责任公司全资控股。先正达集团拥有超过250年 的科研与创新经验,在全球100多个国家和地区开展业务, 全球员工5.9万余人,2023年营业收入超过2300亿元。 先正达中国是中国现代农业服务业的领导者,推动中 国农业科技进步和助力乡村全面振兴。先正达中国种子、 植物保护、作物营养、现代农业服务业务在中国均处于市 场领先地位,在国内有200余家子公司,包括4家上市公司, 员工1.9万余人,2023年营业收入超过690亿元。