41 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA – GENERAL COUNSEL PROFILES 2024 LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA SURVEY 上海 上海临港 北京 南京 武汉 杭州 西安 宁波 厦门 郑州 嘉兴 扫码关注专业资讯 邦信阳律师事务所凭借着杰出的专业水 准,多次获得钱伯斯、legal500、ALB等多家国 际知名评级机构的认可,并入围2022年ALB中 国区域法律大奖和2023年ALB中国区域法律大 奖:华东地区破产重组律师事务所;破产重组 领域荣登《钱伯斯大中华区指南2024》榜单。 上海邦信阳律师事务所是上海市高级 人民法院企业破产管理人评审委员会审定的 上海市第一批企业破产案件管理人。武汉、 杭州、西安分所也入选了各地破产案件管理 人名册。本所破产团队在破产衍生诉讼、非诉 清算管理等多个业务方向积累了丰富经验。 全国优秀律师事务所 上海律所大奖提名 15佳长三角地区本地律所合规 房地产与建设工程 知识产权(著作权/商标) 资本市场 破产重组 科技、媒体与电信 business. Link Asset Management's Mainland China legal team is moving towards active involvement in business decision-making. Hive Box's Legal Department tells ALB they've integrated legal risk management into daily operations and are focusing on preemptive risk management in business. They aim to standardize basic legal tasks and improve in-house counsel skills, turning specialized legal work into standardized services to enhance efficiency and quality. Building fundamental skills in areas like data compliance and litigation is crucial. FUTURE RISKS ALB's second survey question asked: "What are the top three risks that concern your team for the coming years?" While there's overlap between current priorities and future concerns, the ranking shifts. Compliance is still the top concern (mentioned 13 times), followed by "changes in legislative and regulatory frameworks" (10 mentions), and then IP concerns (eight mentions). Changes in the macroenvironment, including the international, market, social and technological environment, as well as business and transaction risks, are each mentioned seven times, with risks of overseas operations mentioned five times and dispute resolution four times. It can be seen that the more people look to the future, the less confidence they have in the stability of macro factors. In addition, for businesses, IP and overseas operations will remain key concerns in the near future. For instance, Shanghai Junzheng Network Technology's Legal Department cites future risks as changes in international dynamics, legislative trends, and legal enforcement affecting businesses. CanSino is concerned about global regulatory environments, industry valuations, and demographic changes increase, it's crucial for their team to ensure compliance with local laws in each operational region and to strengthen global legal risk management. With the growing significance of innovation, IP protection is now a priority for in-house teams. I-Mab's team emphasizes the importance of establishing a robust IP framework to support business growth, while CanSino highlights the need for a global IP strategy. Du Xiaoman's department notes that in the rapidly evolving digital economy, safeguarding trade secrets, patents, and trademarks is vital throughout the product lifecycle. Leadership in team management is also vital. Nearly half of the survey respondents focused on enhancing efficiency, capacity building, digital transformation, and moving "from the back end to the front line" to add commercial value. China Tea's in-house team is exploring ways to use legal and compliance work to drive