43 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA – GENERAL COUNSEL PROFILES 2024 LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA SURVEY Full IP Service Expert Since 1957 / 620+ Staff 320+ Patent and Trademark Attorneys 90+ Lawyer’s Qualification Email: Beijing New York Tokyo Silicon Valley Hong Kong Shanghai Guangzhou Shenzhen Wuhan Madrid C M Y CM MY CY CMY K √≥¥Ÿª·∫£±®230728µƒ2-5 ≥̶̂ ™.pdf 1 2023/9/14 15:12 for some special projects, such as data compliance. At present, most of the work is carried out internally, and only two types of work will be considered for outsourcing: legal services that require a higher level of professional expertise and practical experience, such as crossborder mergers and acquisitions, data compliance, etc.; and, legal services that can help the company reduce costs and improve the work efficiency of the in-house team, such as batch case processing, brand protection, etc." The legal platform of SATP Holdings, an Internet finance and taxation platform, also says: "The company's legal budget will be more prudent, and budgetary use will be more precise. The money will be used more for internal recruitment, while the expenditure spent on external lawyers will be tilted towards the return of such expenditure on the company's long-term legal and compliance capacity building." 3月中旬,汤森路透在年度报 告《2024年企业法务部门状况》 (2024 State of the Corporate Law Department)中总结道,如今企业法 务部门的职责和关注点聚焦于四类内 容:工作有效性(effectiveness); 业务赋能性(enablement);企业保 护性(protection);成本效益(cost efficiency)。 “法务部门不断寻求在上述四个 层面的进步。”汤森路透指出,“同时, 部门及其领导者也面临另一重挑战, 即如何‘重新定义’自身——他们不再 希望被视作成本中心,而希望逐渐扮 演起战略领导者的角色。” 在中国市场,ALB一直关注企业 法务部门的发展,上述报告所呈现的 结果也反映在ALB的观察之中。2024 年初,ALB邀请来自不同行业、不同性 质的领先企业法务部门参与调研,就 当下优先关注的任务、未来风险、法律 预算的变化及工作分配、提高内部效 率等问题发表见解。最终有26个企业 法务部门及其管理者参与到了本次调 研之中。 当务之急 ALB向法务部门提出的第一个问题 是:“部门目前最优先关注的前三类任 务或工作是什么?” 最终获得的答案中,排名前三的 是:合规(被提及13次)、对业务/新业 务提供支持(11次)、实现更好的团队 管理职能(10次)。 其次是投融资/资本市场支持(8 次);争议解决、知识产权、海外运营都 被提及6次;法规及监管变化则被提及 3次。 具体来看,以合规为例,其中丰富 内涵,受访者重点提到的合规领域包 括数据安全/个人信息保护/网络安全 合规、金融反洗钱和反诈骗合规、贸易 合规、出口管制合规、供应链合规,此 外,法务部门管理者特别关注合规体 系建设及合规工作标准化的问题。 防范风险之外,为业务、尤其新业 务发展赋能,从“say no”转变为“say how”,也是法务部门的关注重点。例 如医疗器械企业爱齐科技亚太区法务 部特别关注于“新产品、服务、业务模 式的风险评估、试点及商业化”;金融