6 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA – GENERAL COUNSEL PROFILES 2024 APRIL 2024 Aaron Chen 陈卓瑛 EVE Energy Co., Ltd. Vice President Number of Years as General Counsel: 12 years Number of people in the legal team: 51 惠州亿纬锂能股份有限公司 副总裁 担任总法律顾问时长:12 年 管理法务团队人数:51 履职以来,陈卓瑛带领惠州亿纬锂能股份有限公司法 务中心,从交易、知识产权、争议解决、合规、海外拓展等各 个层面,支持公司业务稳健发展。 过去一年,亿纬锂能与康明斯、戴姆勒卡车、佩卡签署 合资合同,共同投资28亿美元在美国成立合资公司,成为 中国首家在美国投资合资企业的锂电池企业。过程中,陈 卓瑛带领法务团队全程主导合同谈判,作为技术许可方, 提供和掌控技术许可合同文本,实现综合风险防控。 在陈卓瑛的领导下,法务中心积极应对、妥善解决了与 德国Varta AG公司长达四年的专利战。法务中心同步推进 IPR、诉讼抗辩、和解谈判三大战场,推动双方实现全球和 解,并达成商业合作。 此外,陈卓瑛与法务中心负责了亿纬锂能在马来西亚 直接投资建设工厂的全过程风控;顺应公司在欧盟区拓展 业务而招聘外籍驻地法务并任命数据隐私官;并预见性地 在UFLPA执法范围内提前布控风险,部署了供应链合规 项目。 业务伙伴评价 法务中心及其负责人陈卓瑛在公司拓展北美市场的过 程中,富有战略性眼光,精准把握了进击美国市场的机会, 促进公司形成向北美直接投资的重大决策。在具体谈判过 程中,法务中心在美国律师协助下,准确把握合资合作的 重要风险,制订妥善的风控措施,熟悉国际谈判技巧,有勇 有谋,最终促成合资项目顺利签约。 Since taking up his role, Aaron Chen has led the legal center of EVE Energy, providing comprehensive support in areas such a s transactions, intellectual property, dispute resolution, compliance, and overseas expansion, facilitating the company's stable growth. Over the past year, EVE Energy has established joint ventures in the United States with Cummins, Daimler Trucks, and PEKA through a collective investment of $2.8 billion, marking the first Chinese lithium battery company to form a joint venture in the US. Throughout this process, Chen and his legal team have led the n egotiations, offering and controlling the technical licensing agreements as the licensor, thus ensuring comprehensive risk control. Under Chen's leadership, the legal center has effectively managed and resolved a four-year patent dispute with Germany's Varta AG. The team simultaneously advanced on three fronts: IPR, litigation defense, and settlement negotiations, leading to a global settlement and commercial cooperation between both parties. Additionally, Chen and the legal center have overseen the full risk control process for EVE Energy's direct investment in building a factory in Malaysia, responded to the company's expansion into the EU by hiring foreign legal staff and appointing a data privacy officer, and managed risks within the UFLPA enforc ement scope by implementing a supply chain compliance project. Business partner testimonial During the company's expansion into the North American market, Aaron and the Legal Center displayed strategic foresight, seizing opportunities to enter the US market. In the negotiation process, with the assistance of US lawyers, the Legal Center accurately identified key risks of joint ventures, implemented effective risk control measures, and demonstrated proficiency in international negotiation tactics, combining courage and strategy to successfully finalize the joint venture agreement. —Gong Jun, North America Regional General Manager, EVE Energy How to become an outstanding GC? An excellent GC should possess both a high level of legal expertise and strong business acumen, always finding solutions to complex problems. They also need significant leadership and management skills for changes, along with the ability to think across legal systems and cultures, to effectively manage legal risks for large corporations. Established in 2001, EVE Energy Co., Ltd. was first listed on Shenzhen GEM in 2009. After 23 years of rapid development, EVE is now a global lithium battery company which possesses core technologies and solutions for consumer batteries, power batteries and energy storage batteries. (Stock code: 300014) ——龚骏,亿纬锂能北美区域总经理 对于优秀总法所具备特质的理解 优秀的总法应当兼具高度的法律专业水准和商业洞察 力,在应对复杂问题时总能够找到解决方案 ,同时还需要 具备很强的领导力和变革管理能力 ,以及跨法律体系 、跨 文化的思考能力 ,才能为大型企业管控好法律风险。 惠州亿纬锂能股份有限公司成立于2001年 ,于2009年 在深圳创业板首批上市 ,历经23年快速发展 ,已成为具有 全球竞争力的锂电池平台公司 ,同时拥有消费电池 、动力 电池、储能电池核心技术和全面解决方案 ,产品广泛应用 于物联网 、能源互联网领域 。(股票代码 :300014)