8 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA – GENERAL COUNSEL PROFILES 2024 APRIL 2024 Tracy Guo 郭易玥 Vaillant Group (China) Heating, Cooling and Environmental Technology Co., Ltd Head of Legal Number of Years as General Counsel: over 8 years Number of people in the legal team: 4 威能(中国)供热制冷环境技术有限公司 法务总监 担任总法律顾问时长:超过8年 管理法务团队人数:4 Tracy Guo, after obtaining her master's degree from the University of Essex, embarked on a remarkable career journey. With stints at multinational corporations including Unilever, Swarovski, Pernod Ricard, and LEGO, she swiftly rose to prominence as an exceptional leader within corporate in-house teams. In 2019, Tracy joined Vaillant Group China, where she spent four years building the legal compliance department into a formidable team of five members. Her leadership significantly supported the rapid growth of the group's Asian industrial and sales/ marketing units in China. As a core member of the Chinese management team, Tracy played a pivotal role in advising and strategizing for the group's overall development. Under Tracy's guidance, the legal compliance team facilitated key transactions for the group in China, including involvement in a RMB 1 billion yuan expansion project for the Asian manufacturing and R&D center. She also spearheaded the implementation of a sustainable trademark strategy to effectively manage the group's trademarks. As the first Chief Compliance Officer of the group in China, Tracy successfully implemented compliance policies and management systems, covering areas such as antitrust, anti-corruption, export controls, data protection, anti-money laundering, and whistleblower platforms. Moreover, she boldly explored and implemented various digital initiatives in the legal domain. Business partner testimonial Through her 4 years tenure, Tracy Guo developed to a fully trusted business partner. Her work and professional approach within the China organization as well as in Vaillant Group is well received and she has become the person to-go-to for legal advice and support. Her ability to challenge in a friendly but firm manner is striking the right chord and helped the company to avoid unnecessary risks. It is our pleasure to have her on our side. —Jeroen Sterel, Group Director Asia Pacific for Vaillant Group How to become an outstanding GC? 1. Holistic perspective: being able to listen, think, offer advice, and participate in decision-making from the standpoint of business decision-makers rather than solely as a lawyer. 2. Commitment to a learning culture and advocacy, consistently focusing on talent development, and proactively considering team structure. 3. High sensitivity to changes and developments in the professional field and industry, staying abreast of developments and embracing change. 在英国埃塞克斯大学取得硕士学位后,郭易玥先后供 职于联合利华、施华洛世奇、保乐力加、乐高等跨国企业, 快速成长为一名出色的企业法务团队管理者。 2019年郭易玥加入威能中国,履职四年来,她将威能 中国法律合规部门建设成为了一支拥有5位成员的团队, 强有力地支持了集团位于中国的亚洲工业单元和销售及市 场单元的快速发展,并作为中国管理团队的核心成员,为 集团发展献计献策。 郭易玥带领法律合规团队支持集团在中国的关键交 易,参与了投资高达10亿元人民币的亚洲制造及研发中心 扩建项目。在知识产权保护方面,她推进并实施了中国商 标策略,以可持续的机制有效管理集团商标。 作为集团在中国的首位合规官,郭易玥主导在中国成 功落地了合规政策及管理体系,其中包括反垄断、反腐败、 出口管制、数据保护、反洗钱及“吹哨人”平台等具体内容。 此外,她还大胆探索并实施了多项法律领域的数字化 企划。 业务伙伴评价 过去四年,Tracy成为了我们值得信赖的商业伙伴。她 的工作成绩和专业能力在威能中国乃至整个威能集团内部 获得了广泛认可,成为我们寻求法律咨询和支持的首选专 家。她总能够以友善却坚定的方式提出建议,帮助公司规 避不必要的风险。她是一位不可多得的伙伴。 ——Jeroen Sterel,威能集团亚太区集团总监 对于优秀总法所具备特质的理解 1. 全局观:能够站在企业决策者的角度而不仅仅是律师 的角度去聆听、去思考、提供意见、参与决策; 2. 对学习型文化的坚持和倡导,始终关注人才的培养,前 瞻性考虑团队布局; 3. 对专业领域和所在行业变化发展的高敏感度,紧跟发 展、拥抱变化。 The Vaillant Group is an internationally active family-owned business based in Remscheid. The global market leader in central heating units is celebrating its 150th anniversary this year. It offers its customers technologies for heating, cooling and hotwater supply that contribute to successfully shaping the energy transition in the buildings sector. The company distributes its products and services in over 60 countries and has around 30 million customers worldwide. 德国威能,总部位于德国北莱茵•威斯特法伦州雷姆 沙伊德市,拥有150年的发展历史,是欧洲供热/生活热水/ 通风及空调设备制造商。150年来,威能集团是供热、生活 热水领域的市场先行者,全球60多个国家拥有超过3千万 顾客。