30 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS – AUGUST 2023 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM ROUNDTABLE FUTURE-PROOFING ASIA The Asian market has been through a tumultuous few years, with pandemic-related disruptions, inflation and geopolitical conflicts breaking economic momentum - and the legal industry has not been spared. Chief executives of global law firms with a strong Asian presence share how firms have diversified client bases, responded to fast-changing client demands and explored new Asian markets to continue growth during this period. ALB: The last two years have seen global issues like the Russia-Ukraine conflict, inflation, and pandemic-induced market and supply chain disruptions. How have these factors impacted your firm operations in Asian markets? Justin D’Agostino, chief executive officer, Herbert Smith Freehills: No market has been immune to uncertainty and disruption in the past three years – it’s perhaps become the “new BY NIMITT DIXIT Image: metamorworks/