1 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA CONTENTS BRI EFS 4 Big Story 焦点故事 8 Appointments 律师转所信息 10 Deals 交易 With contributions from: • Grandway Law Offices 国枫律师事务所 • Guantao Law Firm 观韬中茂律师事务所 COVER STORY 12 2023 ALB China Fastest Growing Firms 2023 ALB China 十五佳成长律所 ALB once again shines the spotlight on the top 15 fastestgrowing firms and how they keep advancing despite these challenges by raising service quality and efficiency and exploring new opportunities. 中国律所取得快速 成长实属不易。ALB 再次聚焦十五佳成长 律所如何逆风前行、 提质增效、开辟新机。 Ranking by ALB, text by Victor Wu With contributions from: • Hylands Law Firm 浩天律师事务所 • Beijing JAVY Law Firm 北京嘉维律师事务所 FEATURES 22 Early momentum 海南:自贸港 “初长成” While the pandemic’s adverse effects may have impeded Hainan’s progress in recent years, the region has managed to steer itself away from excessive dependence on the real estate sector. The legal industry in Hainan is also progressively transitioning towards a trajectory of enduring and sustainable development. 过去几年疫情的负面 影响或许耽延了海南 自贸港的发展,但海 南依旧不断探索新兴 产业发展。海南法律 服务行业也逐渐迈上 寻求长期、健康发展 的道路。 28 2023 ALB China Client Choice 2023 ALB China 客户首选律师 This year, more than 1,800 corporate legal and business professionals took part in the ALB survey to select 20 lawyers of “Client Choice”. 今年,1800余位公司 法务及商务人士参与 ALB调研,评选出了 他们心目中的20位 “首选律师”。 With contributions from: • Guantao Law Firm 观韬中茂律师事务所 • Joint-Win Partners 上海正策律师事务所 • Lantai Partners 兰台律师事务所 40 Asia Top 10 Offshore Litigators 2023 ALB亚洲十佳离岸诉 讼律师 2023 As in other years, ALB showcases the exceptional work of offshore law firm dispute practitioners. 一如往年,ALB关注 并展现离岸律师事务 所中顶尖诉讼从业者 的杰出工作。 48 ALB China Regional Law Awards 2023: East China 2023 ALB中国区域市 场法律大奖:华东地区 Asian Legal Business (ALB) has recently announced the shortlist for the ALB China Regional Law Awards 2023: East China. 《亚洲法律杂志》于 近日公布了“2023 ALB中国区域法律 大奖:华东地区”入 围名单。 With contributions from: • Shanghai i-land law offices 上海中岛律师事务所 22 EARLY MOMENTUM 海南:自贸港“初长成” Image: Guitar photographer/