15 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA COVER STORY the managing partner upon discussion who is responsible for organizing and coordinating decision-making studies, managing the relationship among partners, performing executive functions, and reporting to partner meetings at all levels. Finally, “supervision” refers to the oversight of decision-making and implementation by partner meetings at all levels and special supervisory bodies. Hylands adopts a similar management model, although there are slight differences in organizational set-up. The firm has established four organizational bodies, namely the National Congress of Partner Representatives, the National Board of Directors, the Beijing Management Committee and the National Board of Supervisors, which respectively shoulder the responsibilities of discussion, decision-making, execution and supervision. Jiang believes that the current management model is working well, though there is room for further improving management efficiency in terms of integrating “decision-making” and “execution”. The development strategies of different firms vary, and it is not possible to summarize all strategies in a few sentences. However, so that upscaling no longer only focuses on size but also on quality, every firm is expected to go through the transformation of internal systems and management. Pan of Ronly & Tenwen believes that the management capabilities of a firm include not only soft capabilities such as the vision, experience and attitude of the management team, but also hard capabilities such as information technology level and office environment, as well as the sense of responsibility, dedication and work experiences of the professional managerial team. All of these areas are what Ronly & Tenwen will be focusing its efforts on. INTEGRATION AND SYNERGY “Growing pains are unavoidable. They are also different at different stages of growth.” Pan of Ronly & Tenwen hits the nail on its head. As developments such as merger, new recruits and expansion are inevitable during rapid growth, Pan views integration as the biggest challenge. “Most law firms are partnerships, and partnerships are based on the harmony between individuals. The management and services of a partnership are thus different from public agencies as well as private businesses. Law firms are therefore a rather special type of market entity. I think there is a window period for the post-merger integration of law firms, which is generally three years. If smooth integration cannot be achieved in three years, the patience of partners usually would have become thin, and they are likely to feel integration fatigue and show emotional swings.” To overcome such difficulties, Ronly & Tenwen, which was born out of the merger and reorganization of Shanghai Ronly Law Firm and Shanghai Tenwen 北京市两高律师事务所创立于于于于于年,在北京、上 海、深圳、南京、郑州、海口、大连等多个中心城市设 有办公室,现拥有高级合伙人、合伙人、专职律师在内 的专业人士士士士士余名,已成为中国大陆规模最大的综合 性律师事务所之一。 两高所秉持“执两用中,行高天下”的办所理念,致 力于为客户提供全方位、高质量的服务。 地址:北京市朝阳区朝阳门南大街10号兆泰国际中心A座12层 电话:010-85634388 / 85637499(传真) 邮箱 网址: 参观交流加盟合作 欢迎律界同仁