31 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA 2023 ALB CHINA CLIENT CHOICE are provided not based on personal experience and subjective judgment. Instead, we need to carry out comprehensive research and take into account laws and regulations, practical cases, regulatory guidance, and judicial practice. Every sentence, word, and punctuation in the legal opinion should be taken seriously because they can reflect if we are professional or not. Developing good habits can ensure the consistent provision of quality services.” In a word, “we need to pursue a professional path, develop specialized legal service products, and engage in areas of specialization, and take a long-term view. Professionalism can differentiate us from competitors, reflect our value, and make us a firm choice for clients... We also need to consolidate, update and expand our industry and professional knowledge through continuous learning, so as to improve our professional competence, maintain sensitivity to knowledge and information, and gain deeper insights into the industry.” Chen says. Qian Xin puts learning and curiosity first. “Only through the constant pursuit of knowledge can lawyers stay competitive in their areas of specialization. The law is evolving, and lawyers need to always keep updated with the latest laws, regulations, and judicial precedents. Second, the ability to solve problems. “Lawyers often have to deal with complex legal issues and disputes, so having problem-solving skills and creative thinking abilities is of vital importance. Those good at analyzing and finding the best solutions are more competitive in their careers.” Third, good communication skills. “Since the legal profession is serviceoriented, communication skills are essential. For the settlement of cases, lawyers need to communicate efficiently with clients to get key information and with judges about cases. At the same time, lawyers need to calm down clients and maintain a good relationship with them.” POWER OF TEAMWORK The times when lawyers had to struggle alone are long gone. On the career path ahead, lawyers need to leverage the power of teamwork to attract clients and build a good reputation. Tian Shaoqing believes that team building, in essence, means increasing professional expertise and optimizing the level of collaboration. Continuous improvement in expertise and collaboration is necessary to build a first-class team with business strength and customer reputation in a specific field. She pointed out that, “professional development should fit present and long-term goals. On the one hand, we need to take good care of every project and deepen cooperation with existing clients through smooth communication, satisfactory service and timely emergency response. On the other hand, we 2023 ALB China Client Choice 保险与再保险、投资并购、资产管理 保险团队合伙人 陈 俊 安杰世泽保险团队 BEIJING SHANGHAI SHENZHEN GUANGZHOU HAIKOU NANJING XIAMEN HONG KONG 8 团队律师在8个主要城市执业 50 + 团队律师超过50名 200 + 每年服务保险资金投资专项超过200个 70 + 提供法律服务的保险机构超过70家 保险市场全产业链法律服务 保险资金运用 保险机构及中介机构的设立 保险理赔与代位追偿争议解决 保险公司发行债券 资管业务争议解决 保险机构合规管理 保险市场投资并购 保险条款审核及本地化 保险市场反垄断调查