40 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 AUGUST 2023 JUSTIN DAVIS partner, Ogier, Hong Kong 合伙人,奥杰律师事务所, 香港 Justin Davis joined Ogier in 2020 as a partner, contributing his expertise to the dispute resolution and restructuring and corporate recovery team in Hong Kong. He has an impressive legal background and extensive experience across various jurisdictions, making him a sought-after lawyer for complex, high-value, multi-jurisdictional commercial and corporate litigation, shareholder disputes, and insolvency matters. Davis is a skilled litigation professional with extensive experience handling complex cases related to cryptocurrency hedge funds and exchanges, global restructuring processes, and high-value shareholder disputes. His practice involves obtaining and opposing freezing injunctions, asset disclosure orders, receivership orders, antisuit injunctions, winding up orders, and asset enforcement orders. He is a distinguished litigator and has worked with many prominent clients, including Teneo, EY, PwC, KWM, Fangda, Winston & Strawn and DLA Piper. Davis is widely recognised for his reputation as a reliable and trusted legal advisor. Justin Davis于2020年以合伙人身 份加入奥杰,工作于奥杰香港争议解 决部门和重组及企业复苏部门。他拥 有令人瞩目的法律背景,以及在多个 司法管辖区执业的丰富经验,在复杂 且高价值并涉及跨司法管辖区的商 业和公司诉讼、股东纠纷及清盘诉讼 领域备受客户追捧。 Davis是一位娴熟的诉讼律师, 尤其在处理与加密货币对冲基金和 交易所、全球重组流程以及高价值股 东纠纷有关的复杂案件方面具备深 As in other years, ALB showcases the exceptional work of offshore law firm dispute practitioners who have successfully handled significant cases and exceeded client expectations. The full list is arranged alphabetically, and some lawyers have been profiled. 一如往年,ALB关注并展现离岸律师事务所中顶尖诉讼从业者的杰出工作,他们成功代理了重要案件,并在过程 中提供了超越客户预期的服务。该份名单按照英文姓名字母顺序排名,您可在这里一睹部分上榜律师的风采。 LIST BY ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS, TEXT BY BINGQING WANG 排名:《亚洲法律杂志》,作者:王冰清 ASIA TOP 10 OFFSHORE LITIGATORS 2023 ALB亚洲十佳离岸诉讼律师2023 ASIA TOP 10 OFFSHORE LITIGATORS 2023 Image: Beautrium/