41 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA 厚经验。此外,他在申请及反对冻结 禁令、资产披露令、接管令、禁诉令、 清盘命令、资产强制执行令方面有丰 富的经验 。 他是一位杰出的诉讼律师,曾 与许多知名客户合作,包括咨询公司 Teneo、安永、普华永道,以及金杜、 方达、温斯顿、欧华等律师事务所。 作为一名可靠且颇受信赖的法律顾 问,Davis享有极高的市场声誉。 EDWIN GOMEZ counsel, Ogier, Hong Kong 法律顾问,奥杰律师事务所, 香港 Edwin Gomez serves as counsel of the Hong Kong dispute resolution, restructuring, and corporate recovery teams at Ogier. Due to his commitment and expertise, he was promoted to senior associate in 2019 and counsel in 2021, reflecting his contributions to the team’s success. Gomez specialises in the Cayman Islands and BVI laws. He has gained expertise and extensive knowledge through more than four years of practicing on-site in the Cayman Islands. Gomez is renowned for excellence and has been entrusted with key clients such as Family Mart China, Itochu, PwC, and Grant Thornton. He has been instrumental in facilitating complex commercial litigation matters for these esteemed clients. Before joining Ogier, Gomez was a partner in a boutique commercial litigation practice in London. He later moved to the Cayman Islands to practice with a top-ranked firm in 2012. Gomez has maintained a significant nexus between his Cayman law practice and Hong Kong throughout his career. Edwin Gomez是奥杰香港争议解决 部门和重组及企业复苏部门顾问。借 助于出色的专业能力和忠诚的服务态 度,他于2019年升任高级律师、2021 年升任顾问,为部门业务的成功发展 做出了重要贡献。 Gomez精通开曼群岛和英属维 尔京群岛法律。他曾在开曼群岛执业 四余年,因此积累了极深的专业度和 广博的知识。 通过其出色的服务,Gomez受 到了全家中国、伊藤忠商事株式会 社、普华永道、正大会计师事务所等 重要客户的长期认可。他在上述客户 的复杂商事诉讼事宜中扮演了关键 性角色。 加入奥杰前,Gomez曾在英国伦 敦一家商业诉讼精品律所担任合伙 人,随后于2012年移居开曼群岛,并 加入一家著名的律师事务所。诸般执 业经历,使得Gomez一直能够将其 开曼群岛法律背景与香港市场的需 求联系在一起。 OLIVER PAYNE partner, Ogier, Hong Kong 合伙人,奥杰律师事务所, 香港 Oliver Payne is an accomplished lawyer who joined Ogier’s dispute resolution and restructuring and corporate recovery team in Hong Kong in 2016. Payne is currently head of dispute resolution in Asia, where he oversees the growth and success of Ogier’s disputes and R&I practice in the Asian market. Payne’s expertise is vast and covers a wide range of complex cases. He has appeared before several courts, including the Financial Services Division of the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands, the Cayman Islands Court of Appeal, the Privy Council, and the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court, BVI. As a Solicitor-Advocate, he also holds higher rights of audience. He has worked on significant legal matters, including acting as Cayman counsel for FamilyMart China in connection with its shareholding in China CVS (Cayman Islands). Payne has also represented the Bank of China (Hong Kong), Fubon Bank (Hong Kong), and PwC representatives in various liquidation proceedings. Oliver Payne是一位颇具成就的 律师,他于2016年加入奥杰香港争 议解决部门和重组及企业复苏部 门。Payne同时担任奥杰争议解决 部门亚洲区主管,促进奥杰亚洲市场 争议解决和破产重组业务的发展及 成功。 JUSTIN DAVIS Ogier AISLING DWYER Maples EDWIN GOMEZ Ogier PAULA KAY Harneys JEREMY LIGHTFOOT Carey Olsen JAMES NOBLE Carey Olsen OLIVER PAYNE Ogier MICHAEL SNAPE Ogier HELEN WANG Carey Olsen COLETTE WILKINS KC Walkers ASIA TOP 10 OFFSHORE LITIGATORS 2023