42 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 AUGUST 2023 ASIA TOP 10 OFFSHORE LITIGATORS 2023 Payne专业知识广博,处理过众 多复杂领域案件。他曾在众多法院出 庭,包括开曼群岛大法院金融服务部、 开曼群岛上诉法院、特权委员会和英 属维尔京群岛东加勒比最高法院。作 为诉讼律师,他拥有在高等法院进行 出庭辩护的权利。 他参与了一系列重要法律事务, 包括作为全家中国的开曼律师,就其 对中国便利店(开曼群岛)的股权问题 提供法律咨询。Payne还代表中国银 行(香港)、富邦银行(香港)以及普华 永道参与了多个清算程序。 MICHAEL SNAPE partner, Ogier, Hong Kong 合伙人,奥杰律师事务所, 香港 Michael Snape is a distinguished lawyer who works in Ogier’s dispute resolution and restructuring and corporate recovery team in Hong Kong. Snape has legal qualifications in New Zealand (2022) and the Cayman Islands (2012), making him a versatile and well-rounded professional. He has a remarkable record of success in handling complex legal disputes across a wide range of notable cases. He has represented a significant shareholder in the China Shanshui Cement Group case. Snape has also provided counsel to a fund in matters related to unpaid share redemptions, and advised a joint venture partner in a dispute concerning substantial water treatment infrastructure investments in China. Snape’s professional excellence continues to shine, as demonstrated by his recent representation of Waterwood in a fair value dispute arising from the takeover of Xiaodu (Baidu Waimai). He also skillfully handled a family dispute involving the control of a prominent Hong Kong-based marine logistics company in an ongoing and hard-fought dispute. Michael Snape是一位出色的律师, 工作于奥杰香港争议解决部门和重组 及企业复苏部门。 拥有新西兰(2022)和开曼 群岛(2012)两地的法律执业资 格,Snape是一位能力全备、知识广 博的专业人士。通过成功处理一系列 重要案例中复杂的法律纠纷,他为自 己积累了显著的行业声誉。他曾代表 中国山水水泥集团案中的重要股东; 还为一家基金提供了与未偿付股份 赎回有关的法律咨询;并为一家在中 国进行大规模水处理基础设施投资的 合资企业一方提供了诉讼建议。 Snape卓越的专业能力持续闪 耀,近期,他继续代表Waterwood 参 与了因接管小度(百度外卖)而产生 的公平价值争端。他还巧妙地处理了 一场家庭争端——该争端关系着一家 总部位于香港的著名海洋物流公司的 控制权问题,帮助客户在一场持久激 烈的争议中取得了成功。 METHODOLOGY • Lawyers were invited to submit for this list between the months of April and May 2023. • To be eligible, they needed to be either based in Asia full-time, or do a significant amount of workrelated to Asian jurisdictions. • The lawyers were selected based on their high-profile cases, clients’ recommendations, and feedback from the market. 评选方法 • 在2023年4月到5月之间,该榜单向律 师开放报名。 • 参与评选律师需全职常驻亚洲,或处理 大量与亚洲司法管辖区相关的工作。 • 我们根据律师所代理案件的重要性、客 户推荐,以及市场反馈做出最终评选。 Image: PaeGAG/