45 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA ALB WEST CHINA LEGAL MARKET DEVELOPMENT FORUM 2023 ALB’s first forum in West China also attracted many corporate legal personnel and general counsels. They took part in the event to listen to and discuss the current hot topics of legal services in the corporate world. A GC panel discussion with the theme “The role of legal personnel in helping the development of enterprises” was moderated by Xue Debing, Partner at Tahota Law Firm. Luo Dazhi, General Manager of Legal Inspection Center at Hisco Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd, and Luo Qiang, General Manager of Investment Center at C C Land Holdings Limited, elaborated on their experiences and suggested that lawyers and corporate legal departments further communicate with each other. After the panel discussing, participants of the event exchanged views with the speakers and discussion guests at the networking and refreshment break. The exciting award ceremony started shortly after. The representatives of the listed law firms and rising lawyers took the stage to accept the awards and make speeches. The legal experts, managing partners and lawyer of multiple top law firms in West China enjoyed the gala dinner and made in-depth exchanges. Wish all legal practitioners in the western region to keep making progress and reaping results, and contribute to the high-quality development of the legal service market! 7月21日,2023 ALB 西部法律 市场高质量发展论坛暨西部地区律所 和律师新星颁奖典礼在成都尼依格罗 酒店成功举办。 这是ALB首次来到成都、举办西 部法律市场高质量发展论坛,也是连 续第二年聚焦西部法律市场中顶尖 的律所及年轻律师。荣登榜单的律所 代表、律师新星及众多西部地区杰出 律师、企业法律顾问、企业高管齐聚 一堂,分享讨论西部地区法律人的深 度观察思考,为法律服务行业高质量 发展出谋划策。ALB微信视频号对本 次论坛进行了全程直播。 本次论坛的第一个环节是由锦天 城律师事务所高级合伙人叶飞律师带 来精彩演讲,主题是“律所发展关键词 From left: Victor Wu, ALB China Editor, Thomson Reuters; Huang Pingping, Managing Partner, Grandall Law Firm (Chengdu) ; Geng Hui, Senior Partner, AllBright Law Offices 从左至右:吴嘉林,ALB中国区编辑,汤森路透;黄萍萍,管理合伙人,国浩律师(成都)事务所;耿辉,高级合伙人,锦天城律师事务所 From left: Xue Debing, Partner, Tahota Law Firm; Luo Dazhi, General Manager of Legal Inspection Center, Hisco Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd; Luo Qiang, General Manager of Investment Center, C C Land Holdings Limited 从左至右:薛德兵,合伙人,泰和泰律师事务所;罗大智,法务审计监察中心总经理,海思科医药集团股份有限公司;罗强, 投资中心总经理,中渝置地控股有限公司 AllBright Law Offices; Eve Wan, Legal Director, Tianqi Lithium Corporation 锦天城律师事务所;万宜,法务总监,天齐锂业股份有限公司 Ye Fei, Senior Partner, AllBright Law Offices 叶飞,高级合伙人,锦天城律师事务所 Zhong Junfang, Partner, Tahota Law Firm 钟俊芳,合伙人,泰和泰律师事务所 Liu Xiaojin, Director, Managing Partner, Grandall Law Firm (Chengdu) 刘小进,主任、管理合伙人, 国浩律师(成都)事务所