48 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 AUGUST 2023 ALB CHINA REGIONAL LAW AWARDS 2023: EAST CHINA ALB CHINA REGIONAL LAW AWARDS 2023: EAST CHINA 2023 ALB中国区域市场法律大奖:华东地区 Asian Legal Business (ALB) has recently announced the shortlist for the ALB China Regional Law Awards 2023: East China. This is the second consecutive year that ALB has recognized the top law firms, in-house legal teams, and individuals with strong performance and outstanding achievements in the legal services market in the East China region, which includes Shandong, Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, and Shanghai. The awards focus on the accomplishments of the mentioned organizations, teams, and individuals during 2022, a year marked by challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic, economic slowdown, and geopolitical changes. Despite these difficulties, the East China region played a significant role in China’s economic landscape, thanks to its deep development foundation and openness to the world. During 2022, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, and Shandong remained among the top ten provinces in China’s GDP rankings, with Jiangsu surpassing the milestone of 12 trillion yuan for the first time. Meanwhile, Jiangxi achieved a remarkable GDP growth rate of 4.7 percent. Despite experiencing an economic downturn due to the pandemic, Shanghai quickly rebounded and recorded a GDP growth rate of 9.7 percent in the first half of 2023. In the face of adversity, the resilience of businesses in the East China region was evident, with local companies and transactions playing a vital role. Despite objective challenges posed by the pandemic, foreign investments and outbound transactions involving Chinese enterprises continued. Additionally, various industries such as new energy, high-tech, biotech, intelligent manufacturing, and AI continued to inject vitality into the market. The success of transactions in the East China region amid challenging times owes much to the contributions of legal professionals, be they in-house counsel or external lawyers, guiding and supporting these endeavors. The shortlist of the ALB China Regional Law Awards 2023: East China, announced after nearly three months of research, is a testament to the diligence, dedication, wisdom, and resilience demonstrated by these legal professionals in the face of various challenges. This year, a total of 78 organizations participated in the East China Law Awards, with 744 submissions received, representing an increase in the total number of submissions, individual submissions, and law firm submissions. Encouragingly, nearly 20 new organizations joined the East China Law Awards this year, indicating growing recognition and attention from the region’s maturing legal institutions and teams towards ALB’s products. The awards include 28 categories, consisting of three deal awards, four in-house awards, four individual awards, and 17 law firm awards. To better reflect market trends and provide more accurate support for the development of the legal services market, six new categories were introduced this year, including the ‘Dispute Resolution Lawyer of the Year,’ recognizing experts to ease disagreements during the VUCA era; the ‘ Regulatory Compliance Law Firm of the Year,’ focusing on legal institutions that safeguard business innovation in uncertain times; and the ‘Rising Law Firm of the Year,’ acknowledging new-generation firms that have achieved outstanding results with innovative approaches within a decade of establishment. Furthermore, the awards introduced new awards specifically for law firms in Shandong, Jiangsu, and Zhejiang, highlighting local firms with distinctive characteristics in business domains and management development, rooted in and dedicated to their local regions. In the post-pandemic era’s new global development landscape, we believe the East China region will continue to play a pivotal role in China’s economic growth and provide greater space for outstanding legal professionals to showcase their expertise and innovation. ALB will maintain its fervent commitment to continuously monitor the development of the East China region and its dedicated legal community, documenting your every effort and cheering for each achievement! The ALB China Regional Law Awards 2023: East China ceremony will take place on August 18 in Shanghai. We cordially invite all shortlisted candidates to join this grand event, where top legal professionals and business elites will gather, and we look forward to announcing the final list of winners. 《亚洲法律杂志》(Asian Legal Business,ALB)于近日公布了“2023 ALB中国区域法律大奖:华东地区”入 围名单。这是ALB连续第二年以法律 大奖形式,关注华东地区,即山东省、 江苏省、安徽省、浙江省、江西省和上 海市法律服务市场实力雄厚、成绩斐 然、表现亮眼的顶尖律师事务所、公 司法务团队及个人。 本届华东法律大奖主要针对上