6 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 AUGUST 2023 sensitivities towards cultural norms which form the basis for decision-making because blocks and groups of nations and economies may have taken sides in the cultural aspect of the cold war (Chinese Confucianism versus Western free market capitalism versus Indian nonalignment). However, the silver lining is that there are always opportunities that belie risks. Investing in, hedging for, and finding good bargains from the current status quo are options forward, where organisations can take this opportunity to secure shorter-term contracts, better exit scenario clauses, and remain nimble and flexible in these times and beyond. WINNIE MA, general counsel and company secretary, Hang Lung Properties : Keeping up with legal developments is no longer sufficient. To stay ahead of the game, it is crucial to understand the geopolitical landscape and anticipate its impact on legal and regulatory developments. This foresight is necessary to help businesses prepare for what lies ahead. Interpreting laws requires delving into the underlying intentions, addressing social, economic, and even political issues, as well as discerning their desired outcomes.In some countries, the geopolitical landscape may also influence how laws are interpreted and applied. To be effective advisors, legal teams must possess knowledge beyond the realm of laws. There is no magic formula for success; it requires a proactive and diligent approach. While individuals are increasingly sharing their lives on social media, countries are becoming more protective of their information, be it technological or personal. The security assessments that Chinese companies have been required to conduct since earlier this year have prompted businesses to reevaluate their management practices, including their legal teams. For instance, is it still optimal for a U.S. organisation to have a centralized legal team in the U.S. with minimal support in China when transferring information to the home office becomes more challenging? Should certain legal decisions be made domestically to avoid the need for transferring sensitive information overseas? These are just a few of the many questions that legal teams may be contemplating. 钟卓勋,中信里昂证券有限公司,集团法律主管 及董事总经理:总法律顾问一职的作用就在于 为商业提供解决方案,并评估相关风险。伴随时 代发展,风险类型也在变化,近年地缘政治风险 尤其在重大决策过程中扮演至关重要的角色。 尤其资产配置决策,需要历经多年才能取得回 报,这期间地缘政治情况却可能发生翻天覆地的 变化。风险可能以各种形式发生,例如以数据法 规、隐私法规、国家安全法规、外商投资法规、出 口管制法规等方式呈现。想要判断不同法规的未 来走向,掌握国家间的地缘政治动态尤其重要。 虽然没有什么万能法则,但在公司层面提升 对于这类问题的意识至关重要。一般来说,公司 在做出商业决策时不太会考虑地缘政治因素, 甚至律师也不常透过法律的白纸黑字,思考背 后的含义。 提高意识的方法有几种。首先,在公司内从 上到下展开培训,以期大家将此因素纳入决策 之中;第二,公司律师要普遍参与到所有关键交 易和决策之中,因此要扮演好“守门员”角色,看 到问题就及时指出;第三,问题过于棘手时应考 虑聘请外部顾问,我看到许多非律所机构聘请了 前任政府官员,为企业提供咨询服务。 总的来说,想成功应对这类问题,人们做决 策时的思维逻辑需要相应演变。 DANIEL LO,Cake Group,首席法务官:身处瞬 息万变的Web3产业之中,我们对于地缘政治事 件,尤其加密货币监管及市场的变化尤为敏感。 尤其近年,FTX、Terra Luna和Three Arrows Capital相继破产或爆出负面消息。我和团队的 工作重点之一即追踪web3重点市场,例如美 国、欧盟、英国、香港、新加坡的数字资产立法变 化,以为我们接下来的数字资产持牌计划提供 建议。 和金融监管者、web3领域律师及合规人员, 以及行业协会建立起友好关系十分重要。这样做 不仅能帮我了解市场未来走向,在与同业、监管 者一起为新法规出谋划策的过程中,我们也培 育出一种团结感。我们今天的建议,有可能在未 来成长为行业新标准。交流过程中获取的信息 都将帮助我在接下来几年为公司制定合理的法 律战略,应对未知领域的挑战,帮助公司实现全 球发展、寻求上市的目标。 是否要在某个市场积极推广某款去中心化 金融产品?某种特定加密货币是否会被列为证 券?对于我们来说这些问题构成持续的挑战,因 为不同地区政府和监管者会有不同的看法。一 家web3公司在制定法律战略时要时常展开风 险考量,在遭遇执法的可能性和严重性,以及成 功推动商业蓝海战略的可能性之间寻找平衡。 YI WONG,林增控股有限公司,总法律顾问:首 先我们需要树立这样的觉悟——中美科技战可能 只是一场更大冲突的序曲,而双方间在例外论、 战略目标层面的对立会使事情变得愈发复杂。 尤其对于科技产业来说,针对科技的投资限 制和合作减量可能意味着未来两大经济体之间科 技体系的互不兼容,因此需要遵从不同的合规要 点,这就带来不确定性,以及更高的商业成本。 BIG STORY