3 Asian Legal Business | December 2024 Hong Kong’s capital markets have witnessed a significant surge in takeprivate deals in recent years, as geopolitical tensions and China’s soft economic outlook dampen fundraising appetite in what was once Asia’s premier financial hub. The privatisation trend in Hong Kong reflects a broader recalibration of corporate strategies in response to evolving market realities. In 2022 and 2023, the Hong Kong Stock Exchange saw 16 and 12 completed take-private deals respectively, with the current year having seen 13 so far. Janney Chong, corporate finance partner at Robertsons, notes that the majority of these transactions involved companies incorporated in overseas jurisdictions primarily the Cayman Islands and Bermuda, giving rise to potential legal challenges due to discrepancies in take-private regulations in different jurisdictions. The example offered by L’Occitane International has illustrated the complexities of the market. Initially attracted by the booming Chinese market, L’Occitane International was grappling with challenges as the coutnry’s consumer demands shrunk, draining the company’s share prices. But its take-private journey was far from plain sailing, underscoring the technical difficulties involved, particularly for companies incorporated outside Hong Kong. To go private, L’Occitane International had to jump through the hurdles Cross-border regulatory advisory in demand as Hong Kong rides takeprivate wave 香港迎来私有化浪潮,跨境监管咨询 需求激增 of navigating complex regulatory requirements in both Hong Kong and Luxembourg, its place of incorporation. This process involved winning over regulators in both jurisdictions and using an alternative method based on the company’s articles of association to squeeze out remaining shareholders. In general, lawyers note that companies pursuing take-private deals could face numerous challenges, including regulatory barriers across different jurisdictions, high thresholds for shareholder approval, potential legal risks from dissenting shareholders, and significant time and cost investments. They must also carefully consider the long-term benefits of delisting against the loss of visibility and access to capital markets. Looking ahead, Chong anticipates that “take-private deals will remain active in the next 12 to 18 months in Hong Kong if market environment continues to be volatile and uncertain.” 近年来,随着地缘政治紧张局势加剧以 及中国经济前景不确定性较强,作为亚 洲曾经首屈一指的金融中心,香港如今 却正面临募资需求低迷的困境,其资 本市场因此经历了私有化交易的显著 增长。 香港的私有化浪潮反映了企业战略 应对市场现实的重新调整。在2022年和 2023年,香港联交所分别完成了16宗和 12宗私有化交易,而今年迄今已有13宗。 罗拔臣律师事务所企业融资业务合 伙人庄怡律师表示,这些交易大多数涉 BIG STORY 及注册地在海外(主要是开曼群岛和百慕 大)的公司,由于各司法辖区私有化规则 存在差异,可能会引发法律挑战。 法国化妆品巨头欧舒丹的私有化案 例就凸显了市场的复杂性。这家公司在 港交所上市14年后选择退出,理由是奢 侈品市场竞争加剧以及上市公司运营成 本飞涨。 当初因中国市场的繁荣前景而被吸 引至香港上市的欧舒丹,却因中国消费 者需求萎缩导致股价下跌,最终不得不选 择私有化。然而,这一过程并非一帆风顺, 尤其是对于注册地在香港以外的公司而 言,技术上的复杂性尤为明显。 为完成私有化,欧舒丹需跨越香港和 其注册地卢森堡的复杂监管要求。这一过 程包括赢得两地监管机构的批准,并依据 公司章程采取替代方法来强制收购剩余 股东的股份。 总体来看,律师们认为,私有化交易 中公司可能面临多重挑战,包括跨境监 管障碍、高股东批准门槛、异议股东的潜 在法律风险以及耗时且高成本的交易流 程。此外,公司还需慎重权衡退市带来的 长期利益与市场影响力和融资渠道减少 之间的利弊。 对公司来说,私有化程序的一大考验 是“人数测试”,特别是对注册地在百慕 大等特定离岸辖区的公司而言——百慕 大作为英国海外领地,与香港商业联系 密切,许多注册在百慕大的公司都选择 在港交所上市。 庄律师指出:“尽管香港、开曼群岛 和百慕大的私有化规则在大体上相似, 但最显著的差异在于百慕大协议安排中 的人数测试。” 根据庄律师的解释,百慕大协议安排 要求在法院指令召开的股东会议上,协议 必须获得出席会议股东人数多数且代表 股份面值四分之三的投票同意。类似的 “人数测试”在2014年已被香港废除, 在2022年被开曼群岛取消。“然而,这一 技术难题仍适用于百慕大协议安排,并 对涉及百慕大注册公司且在香港上市的 私有化交易产生影响。” 尽管不同司法辖区的私有化规则存 在差异,但庄律师认为,公司可能会继续 做出私有化的选择,其主要原因包括股价 与公司内在价值之间的显著差距、流动性 不足、交易不活跃以及融资机会有限等。 展望未来,庄律师预计,“如果市场 环境持续波动和充满不确定性,香港的 私有化交易在未来12到18个月内仍将 保持活跃”。 By Sarah Wong 作者:黄婉君 Briefs