37 Asian Legal Business | December 2024 ALB Greater Bay Area Legal Forum 2024 Wang Xuechen, Senior Partner, Director of Guangzhou Office, Kangda Law Firm 王学琛,高级合伙人、广州分所主任,康达律师事务所 Chen Huan, Deputy Director of LongAn Compliance Committee, LongAn Law Firm (Guangzhou) 陈焕,隆安全国合规委副主任,隆安(广州)律师事务所 Alice Sun, Senior Partner, P.C. Woo & Zhonglun W.D. LLP 孙淘,高级合伙人,中伦文德胡百全(前海)联营律师事务所 Steven Zhou, Gary Li, Yolanda Su, Zheng Haoxuan 周力思律师、李琼嘉先生、苏丹女士、郑浩旋先生 Kangda Law Firm Kangda Law Firm is a large full-service law firm headquartered in Beijing, China. It was founded in 1988 and is among the first private partnership law firms approved by the Ministry of Justice of China. The firm has won many honors such as National, Provincial, and Municipal Outstanding Law Firm, and has been repeatedly honored in various rankings of international legal research companies. At present, Kangda has 22 branch offices with more than 1,800 legal practitioners. Kangda not only ranks among the top in the traditional areas, such as criminal defense, civil and commercial dispute resolution, corporate legal services, and government and administrative legal affairs but also maintains its competitiveness in the securities and capital markets, bankruptcy liquidation and reorganization. Website: LongAn Law Firm Established in 1992, LongAn Law Firm is one of the earliest private law partnerships in China with over 550 partners and nearly 2200 attorneys in thirty-six offices across mainland China and Hong Kong, Long An advises and represents clients ranging from Fortune 500 companies to new economy start ups. As a full service firm, Long An lawyers advise financial institutions, connect technology and capital, resolve disputes, protect intellectual properties and contribute to legal scholarship and public interests. Long An has been ranked the top ten on the list of the Asia Top 50 Largest Law Firms and China Top 30 Largest Law Firms (by “Asian Legal Business”) and has also been ranked as Fast 10 Growing Law Firms in China for many times, and ranked in the top of China Elite Top 30 (by “The Lawyer”) as well. Website: P.C. Woo & Zhonglun W.D. LLP Zhonglun W&D Law Firm and P.C Woo & Co Solicitors joined hands to establish the association firm P.C. Woo & Zhonglun W.D. LLP, which inherits the vast resources and advantages of both firms to provide comprehensive China practice and Hong Kong legal services to our clients. Furthermore, the firm also benefits from Interlaw, extending our legal services to countries and regions across the globe in order to provide one-stop premium legal services for clients with cross-border matters involving multiple jurisdictions. The firm offers multilingual lawyers and a wide spectrum of legal services including but not limited to General Corporate Matters, Mergers & Acquisitions, Cross-Border Transactions, Securities and Finance, Private Equity, Tax, Real Estate and Construction, Intellectual Property and Information Technology, Employment, Immigration, Anti-Trust and Competition, Trusts and Asset Securitization, Litigation, Arbitration, and International Dispute Resolution, etc. Website: Workshop Sponsors professionals and thanks all participants and speakers for their support. 2024年12月5日,2024 ALB 粤港澳大 湾区论坛在广州四季酒店圆满举办。本 次论坛汇聚了百余位专业人士,近十 位分享嘉宾围绕企业合规、企业知识 产权保护、信托及大湾区企业的创新 发展等热点话题,进行了深度分享与 热烈讨论。 早上9点30分,大会正式开始。论 坛首先迎来的是第一个重磅的话题讨 论环节。由康达律师事务所高级合伙 人钟瑜律师主持,邀请到森那美汽车 集团中国区法务/合规负责人杜庚龙 先生、中国能源建设集团广东省电力 设计研究院有限公司法律部部长李林 蔚女士,就“新形势下,大湾区企业的 法律风险及合规挑战,以及应对策略” 展开探讨。 随后,论坛迎来了康达律师事务 所高级合伙人、广州分所主任王学琛 律师,他带来了题为“企业合规管理体 系搭建与贯标认证中的法律实践与思 考”的演讲。 茶歇过后,论坛迎来了隆安(广州) 律师事务所全国合规委副主任陈焕律 师,带来了题为“数字经济时代下企业 知识产权保护的挑战与机遇”的演讲。 气氛热烈的交流午餐后,论坛迎 来了下午的议程。 下午首先带来演讲的是中伦文德 胡百全(前海)联营律师事务所高级合 伙人孙淘律师。孙律师的演讲题目是 “如何选择一个安全的信托”。 随后,论坛迎来了第二个重磅的 话题讨论环节。由中伦文德胡百全联 营律师事务所副主任、高级合伙人周 力思律师担任主持,邀请到深圳市丰 巢科技有限公司法务部负责人李琼 嘉先生、伯恩光学控股有限公司法务 高级总监苏丹女士、惠州市德赛西威 汽车电子股份有限公司知识产权部部 门经理郑浩旋先生,就“前沿思维与多 元视角:大湾区企业业务发展的创新 探索及法律人的积极角色”展开精彩 分享。 在令人意犹未尽的讨论后,活动 进入到高潮的2024 ALB China粤港 澳大湾区法务团队颁奖环节,获奖法 务团队代表依次上台领奖,发表感言 心得 。 在与会者热烈的掌声中,2024 ALB粤港澳大湾区论坛圆满落幕。ALB 始终期待为法律人创造良好并有价值 的交流平台,感谢各位参会嘉宾和演 讲者对本次论坛的支持,期待不久后 再 见 !