38 Asian Legal Business | December 2024 Finalists announced: ALB China Regional Law Awards 2024: South & Central China 2024 ALB中国区域市场法律大奖: 华南地区&华中地区入围名单公布 After three months of rigorous research, ALB has revealed the finalists for the ALB China Regional Law Awards 2024: South & Central China. Now in its third consecutive year, this award celebrates outstanding achievements by individual legal professionals and firms across seven southern and central provinces and regions: Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Henan, Hubei, and Hunan. In the past three years, ALB has worked to enhance its offerings and support the growth of the South and Central China legal markets. This year, the awards received over 760 nominations—a 9 percent increase from last year—with 108 participating organizations. Notably, we saw a strong surge of interest from law firms and legal teams in Hunan, Hubei, Fujian, and Hainan, and welcomed first-time participants from Henan and Guangxi. Guangdong also contributed numerous new boutique firms to the mix. Furthermore, this year’s nominations for individual awards rose by 30 percent, while law firm nominations grew by 12 percent. Additionally, more than 80 percent of the in-house team nominees were first-time participants in the ALB regional awards. The 2024 awards feature 30 categories, including four new ones: IP In-House Team of the Year and IP Lawyer of the Year, celebrating legal professionals who support regional innovation; Cyber Security and Data Protection Law Firm of the Year and International Arbitration Law Firm of the Year, which highlight the evolving needs of the digital economy and the role of legal professionals in supporting Chinese companies expanding internationally. As pivotal hubs in China’s economy and gateways for global engagement, the South and Central China regions are crucial to the country’s future. This year’s nominations reflect the region’s leadership in innovation and its legal sector’s alignment with emerging industries like technology, renewable energy, big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and smart manufacturing. The region also leads in capital market activity, achieving numerous “firsts” domestically and abroad, while mergers and acquisitions are heating up amid the economic push for deeper industrial and supply chain integration. Additionally, the Greater Bay Area’s integration is fostering growth in cross-border transactions. Looking ahead, South and Central China will remain vital to China’s legal landscape. ALB will continue to support and celebrate the development and achievements of this region’s legal market! 经过近三个月的严谨调研,ALB 于近日公布了2024 ALB中国区域市 场法律大奖:华南地区&华中地区的 入围名单。这是ALB连续第三年聚焦 于中国南部和中部地区的7个省和自 治区,即福建省,广东省,广西壮族自 治区、海南省、河南省、湖北省和湖南 省,关注该区域成绩卓越的法律服务 个人和集体,以及他们在过去一年创 下的傲人业绩 。 过去三年,ALB不断完善和拓展产 品体系,全力支持华南、华中地区的法 律市场发展,助推区域法律服务水平 不断提升。我们的努力收到了显著成 效:今年,华南、华中大奖收到了超过 760项提名,较去年增长9%。参与机构 数量则达到了108家。值得一提的是, 越来越多来自湖南、湖北、福建、海南 的区域律所及法务团队快速崛起、热 情参与,并首度迎来河南、广西的参与 机构,此外,广东参与机构中也出现了 许多深耕精品领域的新面孔。 此外,今年的大奖个人类奖项提名 增长30%,律所类奖项提名增长12%, 法务类奖项提名中则有超过八成是 首次参与ALB区域大奖评选的团队 或个人。 今年的大奖共计30个类别,新增四 个奖项。其中年度知识产权法务组大 奖、年度知识产权律师大奖共同关注 为区域创新提供智慧支持的法律人; 年度网络安全与数据保护律师事务所 大奖、年度国际仲裁律师事务所大奖, 则聚焦数字经济时代的法律服务新业 态,以及在中国企业“大出海时代”保 驾护航的法律力量。 作为中国经济的发展重镇、中国对 外开放的高地,在今年的大奖提名信息 之中,我们深切感受到湖南、华中地区 应和时代发展脉搏,引领中国下一步 的发展路径,以及法律工作者在此过 程中扮演的重要角色。 我们观察到:第一,作为中国创新 高地,华南华中地区法律服务紧密围 绕科技、互联网、新能源、大数据、云 计算、人工智能、智能制造领域展开; 第二,该地区资本市场业务引领全国 发展,在境内外市场均创造了多个“首 宗”案例;第三,当下经济环境促进该 地区产业、供应链深化整合,提升了并 购交易热度;第四,区域,尤其大湾区 融合效应提升,众多交易、上榜机构拥 有涉港澳元素。 ALB China Regional Law Awards 2024: South & Central China