15 Asian Legal Business | February 2025 and legal services differ significantly from developed nations and China. Therefore, considerations extend beyond just legal systems. “Projects are time-sensitive. Lawyers must help clients select investment destinations, manage risks, and resolve disputes throughout planning, approval, and implementation phases. They must also ensure secure project completion and fund repatriation. This demands exceptional communication skills and robust overseas risk assessment capabilities.” Wang Jihong emphasizes the need for extra caution when dealing with developing nations. “Compliance issues, including bribery and corruption risks, can be significant in less developed countries. Additionally, not all countries operate with ‘China speed’ - differences in efficiency and business culture can significantly impact project execution. Some countries also experience frequent policy changes and weak contract enforcement, affecting project stability. These challenges require experienced Chinese lawyers to guide companies toward more sophisticated responses.” “Transaction lawyers need more than legal expertise,” Wang adds. “Deep industry knowledge is crucial for providing practical legal solutions.” “The legal services market is evolving rapidly, and lawyers must stay ahead of their clients in understanding new developments and fields to remain relevant,” Wang observes. She notes that most Chinese companies venturing globally are still relatively inexperienced compared to established multinational corporations. Consequently, Wang leads her transaction team in providing structural guidance, pre-market entry training, and local resource connections during project implementation - services that have become their team’s distinctive strengths. Looking ahead Despite global economic uncertainties and ongoing market pressures, the leading lawyers maintain an optimistic outlook for outbound investment services. “In recent years, emerging regions like Southeast Asia and the Middle East have become attractive destinations for Chinese companies, thanks to favorable policies, abundant industrial resources, and business-friendly environments,” says Xu. “This has created expanded opportunities for overseas investment lawyers. However, Chinese companies are now demanding increasingly sophisticated legal services.” Cover Story 2025 ALB China 十五佳出海业务律师 陆学忠 Felix Lu 上海市锦天城律师事务所高级合伙人 luxuezhong@allbrightlaw.com +86 13764535984 陆学忠律师是锦天城律师事务所高级合伙人,同时担任华东政法大学法律硕士校外导 师,主要在上海办公室工作。陆律师同时具有中国及美国纽约州律师资格。 陆学忠律师所擅长的业务领域包括企业海外投资、跨境投资与并购、企业重组、私募 与风险投资等,所涉及行业主要涵盖医疗健康与医药、房地产、TMT、高端制造、零 售与消费等,且在前述业务领域和行业领域具有近二十年的丰富实践经验。陆律师曾 代表众多世界五百强企业、国际及国内知名的投资机构以及企业集团参与了一系列跨 境交易。陆律师曾被国际法律服务评级机构LEGALBAND评为“新锐合伙人15强”, 并入选上海市司法局首届鼎新法治人才库。 曾有客户对陆律师评价道:陆律师具备深厚的法学专业素养与可贵的敏锐商业思维, 在以客户需求为导向的前提下,陆律师擅长创造性地提出交易方案设计,能够在巧妙 规避潜在法律风险的同时,通过多方共赢的合作布局,协助项目稳健推进。正是因为 陆律师的专业表现、谈判能力及责任意识,使其成为始终令人信赖并感到安心的存在。